Chapter 18

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When Ruby woke up the next morning, she stayed in her bed instead of running around the room screaming at the top of her lungs like usual. She was proud of her teammates, and she thought it best to let them rest after the great work they did with Roman and the Grimm. She smiled as she laid there and, after a few minutes, pulled the sheet off the top of her bed and hopped down to change. When she was dressed in her signature outfit and clasped her red cape to her back, she walked out of the bathroom and saw that her three other teammates were up and talking on the floor, still in their pajamas. Ruby walked over to them and sat down with them, joining their conversation.

Yang looked over to her, smiled, and said "Good morning sis!"

When Ruby returned the greeting, Weiss said "We were just talking about how great it'd be to have a day off and relax! But, we also know that the tournament is coming up really soon, and we may need to train some more. As team leader, you have the final say of course."

Ruby thought about it and smiled, saying "I think we've earned a day off! Come on girls, get dressed, we're gonna have an awesome day today!"

Her three teammates smiled widely and got up, getting into their combat outfits and walked out into the hallway.

There, Ruby asked her team "So where do you guys wanna go today? Walk around the town, maybe go to the Forever Fall Forest?"

The three decided that going into town would be fun, so they all walked out to the courtyard to take an airship to town. When they were walking towards it, Weiss suddenly stopped and gasped, putting her hand to her mouth.

Confused, Ruby turned around and said "Weiss? Are you okay?"

Weiss pulled her hand down and said "It completely slipped my mind! With all the craziness recently, I'd forgotten! My sister is coming to the school today!"

Yang asked "Your sister? Winter, the Atlas Specialist?"

Weiss nodded. She gulped and said "If you thought I was a perfectionist, she's me times five! Although, it'll be nice to see her again after so long."

Ruby walked over to Weiss, and placed her hand on her shoulder, saying "Well, as your leader and BFF, I think it is necessary to...accompany you for your reunion with your dear old sister!"

Weiss thought for a moment, sighed, and said "Alright Ruby...I suppose that's alright, but only as team leader! Just, don't embarrass me or yourself!"

Ruby waved her hand and said "Pffftt, when have I ever done that?"

Blake spoke up and said "Umm, so are we not going to town then?"

Ruby frowned slightly, before she smiled and said "You and Yang can go to town, enjoy yourselves and have fun! We'll meet up with you shortly after we talk to Winter!"

Yang and Blake nodded, and they set off on the ship. It flew off over the waterfall and towards Vale, leaving Ruby and Weiss alone.

Ruby asked "Soooo, when is she supposed to get here?"

Weiss looked at her Scroll and said "In about half an hour. We can walk around the courtyard until she lands."

Ruby nodded and walked along with Weiss around the courtyard, waiting for Winter to come.
When Blake and Yang arrived in Vale, Yang immediately asked "Alrighty Blake, what do you want to do first?"

Blake said "I just want to walk around town for a bit, it'll be relaxing."

Yang nodded and said "Okay, let's walk and talk."

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