Chapter 28

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A few more days passed with nothing big happening. Every day Team RWBY would walk around the Festival Grounds, trying new foods and looking at new stands. Ruby and Weiss spent a lot more time together, and they learned to really appreciate each other's company. Soon, it was time for Weiss and Yang to fight their next opponents, Team FNKI from Atlas. The two walked out of the waiting room, waving and smiling as cheers erupted all around them.

Weiss looked up to see her partner standing on the railing, hands cupped over her mouth and screaming "SHOW THEM HOW IT'S DONE SIS!! YOU'VE GOT THIS WEISSY!!!"

Weiss blushed, looked up, and saw...Ruby blowing her a kiss? She closed her eyes and shook her head before looking up again and seeing Ruby sitting back down in her chair, her face noticeably redder, but still grinning.

When they reached the center, Yang put her arms behind the back of her head and said "Alright, you're from Atlas, what can we expect?"

Weiss put a hand on her hip and said "Well, seeing as how their kingdom, academy, and military are all merged into one, I think we can expect strong, militant fighters with advanced technology and rehearsed strategies."

As she finished, a rainbow zoomed by the two of them, much to their confusion, only to stop and reveal a girl wearing roller blades and a pink cat tail. She stopped to the side of a dark skinned man wearing a fedora and sunglasses, and holding a trumpet in one hand. These two were Flynt Coal and Neon Katt.

Weiss, recovering from her confusion quickly, said "...Or, whatever they are."

Flynt, startling Weiss, said "Hey! You're Weiss Schnee right? The heiress."

Weiss smiled and said "I am!"

Flynt said "I take it you're pretty good with Dust then?"

Weiss humbly said "I do my best."

Flynt narrowed his eyes and said "Yeah! My dad was good too, owned a little dust shop of his own! ...Till your father's company ran him out of business..."

Weiss frowned and said "Oh...I'm truly sorry to hear that..."

Yang rushed to her defense, saying "Hey, why don't you-"

Neon spoke up this time, smiling and saying "Hey, why don't YOU? That's what you sound like!"

Yang, taken aback, said "Uh, I-"

Neon cut her off, saying "You should try rolling blading some time, it's super fun! It'll probably take you a while though cuz you're, you know, top-heavy."

Yang, angry, said "Excuse me?!"

The roulette wheel started spinning behind them, and four arenas rose up. Geysers, ruined buildings, volcanic rock, and a sandy desert took up the four quarters of the arena.

Port's voice over the speaker said "Three, two, one, begin!!"

Flynt immediately blew into his trumpet, firing a powerful sonic wave that blasted Weiss and Yang backwards. Weiss created a gravity glyph and slowly started heading towards Flynt, but Yang was sent flying back into the ruined buildings biome. Neon followed her quickly. Weiss continued to move forward, but Flynt stopped playing, startling Weiss and sending her forward. Flynt delivered a kick to her back, which sent her soaring into the volcanic section of the arena. Yang fell to the ground and groaned, getting up and getting into a fighting stance. Neon flew by her in a rainbow, and she suddenly felt her leg feel heavy and cold. She looked down to see it encased in ice.

Neon pointed at her and giggled, saying "Now you're bottom heavy too!"

Yang slammed her leg on the ground, freeing it. Neon smirked and zoomed past her again, this time freezing Yang's arm. Neon zigged and zagged, dodging wreckage and flying towards Yang, kicking her in the chest. Yang flew right into a wall, getting up, growling, and slamming her arm into the wall, shattering the ice.
On the other side, Weiss and Flynt were staring each other down. Weiss spun around, forming four white glyphs and sending giant ice spikes at Flynt. Flynt looked down at the ground and smirked, doing a flip and blowing his trumpet as soon as a lava blast came out of the ground. The sound waves combined with the blast, melting the ice.

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