Chapter 9

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After more planning and pointers from Qrow, Team RWBY felt confident that their plan could work, if done correctly. After thanking and saying goodbye to Qrow , they walked back to their dorm to change into their undercover outfits. Ruby put on her outfit, named "Slayer", which had a gray shirt with a black skirt and a corset. The skirt had a black print of her rose emblem on it. She kept her red hood on, but had wrapped it around her neck to make it look like a scarf, and she put on dark red combat boots. Weiss put on her outfit, which she called "Snow Pea", which consisted of a white jacket with black buttons and a tall collar over a white dress that had black trimmings. She had black heels on, and Myrtenaster was attached to her left hip. Blake's outfit, "Intruder", included a white v-neck zip up shirt and black paints, with a long piece of black fabric tied around her waist. Around her wrists were black ribbons, and on her feet were black high heeled boots. Finally, Yang changed into hers, nicknamed "Hunter", which had a cream colored vest underneath a dark brown jacket with a high collar. She also wore a miniskirt, with leggings that reached up to her thighs along with brown boots.
When all of them had changed, they walked out of the dorm building. It was the middle of the day, with the sun shining the world with its bright and warm light, not a single fluffy cloud sighed in the pure blue sky. They went over the plan one last time, wished each other good luck, and went their separate ways. Ruby and Weiss went to the CCT tower, Blake went to the library to fill Sun in on the plan, and Yang went to go fetch her motorcycle, Bumblebee.
Ruby and Weiss were at the base of the gigantic CCT tower in Vale, under its massive shadow. Ruby was shaking with tons of excitement.

She looked up to the top of the tower and said "Wooow! The transmit towers so big up close!"

Weiss smiled and said "You think this ones big? You should see the one in Atlas!"

Ruby asked "That was the first one right?"

Weiss answered her with enthusiasm and in an intelligent tone. "Yes it was. Atlas created the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow contact between the kingdoms. It was their gift to Remnant after the Great War."

Ruby smirked and imitated Weiss' posture and body movements, saying in a mocking voice "Oh look at me, my name is Weiss, I know facts! I'm rich!" She giggled into her hands as Weiss scoffed at her.

"Oh hush up you! The only reason we're here is to check on White Fang activity, not marvel at the tower!"

Ruby retorted "But it's just so cool! I need to take a picture of this!" she said as she pulled out her Scroll. Unfortunately, her excitement caused her to send the Scroll flying. The Scroll landed next to a girl, a girl who had short, curly orange hair. She wore a pink bow on the back of her head, and she had really bright green eyes. She was wearing a grayish white blouse with a light green and black collar on her neck, and she wore grayish overalls. She also wore stockings the same color as her collar, green and black that reached up to her waist. This girl was Penny Polendia. Penny failed to recognize Ruby, and she picked up her Scroll to bring it back to her.

Penny began to say "Oh! You dropped this...." She then recognized Ruby, and her eyes widened.

Ruby was shocked. She exclaimed "Penny?! Where have you been?! We haven't seen you in a while!!"

Penny said "Uh, you must be confused, I've never met you before." As soon as she said that, she suddenly hiccuped. She then turned around quickly and ran away.

Ruby said, reaching out "Wait, Penny! Come back!" She then quickly ran after her.

Weiss yelled out "Ruby! What's going on? Where are you going?!"

Ruby yelled back "I'm so sorry Weiss, I gotta go after her! You just make your call, I'll catch up with you later!"
Weiss sighed angrily and shook her head, heading toward the elevator that would take her up to the CCT Tower.
Penny was running extremely fast, and Ruby was having trouble keeping up with her. Penny ran right onto a street, and Ruby called out to her.

"Pennnyy! What's going on? Why are you running away from me? You can talk to me!"

Penny looked back at her and failed to notice a truck headed right towards her. Its loud horn warped her back to reality and she looked at it. It was too late to move out of the way so she put her hands out to stop the truck. Ruby covered her mouth with her hands in shock, but as the dust cleared, Penny wasn't harmed at all. In fact, she was keeping the truck at bay. Penny looked horrified as she let go of the truck and ran into an alley, farther and farther away from Ruby. Ruby quickly followed behind.
Weiss had entered the tower, and she was walking towards a green desk. As she approached, a holographic image of a woman was typing at a desk.

The woman looked up, smiled, and said "Hello, I am the CCT AI! How can I help you?"

Weiss said "I need to head to the communication room please."

The woman said "Of course, please place your Scroll on this spot here to verify your identity."

Weiss placed it on the reader, and the woman said "Thank you Miss Schnee, have a pleasant day!"
Weiss walked to another elevator and pressed the top button to the communication room. When she got there, she walked towards another desk, where the same image materialized.

Weiss said "I would like to contact the secretary of the Schnee Dust Company capital building in Atlas."

The woman nodded and said "Of course, if you could just head over to hub 3 please."
Weiss headed to the assigned hub, and she sat down at the chair. A vid screen came up, with a woman with blonde hair sitting at a desk with the SDC symbol behind her.

The woman smiled and said "Thank you for contacting the SDC-Oh, Miss Schnee! How can I help you today?"

Weiss said "I need files on recent White Fang activity in Vale. It's....for a school project!"

The woman raised an eyebrow suspiciously and replied "Very well, sending them to your Scroll now." As Weiss got the files, the woman spoke again "Do you wish to contact your father? You haven't spoken to him in a while."

Weiss' face broke into a frown, but she quickly smiled and said "No, that's quite alright! Thank you for the files!"

The woman also frowned for a split second before smiling again and saying "Oh, of course! Have a pleasant day ma'am!"

And with that, the chat room was closed, leaving Weiss to stare at her unhappy face in the reflection of the monitor. She got up and headed to the exit of the tower, checking through the new files she had just received. As she looked up to the sky, she sighed, and headed back towards Beacon.

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