Chapter 26

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Weiss and her team had tons of fun during the party, even if it was just the four of them. There was laughing, talking, eating, and watching movies. After all was done and the cake Ruby made eaten, Ruby, Blake, and Yang got up and grabbed their gifts for Weiss. Blake gave her gift to Weiss first, and inside was a book that Weiss was interested in. Yang got her a gift card to a restaurant she really liked. Finally, her partner came back with her red wrapped gift. When Ruby handed it to Weiss, she blushed dark red and looked at the ground.

Weiss raised an eyebrow and asked "Are you okay Ruby? Your face is flushed..."

Ruby, embarrassed, looked up and said "O-Of course I a-am! N-Now open your g-gift!"

Weiss opened the box and gasped. Inside was a golden heart necklace that had the name "Weiss" in sparkling silver letters. Weiss was struck silent, and she stared at the heart for a long time. Yang and Blake looked at each other and smirked, nodding.

After a while, Ruby asked "Do you like it? I made it myse-"

She couldn't finish her sentence because Weiss wrapped her up in a huge hug, sobbing into her shoulder.

She swallowed and said "I love it Ruby...Thank you...This means so much to me..."

Ruby hugged her back and said "You're welcome Weiss..."

She looked up and saw Yang and Blake grinning at her, and she nervously giggled before disconnecting from Weiss. Weiss got up to clean, looking at Ruby and smiling with a blush. After everything was cleaned up and all the supplies put away, Yang walked up to her sister, who was staring at Weiss, her cheeks pink.

She smirked and said "I need to talk to you Ruby. Come on."

She grabbed her arm and led her out into the empty hallway.

As she was doing this, Blake looked over to Weiss and said "Hey Weiss? Can we talk?"

Weiss raised an eyebrow, but said "Sure."

She walked over and sat next to Blake as Ruby was talking to Yang outside.
Yang crossed her arms and said in a very serious tone "Rubes, it's obvious what's going on here. You have a crush on Weiss."

Ruby widened her eyes and blushed, stuttering out "W-Wha..?! N-No I don't...!"

Yang sighed and said "You keep insisting to be with her, trying your best to make her feel better, glancing at her and smiling with a blush on your cheeks, always being so cheerful and happy when she's around you. You made her that adorable heart necklace. I've never seen you act like this before, you must like her."

Ruby covered her face with her hands and asked in a quiet voice "Is it that obvious...?"

Yang put her arm on her sister's shoulder and said "Yeah, it is. And that's okay, I'm pretty certain she likes you too. I think you two could be a great couple, you should tell her your feelings!"

Ruby paced back and forth, saying "But it's Weiss! She's perfect! What if I don't meet her expectations? What if..."

Yang pulled her into a hug and said "You're the only one she smiles around. You've changed her in a good way, she's a lot more happy and warm then she was before she got to know you. Whenever you feel the time is right, you tell her how you feel."

Ruby nodded and hugged her back, unaware that the exact same conversation was going on between Weiss and Blake.
Blake cut right to the chase, saying "Weiss, it's painfully obvious, you have a huge crush on Ruby."

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