Chapter 11

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After a short while, Yang was cheerfully looking at the small glass that was sitting before her. Per her request, she didn't have any ice in it, and she even got a little umbrella with it. She picked it up and chugged the whole thing down in one swig. Satisfied, she looked back to Junior, and started asking questions about why she came.

She asked "So, the night I came in here and wrecked this place up, a man named Roman Torchwick left with a few of your men. Why?"

Junior picked up the glass she drank out of and started cleaning it out with a white cloth. After a little while, Junior just said "I don't know. All I know is after that night they never came back."

Yang sighed and threatened him, activating Ember Celica and saying angrily "If you're lying, you know what I'm capable of. Don't lie to me!"

Junior looked horrified, held his hands up, and said "I'm serious! I don't know where they went!"
Yang backed down and deactivated her gauntlets, walking away from Junior, leaving him alone to sigh and look down.
After walking out of the old club building, Yang sat down on her trusty yellow motorcycle, looking at her Scroll and sending the girls her disappointing report.
Blake and Sun were still at the rally, watching as Roman went on and on about how this robot will help show the humans who's boss and that they'll make humans beg for mercy. After a thunderous amount of applause and cheers, Roman pulled out a cigar and started to smoke it, walking off the stage over to where Neo was waiting, clapping to congratulate Roman.

While Blake was glaring daggers at him underneath her Grimm mask, Sun tapped her on the shoulder with his tail and said "So what now?"

Blake looked over at him and said "I don't know, I wasn't expecting him to unveil a giant Atlesian robot!"'

"Well we gotta do something!"

While they were talking, Roman looked over to them, narrowed his eyes, and angrily threw his cigar on the floor. He then started walking towards them Blake looked back and noticed he was looking at them very closely, and quickly looked for a distraction.

She saw a breaker switch, and said to Sun "He sees us! I have a plan, I'm going to flip off that switch and turn the lights off, then we can escape!"
Sun gave her a thumbs up and got ready to run. Blake pulled out Gambol Shroud, and threw her sword at the switch. The whole warehouse was plunged into darkness, and everyone gave out frightened yells, except for Roman, who yelled out "DAMN IT! SOMEONE GET THEM!"
Blake and Sun quickly got out of the building and caught their breaths, only to hear the metallic whirring of the robot coming from inside the warehouse. The robot broke right through the warehouse wall, and Blake and Sun ran as fast as possible as the robot quickly gave chase behind them. Blake and Sun jumped onto the roofs of buildings, hopping from roof to roof as the robot still followed. Blake pulled out her Scroll and started calling her teammates for some backup.
Ruby, Weiss, and Yang picked up the call while Blake said "Help! We need backup! There's a giant mech that's chasing us across town! Romans in it!"
Weiss was sitting down at a table as she heard what Blake was saying. When Blake finished, Weiss just rolled her eyes and started running towards the highways, where her Scroll told her Blake was headed.

Ruby, who was still in the alley where Penny left here, was excited as she heard what Blake said. She then said out loud "Oh I am NOT missing this!"

Yang said "Where are you guys?!"
As soon as she said that, Sun, Blake and Roman ran right across her line of sight, with Sun yelling out "WE'RE OVER HERRRREEEE!!"
Yang sighed and quickly turned on her motorcycle, giving chase to the three of them.
Blake and Sun had now gotten to the very populated highways, hopping from car to car away from Roman, much to the dislike of the drivers, as they angrily honked their horns at them. The giant robot just ran right through them, throwing them all around to get to Blake and Sun. Yang had now caught up to them on her motorcycle, and she was dodging all around to stay close to them.

As Blake and Sun landed on top of a truck, Sun said "Hang on, Ive got an idea!"

Sun smashed his palms together and with a flash of light two glowing yellow clones of himself appeared to the left and right of him. They both hopped from car to car, and flew straight into the robot with a blinding flash of light, disorienting Roman. Angry, Roman set the robot to fire a Dust blast at Sun, and it fired a large blue energy beam. Sun tried to pull out Ruyi Jingu Bang, but he wasn't fast enough. The blast hit him directly, and he went soaring off and over the railing.

Blake looked worried and yelled out "SUN!"

Suddenly, her Scroll got a call. It was Weiss. Weiss said "Blake, I'm in position!"
Weiss was further down the highway, standing in the way of traffic, with cars swerving to the left and right of her. She pulled out Myrtenaster, spun around, and stuck it into the ground. As the blade hit the ground, a giant wave of ice coated it, causing the cars to slip and slide. The robot was still running, and it slipped on the ice, flipping and falling off the railing and landing on the ground below the highway.
As it fell, it raised back up to see Ruby holding her scythe, glaring at it angrily. Blake threw her weapon and it stuck to a stone pillar, allowing her to swing safely down with her ribbon to where Ruby was. Weiss had used her gravity glyphs to lower herself and Yang down, who had left her motorcycle on the highway.

Ruby saw that some of their team attacks would be useful, and she started off by saying "Freezer Burn!"

Weiss did the same trick as before, spinning around and planting her sword into the ground, causing a giant circle of ice to form. Yang jumped up and shot her gauntlets right into the center, which made the ice explode into icy mist. With Roman blinded, Ruby and Blake ran in, attacking the robot's two feet. They cut at the feet with a few slices, and it toppled over. However, shortly afterwards the robot got back up and fired missiles at the girls.
Weiss caused a huge ice spike to come out of the ground, and it took the blasts of the missiles, except for Yang, who was farther away from the girls. She took a direct hit from the missile, and went soaring into a stone pillar. She then fell down onto the ground, groaning.

Blake was worried and said "Yang! Are you okay?!"

Ruby patted her on the shoulder and smiled saying "It's okay! You'll see!"

The three girls ran around the ice, and Ruby yelled out "Ice Flower!"

Weiss activated an ice glyph, and Ruby stuck her scythe into the ground, aiming the rifle through the glyph. She then shot a bullet, and the bullet turned into an ice bullet and stuck into the robot. It left a huge ice block stuck in the robot's arm joint, making sure it couldn't move. Ruby did the same with the other arm and it's two legs, making the robot completely immobile.

Yang got back up and saw that the robot wasn't able to move. She smirked and activated her semblance, hair glowing and eyes burning. She ran towards the robot, and used a boost from her gauntlets, aiming right at the robot's center. She then punched the robot right in the center as hard as she could, and it split into pieces, with Roman flying back and slamming onto the floor. Roman got up and dusted himself off, grumbling angrily. He looked up to see Yang giving him a murderous glare, hair still flaming. She shot a Dust shell, and Roman could do nothing except look away and hold his hands up.
Just before it hit him, a pink parasol got in the way and blocked the fire blast. The wielder of the parasol pulled it back and rested it on her shoulder, twirling it around, smiling.

Roman looked back and said "Thank you Neo! Now how about we get out of her huh?"
Neo nodded and turned to team RWBY, bowing to them. Yang rushed up and went to punch them, but when she did, they shattered like glass. The girls then looked up to see them flying away in an airship, safe as can be.

Ruby said "Well done team! This calls for a celebration! Come on, let's go home!"
The four girls then headed back to Beacon, chatting excitedly about how awesome their fight with the robot was.

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