Chapter 6

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In the library, Team RWBY sat down at one table and did their own things. Ruby pulled out a comic book, Weiss got started on an essay for Dr. Oobleck, Yang pulled out her scroll to play games, and Blake...was nowhere to be seen.
Ruby noticed this first, looked around and said "Hey, where's Blake? Wasn't she with us when we were walking here?"
Weiss looked up from her essay, turned toward Ruby, and said "I don't know, but haven't you noticed that she's a bit...distant and moody lately?"

Yang spoke up, keeping her eyes on her game, saying "Well you obviously haven't met Blake before, she's always like that."
Weiss then put her paper and pen down, and said with a voice full of concern "Yes, but she's been doing it way more than usual...She's always looking at her little journal, it looks like she hasn't gotten sleep in days, her grades are declining, she's barely eating...I'm really worried about her..."

Ruby agreed with Weiss and said "I don't know what to do...I'm not very good at the whole 'talking with friends' thing...There has to be something we can do...Maybe we should corner her and ask about it tonight?"

The three of them decided that they would ask Blake about what was nagging her after classes today, and continued with what they were doing.
Meanwhile, Blake was shut up in their dorm room, laying on her soft bed and looking through her journal. She was flipping through it until she got to a picture of a man, a red haired man with bull ears, who was wearing a Grimm mask with red highlights, the rest of his face not hidden by the mask looking deadly serious. He was holding a blood red sword in his right hand, his other hand holding onto a black sheathe. He wore a black suit with a wilting bright red rose on the back of his shirt. She knew this man very well, her former partner and mentor, Adam Taurus.
She lingered on this picture for a while, thinking about her memories with Adam. She saw him as a person fighting for the Faunus, to be treated as equal with the humans.
However over time she saw him fall into darkness, killing them left and right, disregarding their lives as if they were nothing but animals. He saw himself as the perfect savior, the golden boy, the very spitting image of what the Faunus should really be in the world. However, Blake didn't like this one bit. She wanted to be treated the same as humans, not ruling over them. So she ran. She ran far away from him and the White Fang, starting a new life as a Huntress. She sighed and shut the journal, hiding it under her pillow. She then walked out the door and headed to her next class with her teammates.
After a beyond boring class of Grimm Studies with Port that seemed to drag on for eternity, the bell rung, signaling the end of the day.  After dinner and some time in the library, RWBY headed back to the familiar dorm room. As soon as the four of them entered the room, Yang immediately shut the door and stood in front of it, preventing anyone from leaving.
Blake was full of confusion and asked "Uh, what're you doing Yang?"
Weiss walked straight up to Blake and spoke up "We've all been talking, and we've noticed you're being really strange and reserved, which I get, it's kind of your 'thing', but you've been doing it a lot more than usual. This is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us that you'd tell us when something was wrong." She then zoomed to a chair, picked it up, balanced on the top of it, pointed at Blake, and shouted "So, Blake Belladonna, what is WRONG??"
She stayed there, struggling to stay on the chair while her teammates just stood there completely dumbfounded. She then quickly placed the chair back where it was, and waddled right back in front of Blake.
Blake spoke "I don't understand how all of you can be so calm!"

Ruby spoke "You're still worried about that night huh?"

"YES! Our enemies are plotting, and we can't just wait around and do nothing! We have to do something!!"

Yang walked away from the door and said "Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it."

"Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!"

Weiss retorted "Oh don't you even THINK about going out there by yourself! If you're going to do this, then we're all going to do this together!"

Ruby looked around at her team, saw that they were all thinking the same thing, and said "Then it's decided! We'll hatch a plan, and we'll stop Torchwick and the White Fang! All in favor?"
She put her hand out in front of her.
Yang walked up and added her hand. Weiss did the same. Blake hesitated for a second, nodded, then added her hand as well. They all lifted them together and cheered out loudly. After that, they went to sleep, all of them excited to get started on their master plan to finally put an end to the White Fang's operations in Vale.

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