Chapter 24

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The girls all walked off the airship and looked at where they were dropped off. Instead of the busy streets, they were standing in a field, surrounded by tons of tents and stands, all advertising different things in honor of the Vytal Festival. Ruby was squealing loudly, looking at all the students from other academies walking around, focusing on their crazy and unique weapons.

Weiss rolled her eyes and waved her hand in front of Ruby to get her attention back, saying "Alright fangirl, enough! We're here to see what the grounds have to offer, not swoon over weapons!"

Ruby blushed and looked down, saying "Sorry Weiss, but you gotta admit all of them are really cool!"

Weiss scoffed and looked up, seeing a noodle shop. She motioned for the girls to follow her, and they all sat down. As Weiss sat down, she got a call on her Scroll. She picked it up and saw the word "FATHER" on it. She glared at the Scroll and hung up, shoving the device back into her pouch pocket, which was noticed by Ruby. An old man came out and smiled at them, asking them what they wanted.

Yang smirked and said "I'll have a regular please!"

A giant bowl filled to the brim with noodles slid in front of her, and she licked her lips in anticipation, lavender eyes full of excitement.

Ruby was astonished at Yang's bowl, and she said "Ohhh, I'll take a same!"

Another giant bowl slid in front of Ruby, and she clasped her hands in excitement.

Weiss looked up to the shopkeeper and asked "Do you have anything with a low salt?"

Yet another bowl skidded in front of her, much to the heiress' confusion. Blake silently nodded to the shopkeep, and he zoomed into the store, only to immediately come back out and slap a bowl of fish in front of the cat Faunus. Blake's eyes widened and the largest smile appeared on her face before digging in.

Yang looked over and asked "So, who's paying?"

The three other girls looked to each other before Weiss said "Certainly not me! It's my..."

She trailed off, blushing and looking to the ground.

Ruby raised an eyebrow and asked "Weiss? You okay?"

Weiss looked back up and smiled, saying "O-Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

Ruby gave a suspicious look to her BFF before widening her eyes and yelling "IS IT YOUR BIRTHDAY?!?"

Weiss stuttered out "Pipe down! H-How'd you know that?!"

Ruby smirked and said "It's a BFF thing! Why didn't you tell your own bestie?"

Weiss frowned and tears welled up in her eyes before saying "I-I'd rather not talk about it now..."

Ruby grabbed Weiss' hand with her own and whizzed her away from the table, leaving Yang and Blake alone, looking very confused.
Ruby and Weiss landed away from all the tents and shops in the middle of an open plain.

Weiss looked over to Ruby and said "Ruby! Why'd you-MMMPH?!"

Ruby had put a hand over her mouth and said "Hush...Tell me why you're sad, no one's supposed to be sad on their birthday..."

Ruby lowered her hand as Weiss sighed and sat down on the ground, feeling the cold autumn air. She shivered lightly, before Ruby suddenly sat next to her, grabbing her red cloak and wrapping it completely around herself and Weiss to keep them warm and huddled up together. Weiss looked over to Ruby, who smiled, letting her best friend know she was there for her. She motioned for Weiss to tell her what was on her mind.

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