Chapter 5

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Team RWBY woke up the next morning, changed out of their pajamas and into their school uniforms, and hurried off to sparring class with Professor Goodwitch. They ran through the courtyard and into the main castle, and as soon as they entered through the castle door, the bell rung. Their hearts sank, and they hurried to the sparring room. As soon as they entered, Goodwitch's gaze, which was on her tablet, looked up to them with a stern look.
Ruby walked up to her and said "S-Sorry Professor, we were up late and we.."
Goodwitch then raised her hand to stop her, her face turned soft, and she said "It's alright Miss Rose, Professor Ozpin informed me that your team may be late, so you are excused. Now, have a seat, and we will begin."
After RWBY had sat down, Goodwitch said "Now, today you will be fighting one on one with an opponent based on random draw. You and your opponent will be decided on this screen." She pointed to a large holographic screen on the wall, "With the Vytal Tournament coming up soon, these fights will be watched over based on tournament rules, and all of you will have Aura meters to determine if you can still fight in the match. Once your Aura reaches a low level, you will be disqualified from the match, and your opponent will win. And please, do keep in mind how much Aura you have used throughout the match." As she said this, she looked over to Jaune Arc, who looked down embarrassed.
Goodwitch then wasted no time in tapping the tablet, and starting the random draw. On the large blue screen, Blake's picture appeared, and shortly after Yang's appeared next to her.
"Miss Belladonna, Miss Xiao Long, please change into your combat gear and-Yes, Miss Belladonna?"
Blake had risen her hand, and was frowning. She said "I'm really not feeling well Professor, can I please sit this one out?"
Goodwitch looked at her for a moment, sighed, and said "Very well Blake, you can sit this one out, however you will not be able to skip out on any more sparring classes after today, do you understand?" Blake nodded.
"Well, we'll have to find you another opponent Miss Xiao Long. Any volunteers?" She asked, looking over the group. After thirty seconds of no hands being raised, a boy in the back raised his.
Goodwitch looked over and asked "What's your name young man?"

The boy stood up, walked over and said  "Mercury Black, from Haven Academy."

"Well then Mr. Black, head over to the locker rooms and prepare for your battle."

Mercury headed to the locker rooms, and Yang did the same. After they both were in their combat gear and ready in the ring, Glynda called out "3, 2, 1,
Yang immediately rushed towards her opponent, shooting some rounds out her gauntlets behind her to give herself a boost of speed. Mercury jumped backwards, got some distance from Yang, and waited with his arms raised up. When Yang got towards him, intending to punch him with her left hand, he made his move. He dodged quickly to the left, and hit her in the back with his right leg as she moved past him. Yang went flying past Mercury, and fell face-first into the ground, sliding as she went.

Yang, furious, picked herself up quickly and shot some fire Dust shells from Ember Celica. Mercury smirked and raised his left leg up, foot pointed to the ceiling. As the fire bullets got towards him, he thrusted his leg forward, and a silver bullet came soaring out of his boot. The bullet intercepted Yang's fire bullet, and he shot out a few more to stop all of Yang's shots.
Yang was shocked at this, but saw an opportunity and quickly ran towards Mercury again. She shot another few fire rounds at Mercury and ran closely behind them. Mercury did the same thing as before, shooting the bullets with his own. However, before he could lower his leg, Yang punched him with her left hand again, and this time he couldn't dodge it.
Mercury went flying backwards, tumbling across the ring until he flew straight into the wall, leaving a crater. Yang then saw this as the perfect time to bombard Mercury with a flurry of punches, so she ran towards him once again as she activated her Semblance, hair flaming and her normally lavender eyes a burning hot red. Mercury's face turned into one of pure terror for a second, then he smirked. He got out of the wall, brushed himself off and calmly said "I forfeit."
Yang immediately stopped in her tracks and said "What?! Why?!"
Mercury merely shrugged and looked up as Goodwitch said "Well then, Yang Xiao Long wins by forfeit."
Yang just walked off towards the lockers to change, and Mercury did the same.
When they both came back up to the spectator stands, the bell rung. All the students went off to their next class, and Team RWBY went towards the library for their break period.

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