Chapter 17

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Ozpin sat at his desk, casually drinking from his mug. He calmly set it down, and was looking at his tablet when a breaking news alert invaded his current application.

The caption read out "LARGE SCALE GRIMM BREACH IN DOWNTOWN VALE" in big red letters.

Ozpin quickly pulled out his Scroll and informed his staff and all the available students to quickly head to the city to help defend the town from the Grimm.

He got up and looked down at the courtyard as a voice in his head said "Don't you think we should head down there as well?"

Ozpin answered the voice out loud by saying "This could very well be a diversion, we should stay here in case something happens."

With that, Ozpin continued to look out over the courtyard, watching as a number of airships headed to Vale to help stop the Grimm breach.
Ruby woke up quickly and gasped. She was sitting in a chair, the same chair that she was sitting in when she first met Salem. She tried to get up, but found that thick black ropes wrapped around her body from her neck to her feet, keeping her tied up to the chair. After taking in her surroundings and testing her bonds, she looked straight ahead to see Salem staring at her. She gasped and struggled even harder, but the ropes kept her to the chair. Salem chuckled and got up, slowly walking towards Ruby.

Once she got closer to her, Salem said coldly "So, he's filled you in on your eyes, but he hasn't told you everything...Typical Ozpin..."

Ruby stopped struggling and said "He told me enough! He told me you want to destroy everything!"

Salem laughed out loudly. After she stopped, she walked over and grabbed Ruby's chin with her hand, looking right into her fearful silver eyes and saying "Oh you poor, innocent little girl...I don't just seek that, there's another purpose. But I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet."

Ruby glared at Salem and jerked her head away, growling at her. Salem smirked and slowly walked back to the head of the table.

As she sat down she narrowed her eyes and said "I'd love to chat more with you Ms. Rose, but it looks like there's a surplus of Grimm headed towards you. We wouldn't want the people of Vale getting hurt, now would we?"

Ruby's eyes widened and she closed them, feeling the castle around her fade away, the chair and the ropes fading as well. She went from a sitting position to lying down on the ground, and her world turned to black.
When Ruby opened her eyes, she saw Weiss, Blake, and Yang looking down at her, icy blue, yellow, and lavender eyes full of concern. Weiss helped her sit up and she looked around, seeing broken pieces of rubble and parts of the train scattered around the middle of the city. Completely surrounding the four girls and Qrow were dozens of Grimm, Beowolves, Creeps, Death Stalkers, Nevermores, King Taijitus, and Ursai.

Ruby rubbed her head and asked "What...happened?"

Weiss pulled her off her feet and explained "When we hit the wall, the train broke through it, leading to downtown Vale. The Grimm ran right through the breach. All the people who were around evacuated. You fell unconscious, and you were mumbling weird things when we found you...Ruby, are you okay? We're all worried about you..."

Ruby nodded and said "I'm fine, really! Now, let's take care of these guys!"

They all nodded and pulled out their weapons, waiting as the Grimm growled and hissed at them from all sides. A large pack of them rushed forward, and the large battle between them and the Grimm had begun. They hacked and slashed at any one of them who dared to get close, causing a large cloud of black smoke to rise up from the ground. Ruby stuck her scythe into the ground to fire rounds at the Grimm, Weiss used different glyphs, Blake threw her ribbon every-which way, Yang unleashed a fury of attacks with her gauntlets, and Qrow activated his scythe to slash away at them. After a while of doing this, airships pulled into the town, with a team of second year students hopping down from above. The team's name was CFVY, led by Coco Adel, and they ran to intercept the Grimm that caught sight of them.
Professors Port and Oobleck also hopped out, working together to kill any Grimm that were unfortunate enough to catch their eye. Mercury and a strange green haired girl with red eyes also appeared and helped out. In the sky, numerous Atlas military ships soared down, dropping off robots to help aid in the fight.

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