Chapter 13

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Blake was tossing and turning in her sleep. She had been sleeping for two hours now, and she was having a very bad nightmare. She was standing on a moving train, holding her weapon in hand. The train was in a valley, and it was surrounded by red trees in the Forever Fall Forest. She was looking out to the trees, before she heard the steps of someone following her. She turned around to see Adam Taurus, on the car that was behind hers. Adam's face turned from one of victory to one of pain as he held out his hand to reach out to her, but he was too far away.

Blake just calmly looked out to him, said "Goodbye," and cut the couplings holding the cars together.

She drifted away from him, sheathing her weapon and placing it on her back. She turned around and sighed as she waited for the train to reach its destination, her black hair and bow blowing in the wind. Suddenly, she heard someone land behind her. Quickly pulling out her weapon, she turned and saw that Adam had somehow jumped onto her train car, despite the other car being hundreds of feet away at this point.

He smirked and unsheathed Wilt, his blood red sword. Blake's eyes widened, and she quickly dodged out of the way as Adam went for a horizontal slice. He followed closely behind with a strong cut down, and she blocked it with her own blade. She jumped backwards and activated her gun, firing a few shots from it. Adam quickly blocked the bullets with his sword, absorbing the energy and sheathing the blade. As he did, everything around the train turned a deep black. Blake knew what this meant, and she tried to run, but she tripped and fell. She could only watch as Adam's clothes, hair, and sword glowed a bright red. He quickly sliced the air with the sword, and a giant blood red wave zoomed towards Blake. It sent her flying back, and she was frozen with fear, only able to watch as Adam slowly walked towards her.

When he got right in front of her, however, he just sheathed his sword and said "Blake, wake up!"

Blake was confused and asked "What?"

Adam said again, more forcefully this time "Blake! WAKE UP!!"

This time, he unsheathed his blade and was about to stab Blake, but Blake closed her eyes and had a sensation like she was falling.
Blake woke up on the floor of her dorm room. She groaned and looked up, only to see her three teammates all crouched down next to her, looking very worried. She struggled to get up, and they all helped her by grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up. They brought her over to her bed, and she sat down, holding onto her head.

Ruby brought her some water and asked "Blake...Are you alright? You were shaking and thrashing around in your sleep when we walked in..."

Blake took the water, drank the whole thing, nodded, and said "I think so...Just a bad dream is all..."

Her three teammates exchanged glances at each other, and Weiss said "Blake, we're beyond worried about you at this point, there's got to be something we can do!"

Blake stood up and said "Help me stop Roman. Then I'll rest easy. Did you guys find anything at the library?"

Yang hesitated for a bit. She then said "We didn't find anything in the reports...But Qrow told us that he'd scout around the whole kingdom for us! He's a scout, one of the best!"

Blake sighed and said "That's at the very least two days! We don't have that kind of time!"

"He swore to us it'd be a day! He never breaks his promises!" Yang retorted.

Ruby looked at her teammates, thought for a moment, and said "We all need a break, especially you Blake. How about we all go someplace together? Think of it as bonding exercise!"

Weiss and Yang agreed, and after a little bit of thinking, Blake approved of the idea as well.

Ruby exclaimed "Great! Now the big question...where do you guys wanna go?"
After some discussing, the four decided to go on a relaxing walk through the Emerald Forest. They approached Professor Goodwitch for the all clear, and with her approval, as well as a warning to watch out for Grimm, Team RWBY walked through the courtyard of Beacon, and moved onto the trail leading to the lush green trees that made up the forest. They walked for about an hour, headed to the temple ruins where they fought the giant Nevermore together for the first time.
Blake was getting tired already, and she rested on a tree to catch her breath.

Weiss stopped and looked back at Blake, a concerned look on her face. She sighed sadly and said "Maybe we should head back, you're too tired to go this far Blake..."

Blake shot up quickly and said "I'm okay! Let's keep going!"

The four continued onward until they reached the temple ruins where they fought the Nevermore, and they all sat down to talk.

Ruby looked around and said "Wow, we've been through a lot since then huh?"

Yang said "Yeah! Fighting White Fang, robots, Grimm...We've grown a lot!"

Blake, who was laying down on a ruined stone pedestal, let out a sigh of relief and said "We still have a lot to do, but I suppose it's nice to just lay back and calm down sometimes."

Her teammates exchanged happy glances at each other, and Ruby reached into her bag to pull out a big container. She took off the lid, revealing a wide assortment of sandwiches. She passed them out, and they all ate, failing to notice a pack of wild Ursai slowly approaching them in the trees, drawn by the sound of their conversation. Blake's cat ears twitched under her bow, alerting her to the sound of something moving in the trees.

Blake got up quickly and told her teammates "Ready your weapons! Grimm approaching!"

The four of them quickly got up, activated their weapons, and waited for the Grimm to attack. Four Ursai, huge in size and with giant spikes on their backs, ran out of the trees and charged the girls. Ruby quickly rushed forward with her semblance, went around the pack of Grimm, and slashed at an Ursa's back with her scythe, but it bounced right off. She quickly went for the legs, but that bounced off too. The Ursa turned around and slashed at her with its giant claws, but she dodged it and got some distance. She stabbed her scythe into the ground, pulled out a fire Dust cartridge from the pack on her waist, and loaded it into the rifle. She waited until it roared at her, and she fired a burning shot right into the Ursa's mouth. The Ursa swallowed it, roared again, then exploded, leaving only dust and smoke.
Weiss pulled out her sword just in time to block a strike from an Ursa that attacked her. She then backflipped away to make a larger gap between the two of them. She changed her weapon to use Ice glyphs, and she stabbed the ground, causing a glyph to appear beneath the Ursa. It looked down confused, before a giant ice spike came out of the ground, skewering it right through its center. It dissolved into black dust, and Weiss stood back up, deactivating the glyph.
Blake activated her long ribbon, with her sword bent down like a hook. She threw it at the Ursa's neck, and it stuck deep into its throat. She used a shadow clone to propel herself forward, and she  wrapped the ribbon around its neck three times. She then jumped back with all of her might and pulled on the ribbon, taking the Ursa's head with her, it's black and white body turning to dust.
Yang got into a battle stance, waiting for the Ursa to attack her. The Ursa roared and charged at her, intending to bite her. Yang smirked, expecting it would do that. When it got close enough to bite her it opened its large jaw and thrust its head forward. Before it could reach her, Yang grabbed its upper jaw, forcing its mouth open. She activated her gauntlet with her other hand, and shot fire Dust rounds right into its open maw. It then fell down on the spot, dissolving into dust.
The four girls deactivated their weapons and got back together, picking up their stuff and heading back on the trail to Beacon, chatting as if nothing had happened at all.

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