Chapter 8

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RWBY was in the library, talking amongst themselves and presenting new ideas to help strengthen the plan. They were all sitting at a table far away from everyone else so no one could here them. They'd been at it for about half an hour, and almost no progress was being made. Finally, Ruby had found something that could help in their investigation, a few new reports that mentioned the White Fang's recent activity locations.

Ruby was about to speak up, but she felt a hand ruffling her hair and she heard a voice say "Hey there kiddo."

She instantly recognized this voice as her favorite uncle in the whole wide world, Qrow. She hooked on tight to his arm and he pulled her up out of her chair without any trouble at all.

She looked straight into his eyes and grinned as wide as possible as she yelled out "UNCLE QROWWWWWWW!!!!"
Everyone in the library stared at her, and her face turned as red as her blood colored hood out of embarrassment.

Qrow just smirked, placed her on the ground, and said "It's nice to see you kiddo. And you too of course, Firecracker." he said glancing over at Yang. "I thought I'd stop by and see how my two favorite nieces are doing at Beacon."

Ruby started talking really fast. "Oh, it's going really really good Uncle Qrow! It's hard work, but it's alright! We just recently stopped a big operation involving the White Fang and Roman Torchwick, I don't know if you've heard! Oh! And these are my other teammates!" She finished, gesturing to Weiss and Blake.
They both waved to Qrow, and quickly got back to working on their plans.

Qrow waved back and said "So, what're you kids doing in the library, shouldn't you be, I don't know, playing video games or something?"

Ruby thought for a moment, and decided that it was best not to tell her uncle everything at the moment. She said "Oh it's just a project on the White Fang that we're doing for Dr. Oobleck. We decided to start it early!"

Qrow grabbed his flask and took a sip. After he was done he looked at the table and pointed to something "Well then why does that paper right there say 'Plan to stop the White Fang'?"

Ruby's gaze shot to the paper he was pointing at. She thought she had hidden it perfectly under a book, but the book had fallen to the floor, even though it was nowhere near the edge of the table. Weiss, Yang, and Blake slapped their foreheads in unison. Ruby got very worried that Qrow would get angry, but he just smiled.

"Lucky I found that huh?" Qrow said, chuckling to himself, drinking again. "Look, if you kids wanna go on some super heroic adventure that will end in the White Fang leaving Vale for good, be my guest, I won't try to stop you. It'll prove to me that you kids have truly grown since the last time I saw you, heh heh."

Ruby exhaled a sigh of relief. She grinned wide and said "Thanks so much Uncle Qrow! Sorry, I was scared you would tell Professor Ozpin haha...Actually, you think you could help us with our plan? We could use a few tips from a licensed Huntsman!"

Qrow shrugged, walked over and pulled up a wooden chair to the table, and said "Sure why not? Might as well make this visit interesting. Show me what you got so far."
RWBY and Qrow then got to work making the plan even better than before, with Ruby and Yang catching up with their uncle as they wrote things down and brainstormed.
———————————————————— The pink and brown haired girl walked around the warehouse, her white high heels clicking on the ground as she went. She held a pink parasol in her left  hand, and she was twirling it as she walked. Her eyes were different colors, the one on the right bright pink while the one on her left was dark brown. She was wearing a whitetail jacket, with a brown corset and brown pants. She wore black gloves and had a multitude of necklaces around her neck. This girl's name was Neopolitan, and she was setting up the warehouse for a rally involving the White Fang that was going on tonight. She looked around the room she was in.
The whole warehouse was covered in White Fang banners, and in the center was a large object covered by a black sheet. She knew what this was, and it was sure to win the minds of all the new recruits who were attending tonight. Two more people were in the warehouse along with Neo. One was Cinder Fall, and the other was Roman Torchwick. They were discussing amongst themselves, and Cinder was giving specific instructions to Roman. She was wearing a short red dress with golden designs all around it, and glass high heels. She also had a blue feather on her right hip.

"We need to win the appeal of these new Faunus who wish to join the White Fang. This should help with that." She said, pointing to the sheet.

Roman just waved his hand impatiently, saying "Yeah, yeah I know! We'll get the animals on our side, and it'll help with our 'master plan'. STILL don't know what that is by the way, I would really love to know! I'm doing most of the work, don't I have the right to know all the details?"

Cinder just giggled and said "Oh Roman, you'll know what you need when you need to know. For now, just do what you're told, and don't ask questions, okay?"
With that, Cinder walked away, heading back to meet with her other associates. Roman grumbled, murmured "Fine.", and called for Neo. Neo happily skipped over to him, still twirling her parasol, awaiting his orders with a big smile on her face.

Roman said "Neo, I need you to make sure all the preparations are in order, we need this rally to go well so it appeals to those Faunus idiots. Wouldn't want that...ah, what was his name? Taurus? Yeah, wouldn't want him getting mad at us..."

Neo nodded, and got to work on fixing the place up, grinning evilly.

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