Chapter 12

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After taking an airship back to Beacon, Team RWBY went back to their dorm and changed into their pajamas, because it was very late. Then they all got into a circle and started discussing what had happened.

Blake started off saying "Man, Torchwick is much more dangerous than we thought. He nabbed a state of the art Atlesian Paladin! Those things aren't even mass produced yet!"

Weiss agreed and said "Well, at least we took care of it! Yang, your semblance really is extraordinary! You're like a tank with legs!"

Yang's cheeks blushed a light red as she waved her hand saying "Awww stop it! It was nothing!"

Ruby looked at her teammates and said "Well I think that this mission was a success girls! We got some information, and we took down a huge robot! We'll start on our next step early in the morning!

Blake held up her hand and said "Wait! We didn't do anything! Roman and his little assistant got away, that isn't a success! We need to keep going!"

Ruby looked a little hurt at this sudden outburst from Blake, and she said with a small voice "But Blake...The White Fang doesn't have a Paladin on their side anymore...That's a step in the right direction at least!"

Blake got up and said "I think we need to take larger steps. I'm going to brainstorm new ideas."

She then walked over to the desk, pulled out a pencil and some paper, and got to work. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang exchanged worried looks, and Ruby walked over to her and placed her hand on Blake's shoulder.

"Well, please make sure you get some rest okay? You worked really hard today."

Blake looked up at her, smiled, and said "Of course I will. Good night Ruby."

Ruby smiled back, patted her on the shoulder, and climbed up to her top bunk, getting under the covers and pulling the white sheet that was tied to her bed down, obscuring her view from the rest of the dorm room. Weiss and Yang also got into their beds, and the three of them fell asleep, leaving Blake to think of new ideas to stop the White Fang alone.
Ruby woke up from her sleep, rubbing her eyes and stretching. She pulled the sheet up from her bed and hopped onto the ground, headed towards the closet to change her outfit. As she looked around though, she saw that Blake had fallen asleep at the desk. She was snoring loudly, with her face stuck in a book, tons of paper balled up all over the floor, and her Scroll out, with its battery completely dead. Ruby sighed and walked over to Blake, shaking her lightly. Blake stirred in her sleep, and slowly opened her yellow eyes. Underneath her eyes were dark circles, implying that she was completely exhausted and got almost no sleep at all. She looked up to see Ruby, and her eyes widened.

She quickly got out of the chair and said "R-Ruby! I-I'm sorry...I was going to fall asleep, but I couldn't..."

Ruby's face turned to one of deep concern, and she placed her hands on Blake's shoulders, saying "Blake...You need to rest...I'm really worried about you...We all are..."

Blake shook her hands off and said "The White Fang aren't going to stop plotting! If they aren't, I can't either!"

Ruby argued back saying "But you won't be able to stop them if you can't even keep your eyes open! Please, just rest! It'll help you!"

Blake saw how worried Ruby was about her, and she nodded slowly, saying "Yeah...Yeah I...I know...I don't want you to worry about me...I'll go lay down some."

Ruby smiled and said "Thank you Blake...When you're ready, me and the girls will be in the library."

After that, Blake climbed into her bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Shortly after that, Weiss and Yang both woke up, and, after getting ready, the three left for the library, leaving Blake alone to sleep.
Ozpin was sitting at his desk again, sipping at his mug and looking through some files when he looked up and saw Qrow walk through the elevator doors.

He walked over to the headmaster's desk and said "Hey Oz, just wanted to let you know something. My nieces? They just destroyed an Atlesian Paladin last night. A state of the art mech built by Atlas was taken down by four freshman, that shows humanity really is evolving!" He took a sip from his flask.
Ozpin chuckled and stood up, taking his cane in hand and walking around his desk in front of Qrow.

He smiled and said "Yes, I know. That was quite a feat they pulled off! You should be very proud of them."

Qrow smirked and said "Oh I am! They really have grown so much since I last saw them..."

Ozpin nodded and said "Yes, they have. They still have a long way to go though, but I'm happy to say this proves that there is progress being made! We need to stop this situation with the White Fang as soon as possible, and they've shown they aren't to be taken lightly."

Qrow took another drink from the flask, capped it, and asked "And how do we do that Oz? They don't leave any way to trace them."

Ozpin walked in front of the window overlooking the campus and he said "True...We don't have anyway to track the White Fang...However, we can track Grimm activity...Chances are that a human hate group would have...strong emotions when it comes to our kind, which could attract the Grimm..."

Qrow nodded and said "Yeah that could work...I'll scout around the outer kingdom, I could get it done in a day or two."

Ozpin turned around and said "That would be ideal, be as quick as possible. I'll fill the others in. Good luck Qrow."

Qrow waved his hand saying "Anytime. I'll go and tell my nieces that I'll be gone for a day, then I'm off."

Qrow turned and headed towards the elevator, stepping in once again and headed to ground level.
Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were all crowded around a terminal, reading the reports that Weiss was given by the SDC secretary. They showed all the recent Dust shops and factories they've robbed, leaving the workers and the Lien untouched, only snatching the Dust and nothing else. They didn't notice a pattern, as they were all over the kingdom, and no camera footage or witnesses saw where they ran off to after the robbery was made. Their path was impossible to follow, and they realized that trying to trace them would be incredibly difficult.

Ruby sighed and said "Guys, there's nothing here that can tell us where to go...I think we've reached a dead end...We're going to have to wait until something else comes up..."

Weiss agreed and said "I hope Blake won't be too worried about this...She really needs to relax...I can see she's not taking all this stress too well..."

As they were chatting, Qrow came through the door, hands in his pockets.

He walked over to the three of them and said "Man, you guys always seem to hang out in the library huh?"

Ruby nervously laughed and said "Aheh, yep...We were just going through SDC reports, and we found nothing so far, only the places they've robbed."

Qrow smiled, ruffled Ruby's hair, and said "Well at least you're trying kiddo. I came here for two things. Firstly, well done on beating that Paladin! I'm proud of you guys!"

Ruby grinned and said "Thanks! Yang deserves most of the credit though!"

Qrow held up his fist for Yang to fist bump, and she happily obliged.

Qrow then continued on "The second is for a mission to scout out the kingdom's borders. I'll be scouting out for White Fang activity, and I'll let you know if there's something useful as soon as I can. Happy hunting kids."

With that, Qrow headed for the exit, leaving the girls alone to the terminal once again.

Weiss closed the terminal and got out of the chair, turning to the other girls.
She then said "I think we should head back to the dorm, we need to tell Blake about what we've found, no matter how bad she may react..."

Ruby and Yang both agreed, and the three headed back to their room, hesitant but determined to tell Blake what they've discovered after she woke up from her nap.

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