Chapter 31

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As soon as the airship landed, Yang ran over to the waterfall overlooking the deep blue lake that lead to the Emerald Forest. When she got there, her partner was waiting, sitting by the cliff, her feet dangling off the side. Yang hesitated, before sighing and walking over to sit down next to the cat Faunus. When she sat down, she put a gentle hand on her shoulder, which caused Blake to flinch slightly, but she relaxed as Yang patted her reassuringly. The two stayed there in silence, Yang constantly rubbing Blake's shoulder and patting her on the back.

Finally, Blake spoke "Where are Ruby and Weiss...?"

Yang shrugged "They're out and about in Vale, I guess celebrating their one day anniversary of being girlfriends."
Blake nodded and quietly said "Okay...I'm really happy for them, they really do like each other, I'm sure they'll work out just fine..."

Yang sighed and said "Hey, I'm sorry, but we need to talk. Don't change the subject, tell me about Adam."

Blake swallowed and looked down over the cliff.

After a while she said "Adam...He approached me, told me that I'll regret siding with humans, and that I'd soon come running back to him, begging for mercy..."

Yang's eyes turned burning red, before they turned back to their normal lilac.

She gave her partner a hug, before sadly saying "I promised I'd be there when he came back, I said I'd be by your side...And of course I wasn't there to hold that up..."

Blake choked back a sob before hugging Yang back and saying "Yang...It's okay...You couldn't have known...There's no way you could've...Don't blame yourself...

Yang broke the hug, now red eyes full of tears "I'm your partner Blake! I'm supposed to be here whenever you need me! I screwed up!"

Blake stood up, practically yelling out "YOU DIDN'T!!"

A silence fell over the two, before Blake took Yang's hands with her own and said "You didn't mess up...The fact you're here already makes it up...Now come on, let's go to the courtyard..."

Yang pulled out her Scroll, texted her sister that the two were waiting at the courtyard, and walked alongside Blake in silence.
Ruby and Weiss were still in Vale, having the time of their lives with each other's company. As they were turning the street, they saw Qrow walking towards them, with Ironwood beside him. Ruby and Weiss froze, quickly separating and looking away from each other, pink dusting their cheeks. Thankfully, Qrow and Ironwood were having a heated conversation, and they were both angrily looking at each other, so they didn't notice the young couple.

Ironwood looked in front of them and smiled, saying "Hello there Ms. Schnee. And hello to you as well Ms. Rose. What're you kids doing out here?"

Ruby nervously chuckled and said "Oh well you see hehe...Classes aren't really in session right now, and I-I thought it would be cool to go out with my gir-mmph!"

Weiss had quickly covered Ruby's mouth, halting her speech abruptly.

Weiss cleared her throat loudly and said "Ruby and I thought it would be nice to go walk around the town together!"

Qrow laughed and said "Wow, Weiss. You're much more different than your sister, I don't think the poor girl even has any friends, she just calls them 'acquaintances.'"

Weiss glared at him before crossing her arms and pouting, saying "I'll have you know Winter is well respected in the military, she's bound to have a few friends!"

Qrow rolled his eyes and said "Right. Well me and Jimmy here were taking a stroll out as well, don't mind us."

They walked towards the two before Ironwood said "Ah and I'm afraid to inform you that your father wants to speak to you Ms. Schnee, he seems very insistent on it. I do apologize, I'm not a fan of his either..."

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