Chapter 2

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After a little bit of arguing with her teammates, and a promise that she'd rest after talking with him, Ruby left her dorm room and headed towards Ozpin's office. She went out the door of the dorm building, and walked across the stone courtyard towards the main castle. It was night time, with the shattered moon hanging in the sky, the stars all twinkling brightly around it.
She passed the old stone statue of two figures standing on a rock cliff, one on the edge with a sword raised to the sky, it's cold stone face forever frozen in triumph, the other next to them, hands resting on a battle axe. Below the edge of the rock cliff was a stone Beowolf cowering beneath them.
She entered the castle and walked through the abandoned hallways, heading towards an elevator. Once she got to it, she pushed the top-most button, and headed up to the headmaster's office.
Ozpin sighed, exhausted and frustrated. He looked down at his desk, grabbed his mug, took a sip of coffee, and then looked back up to the man he was talking with. The general of the Atlesian Military, James Ironwood, stood before him.
"Is this really necessary, James?" Ozpin asked.
Ironwood suddenly turned stern. "Oz, you know what Qrow said. Our enemy is plotting something, and we don't know when they're going to strike!" Ironwood said.
"While that is most certainly true, it isn't smart to have such a great show of power over my school! We are in a time of peace between the kingdoms!" Ozpin retorted.
"I'm just trying to be cautious, and with the Vytal Tournament coming up, I need to make sure that everyone will be safe should an attack come."
"And yet, it is a bit...extreme to have your whole fleet here, is it not?"
Ironwood was about to answer him, when a chime from the elevator echoed through the room.
"Enter." Ozpin said.
Ruby exited the elevator and entered the office.
"Ah Miss Rose, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Ozpin asked.
"Hello Professor. I was hoping you could answer a few questions." Ruby said.
"We'll continue this discussion later, Ozpin." Ironwood said.
He walked into the elevator and headed down to ground level, leaving Ruby and Ozpin alone in his office.

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