Chapter 32

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Qrow and Ironwood walked together towards the silver elevator that led up to the headmaster's office, the Atlesian general's head up high, the veteran huntsman's low and pointed to the ground. They walked slowly through the emptied hallways, all the students had headed to their dorms, as it was very late in the evening, evident from the shattered moon floating in the star-dotted sky. The duo made it to the elevator doors, and they stood in silence as they rode it up to the top most floor. When they walked into the room, they saw Glynda and Ozpin waiting in silence, with Glynda slapping her crop softly against her hand, and Ozpin looking at the holographic screen in front of him, talking with a man that looked very afraid.

Ozpin sighed and said "Leonardo, I don't know why you're so worried, the tournament is progressing without incident, why do you think I should delay the finals?"

Leonardo, a middle aged man with graying hair that resembled a lion's mane, darted his brown eyes around with fear.

He spoke with a stutter, saying "I-It's just...Salem hasn't done anything, she's bound to have a master plan, and everyone has to be prepared! W-What if she attacks and everyone's stuck in the sky??"

Ozpin thought for a moment, before saying "Leo...I understand and appreciate your concern, I'll take it into consideration. Now, I have guests, if you'll excuse me."

Leonardo bowed, and the screen in front of Ozpin turned off, allowing the headmaster to clearly see his two visitors. Ozpin smiled weakly at Qrow and Ironwood, and he stood up, picking up his mug.

He cleared his throat and said "Leo's being his old considerate and panicked self...Sometimes it's hard to work with him."

Qrow waved his hand dismissively, saying "Well when you're in Mistral, where everyone could be gunning for you with a knife to your throat, it's bound to bring some paranoia."

Glynda agreed, before putting a hand on her hip and turning sharply towards Ozpin, her cape fluttering behind her.

She sternly said "That's not the point right now, why have we been called here?"

Ozpin looked down and said "I am here to discuss the continued presence of the Atlesian military, and the security break-in I was just informed about."

Ironwood raised an eyebrow, asking "A security break? Why wasn't I told of this?"

Ozpin said "I'm not entirely sure, the one who informed me was a woman, named Ebony. She was knocked out by a pink and brown haired girl. What's odd is just two weeks ago, a student informed me of that same girl, who had subdued her and stolen her appearance. She stole Ebony's appearance and snuck Roman Torchwick out of his cell. We have no idea where the two are now."

Ironwood sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers, saying "Damn it! I'll send a search party for them immediately."

Ozpin held up a hand and said "That will not be necessary James. The two are outside the Kingdom now, they will not interfere with the safety of our students."

Qrow shook his head and said "For the 'most powerful military in the world,' you're pretty lousy at keeping your prisoners secure Jimmy."

Ironwood just shook his head and stayed silent. Ozpin waited a few moments before speaking again.

"The most important thing now is to be prepared for absolutely anything, let's discuss how we can keep safety up for the closing acts of the tournament."

The four all stayed in a circle and voiced their ideas to make sure the Vytal Festival finished off with no incidents, talking through the night.
Cinder angrily walked down the dorm hallways, exhausted after searching everywhere for Neo. After two hours she gave up, now convinced that Neo had completely abandoned her. She grit her teeth in frustration and opened the door that led to the dorm she shared with Emerald and Mercury. The two were sitting in different beds, with Emerald looking down and Mercury reading a comic book, laughing every few moments. When Cinder stepped through, Emerald looked up, and her red eyes lit up as she smiled.

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