Chapter 21

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Winter sipped from the cup of hot tea she held in her hand. She placed it back on her plate and looked across to her sister, who was waiting patiently for her to discuss what was so urgent.

She cleared her throat and said "So, I brought you here to tell you that...I'm leaving very soon. Granted, I still have some time left, but I thought it'd be nice to have us chat, just us sisters!"

Weiss' eyes widened before looking down in sadness.

Her voice was small and hurt when she said "But you just got here...How long will it be before I see you again...?"

Winter smiled warmly and said "Don't worry dear sister, you'll see me soon, I promise. Now, on to the main thing. Weiss, I'm...proud, of all you've done here in Beacon. You've got a great best friend, she seems really nice, and very nice teammates. Cherish and protect them Weiss, they seem like extraordinary people!"

Weiss blushed at her sister's compliments, but stayed silent.

Winter smirked and laughed, saying "I still remember the day you left for Beacon! Father's face was priceless!"

Weiss looked up with a determined fire in her eyes.

She crossed her arms and said "I can't wait to show him all I've learned. I've even started Time Dilation!"

Winter said "Oh really? And what of your Summoning?"

Weiss looked away and said "Winter! You know I can't..."

Winter gave an apologetic look at her sister, before getting up and saying "You are a Schnee, our Semblance is hereditary, unlike most. Your Semblance is like a muscle, you must practice with it to make it stronger. If you fail to test the limit of it, you'll never truly grow. Now come on, I want to see you practice."

Weiss looked surprised, before getting out of her chair. She pulled out her weapon while Winter moved the chairs and table out of the way. Weiss did a spin and stabbed her blade into the ground, causing an icy blue glyph to flicker and out. Weiss grunted as she tried her best to concentrate.

Winter circled around her, saying "Focus Weiss! You don't want to head back to Father, do you?"

Weiss growled and focused harder causing the glyph to stay solid. However, try as she might, she couldn't summon anything. Weiss pulled her blade out of the ground and huffed angrily.

Winter placed a hand on her shoulder, saying "Emotions can grant you strength, but you must never let them overpower you. I know Father is a bit of a touchy subject to you, but you mustn't get too obsessed with those feelings. Go, your friends are waiting for you. I'll meet you in the courtyard in a few minutes."

Weiss nodded, before running up and hugging her sister. After a short time, she broke off and walked towards the courtyard, quickly trying to meet up with her teammates.
Ruby was beside herself with excitement. She gasped as she looked to the sky and saw a giant platform levitating above the school grounds. At the bottom was a huge Dust crystal, holding up the rest of the platform. Above the crystal were two levels of docking bays for passengers, and tons of airships were flying from the ground and to the platform, unloading passengers so they could spectate the tournament match that was currently going on. Soon, Weiss was seen walking towards her team, and Ruby grinned as she ran over to her bestie.

When she was right in her face, Ruby yelled out "Weiss! Did you see that arena?! DID YOU?! DID YOU?! IT'S SO COOL ISN-MMMMPH!?"

Ruby was quickly silenced as Weiss clamped a hand over her mouth, muffling her speech.

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