Chapter 33

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As the day went on, Ruby had finally found a fancy enough restaurant that she thought would fit Weiss' standards. However, this required that Ruby would have to buy a dress, and she had called Blake to help her pick one for her date. Ruby trudged ahead of Blake, wringing her hands nervously as she dodged around and between the populated sidewalks of Vale. Blake trailed behind, not wanting to question what was bothering Ruby. She didn't want to talk much anyway, as the conversation with Adam still weighed heavily on the back of her mind. Eventually, Ruby entered a clothing store, with Blake following shortly after. After asking a clerk where the dresses were, Ruby led the way to the rows, already searching through them to see which ones she took a liking to. Blake stood back, watching silently as her leader moved quickly through the dresses.

She was pulled from her thoughts as Ruby asked a question, her voice full of confusion "Hey Blake? Uh, what color do you think I should wear?"

Blake blinked rapidly and stuttered out "U-Uh, red would definitely go with your tipped hair, but black could also work well with you."

Ruby turned to Blake, silver eyes twinkling with curiosity and concern. She approached Blake cautiously, her hand held out hesitantly as if she was expecting Blake to bite, ready to pull back just in case.

She got close enough to place a gentle hand on her shoulder, saying "Hey, you can talk to me about stuff...I know I'm not the best at this 'talking' thing, but I wanna help you, you're my friend!"

Blake nodded, looking up at her.

She said "It's just, Adam really got to me...He said that I made a mistake choosing Beacon, choosing you all as my friends..."

Ruby's eyes flashed with anger for a brief second, but they were soon filled with concern again.

She pulled Blake into a hug and said "He's wrong, you're a great friend Blake, I can't imagine any other person that could ever replace you on my team. I know you and Weiss had that disagreement before, but we've moved past that and grown stronger from it. Don't listen to him, we'll defend you and support you!"

Blake hugged Ruby back tightly, before breaking off again, this time intent on making sure the younger girl could find the right dress to impress Weiss on her date.
Yang walked along the hallways of Beacon, heading towards the sparring room to train for her singles match that was coming up in a couple days. As she walked along, she caught sight of Pyrrha, who was staring at the ground, her normally green eyes bloodshot and red, as if she was crying. Yang was immediately troubled by this, as she and the rest of the school knew Pyrrha was a very strong person, evident from her sparring performances and helpful personality. Seeing such a powerful huntress looking sad and weak wasn't a good sight, so Yang quickly ran up to Pyrrha and grabbed her shoulder, prompting the red head to look up into Yang's lilac eyes.

Yang said "Pyrrha, it's weird seeing you like this...Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen you since your match with Team BRNZ! Are you alright?!"

Pyrrha only stayed silent, shaking her head.

Yang frowned "Is it about school or is it more personal stuff?"

Pyrrha choked out "Personal things...I need to go..."

Yang shook her head "Nah, come with me. I know what'll get you cheered up!"

She grabbed Pyrrha by the arm and took her to the sparring room, onto the center battling stage.

Pyrrha raised an eyebrow in confusion "Yang? What's this about?"

Yang shrugged "Well, whenever I'm feeling down, you know what I do? Well, I usually go and punch a tree to vent, but I also train! Keeps the mind off things you know? So cmon! Show me what you're bringing to the tournament!"

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