Chapter 16

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After battling a few Grimm while walking through the ruined streets of the city, and making sure to sneak past any White Fang patrol groups around the area, the five made it to the spot that Qrow told them about. Qrow pulled out Harbinger, flipping it to its shotgun mode, and pointed it to the ground.

He looked up and told RWBY "Alright, so as soon as the ground breaks, we're gonna try to sneak onto the train. Stick to the shadows."

The four girls nodded in agreement, and with a few shots from Harbinger, the ground broke, leaving a hole for them to enter the underground caverns. They all jumped down, Weiss using her gravity glyphs to give them a safe and slow landing. When they landed, Weiss took a knee to the ground, exhausted.

Ruby looked back and saw that Weiss was on the ground, and she asked "Are you okay Weiss?"

Weiss nodded, and stood back up, saying "I'm fine, it's just that holding up five people with my glyphs can...take a lot out of me. Let's keep moving."

They continued on, making sure to stay in the shadows to avoid getting caught. After a few minutes, they caught sight of the railroad, along with all the workers loading up the cars with packages. Roman was there, talking with a White Fang member who had deer antlers, and he was pointing towards the tracks with his cane, looking very agitated.

Suddenly, another member came up to Roman and, after a brief conversation, Roman pulled out a megaphone and yelled out "Alright you animals, due to unforeseen complications, we're setting off now! Everyone quickly get on board or you're getting left behind! And look out for an annoying girl in a red cape and her friends!"

The five quickly ran to get on the train before it took off. Due to the sudden announcement, everyone was quickly hopping on, and no one noticed when RWBY and Qrow climbed on top of the train in the back, with Ruby climbing up the ladder last. It quickly started its engine, and took off through the tunnels.

A guard stationed in the back saw a swish of Ruby's cape, and he pulled out a communications device and said "Roman, sir, I think they're on-"

He was cut off, however, by Qrow banging him on the head with his giant sword.

Qrow climbed back up to the top, where the four were all crouched down, looking into one of the compartments. He ran over to them and looked in the car as well, noticing a bomb in the cargo hold.

He sighed and said "Alright, we're gonna have to get inside the train and fight Roman head on. Me and Ruby will stay up here and try to detach the cars, the rest of you go and find Roman!"

They all nodded, and Weiss, Blake, and Yang ran further up the train, meeting a few White Fang members who had climbed up top to intercept them. The bomb in the car then activated and started beeping. Qrow quickly jumped down to cut the coupling away from the train, but it decoupled itself and fell behind. Qrow breathed out in relief, before the explosion caused him to see what the bomb's true purpose was. The explosion caused a giant opening to appear, and a large number of Grimm crawled through the breach, chasing after the train.

Qrow hopped back up and said "Damn it! Those bombs will cause Grimm to pour out into the city! We need to hurry and stop this thing!"

Ruby nodded and ran after her uncle as he jumped to the next car, her red cape billowing behind her. She followed Qrow to each car, holding off the White Fang as he tried to defuse a bomb, only to give up and watch it fall behind and go off.  Qrow sighed, knowing that he'd have to be really quick to avoid the bombs exploding.
Further up, the rest of Team RWBY has just taken out a group of White Fang members, and they were opening the hatch to their car to hop in. As soon as Blake cut the hatch open, they jumped inside and ran towards the front car. When they entered the next one, Weiss held Blake back and handed her a gun mag full of different Dust types.

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