Chapter 7

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Weiss was the first one to wake up. Usually Ruby would be the one to wake up first, only to go and wake up everyone else by yelling at the top of her lungs "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!!",but she was still fast asleep, evident by the snoring behind the white sheet that covered her top bunk bed. Blake and Yang were also still asleep. Weiss got out of her bed, changed into her regular outfit, and decided to make some coffee for everyone. As she turned on the coffee maker, she saw a black crow with red eyes fly right past the window, headed straight toward the castle clock tower. She thought it a little strange, but continued making the cups for her teammates.
As soon as she finished pouring them all out, making sure to add a bunch of sugar into Ruby's cup, she walked over to the desk, pulled out some paper, and got to work on making a plan to stop the White Fang. After about 15 minutes, Ruby peeked out from under the sheet, looking extremely tired. She hopped down from her bed and saw the coffee sitting on the wood table. She very cautiously walked up to it, examining the cups.

She looked over to Weiss, who was still sketching, and said "So uh...You DID add the sugar in mine right?"

Weiss said "Of course I did you dolt! Yours is the one on the left."

Ruby smiled at her and said "It's nice to see you have a soft side Ice Queen!"

Weiss scoffed, gave an angry look to Ruby, and got back to writing. Ruby smirked, enjoying her little moment of triumph in successfully teasing Weiss, and grabbed her mug's handle. After Blake and Yang woke up, each holding their cups as well, and everyone had changed, Weiss told them her plan, or at least part of her plan.
"Ok, so I don't have much, but I think this will help. We need information, so I can head to the CCT and see if the Schnee Dust Company has any recent reports on White Fang activity in Vale."

Ruby jumped up and said "Oh! I can go with you! We can search up that stuff together!"

Weiss stared at Ruby, sighed and said "Ugh, fine. We'll go to the tower together then."

Yang spoke up "I have a friend on the other side of the town. I'll see if he has some information we can use." she said while punching her hands together.

Blake then said "There's a White Fang rally thats going on soon, so me and Sun can go and see what they're doing there."

Weiss wrote this all down and said "Then it's decided! We'll start after lunch! Let's head to the library to see if we can get any more information that could be useful."
So they all left for the library, talking excitedly about their master plan to finally put an end to Torchwick's evil plots.
Ozpin was looking out the window from the balcony once again, hands resting on his cane. He sighed and headed back inside, moving to shut the window. Just before he did, a black crow flew in and landed on the floor.

Ozpin looked startled for a second, before smiling and turning around, calmly saying "You know Qrow, it would've been way easier to just use the elevator."
In the place of the crow stood a man, wearing a white shirt that had sleeves all the way up to his forearms and a necklace with a cross on it. On his right hand, he wore one ring on his index finger and two rings on his ring finger. He also wore black pants with black shoes. He had a red cape that had tears and rips in it, and he wore his weapon on his back. Said weapon was a huge sword named Harbinger. This man was the legendary Huntsman known as Qrow Branwen.

Qrow shrugged and said "Heh, well the elevator would've taken too long. Plus, I love making a cool entrance!"
He pulled out a flask, uncapped it, and took a swig of the contents inside. Ozpin walked up to him, and they shook hands.

"So, why are you here Qrow? Surely you didn't just fly all the way here to pay a visit?"

"Well, that's part of it. I wanna see how my nieces are faring at Beacon so far. I haven't spoken with them ever since the school years started, what with all the spying you're having me do. Not that I don't enjoy the work!" he said, holding his hands up, "But I'm here to talk with you about the kinda stuff I'm seeing over there in the 'problem area'."

Ozpin had gotten a cup of coffee at this point, and was sipping from it. He swallowed and said "What are you seeing over there?"

"Oh you know the usual at an evil lair. Grimm, destruction, darkness, did I mention Grimm? But the weird part is, she's setting them up in much larger numbers than I thought possible, like she's gearing up for a huge assault. Beowolves, Nevermores, Ursai, Griffons as far the eyes can see. I barely escaped there were so many Grimm, had to kill quite a few. My guess is she's headed right here for the you-know-what."
Ozpin nodded, and sat down in his chair, placing his mug down and folding his hands. After a moment he said "Well, once Glynda and James are present, we'll discuss on how to properly prepare. In the meantime, why don't you go spend some time with your nieces. I'm sure they'd love to see their uncle after so long."
Qrow nodded, walked to the elevator platforms and called the elevator up. After a moment, he entered it and pressed the button to the ground floor to meet up with Ruby and Yang, leaving Ozpin to ponder this new development alone in his office.

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