Chapter 23

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In the levitating arena, two voices boomed throughout the spectating area. These voices were that of Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck, who were commenting on the match that was currently unfolding in the arena.

Port said "For those of you just joining in, welcome to the Vytal Tournament, which is being broadcast live at the Amity Colosseum! And what a match we have in front of us, wouldn't you say Professor?"

Oobleck annoyingly looked at him and corrected him, saying "Doctor...And yes, what a match indeed! We have Team RWBY of Beacon, which is comprised of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long, versus Team ABRN Of Haven, comprised of Arslan Altan, Bolin Hori, Reese Chloris, and Nadir Shiko!"

Port nodded and said "Well, let's get back to the fight!"

Cheers rang out from all around the stands, yelling out in support of or against the two teams battling it out in the center of the arena. The arena was a large, metallic circular floor, with a biome of solid ice on the left and another one of blazing flames and igneous rock on the other. In the ice biome, Blake and Reese were in a battle. Reese had just backflipped away from Blake and hopped on her light green and black Hoverboard, which had spikes all over it. She zoomed over to Blake and hopped off the ground, kicking the board towards the cat Faunus. Blake kicked it back, and Reese grabbed her weapon, running up to Blake and slashing with it. Blake kicked straight up, causing Reese to go flying in the air. She smirked as her board turned into a pair of twin pistols. She grabbed that and began to fire at Blake, but she failed to land properly, falling straight onto her butt. Her face contorted in pain, and Blake actually stopped fighting and looked concerned for her opponent.
Yang and Arslan were trading blows in hand-to-hand combat in the fire biome, and they kept meeting each other in the middle. The sheer force of their blows connecting caused large shockwaves to fly out, breaking rock all around them. Arslan pulled out her weapon, a rope dart, and caught Yang off-guard, snatching her up and sending her flying across to the ice portion of the arena. Yang landed right in front of Nadir, but before he could react, an ice Dust shot soared over and froze his legs in place. Nadir looked surprised for a second then pouted, discouraged.

Ruby was laying down on a ice hill, calling out to her sister "I've got your back Sis!"

An unknown voice behind her asked "Who's got yours?"

Ruby quickly looked behind her as the last member of ABRN, Bolin, activated his weapon, a staff. Suddenly, a black gravity glyph appeared next to him, and Weiss kicked him into it, shooting him into the fire biome.

Ruby got up and said to Weiss "My BFF! You saved me!"

Weiss blushed and rolled her eyes, saying "Of course I did you dunce! Now, come on bestie!"

The two ran over to Bolin, and he quickly dodged an ice blast from Weiss. He ducked as Ruby took a swing with her scythe, and he grabbed a huge chunk of fire Dust from a rock. He threw it over to Reese, who caught it and slammed it into her Hoverboard, turning it from light green to bright red. Blake's eyes widened, and Reese winked at her while she ran over to Nadir, still frozen in ice. She hopped onto her board and zoomed over the ice, melting it and freeing her teammate. Reese then made a sharp turn and attacked Blake again. Blake hopped away and turned the corner near the edge of the arena. Reese gave chase, and she smirked as she saw Blake facing the opposite direction, distracted. Reese went straight for Blake, and she failed to notice it was a decoy as Gambol Shroud came across her line of sight. Reese tripped on the ribbon, and she flew out of the arena, disqualified.
Weiss stuck her blade into the ground, causing a giant ice ball to trap Bolin and Nadir. They started rolling down the length of the arena as Arslan hurried over to save them. She stopped in front of the ball and gave it a punch, shattering it into pieces.

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