Chapter 4

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As soon as the elevator door closed, Ozpin sighed. He slowly walked through his old office, and opened the window to the balcony, stepping outside to look over the school's campus, with the moon and stars kindly giving their light to all of Remnant in the night. Suddenly, Ozpin heard a voice in his head.

It asked "Why didn't you answer all of her questions? She deserves to know the truth."

Ozpin answered the voice out loud saying "She isn't ready to learn the whole truth yet...She's still just a child, and she has a lot to worry about already with her classes, as well as the incident that happened a few weeks back with Torchwick and the White Fang. I'm afraid that Miss Belladonna has been really affected by the events that transpired that night, and she needs her teammates to be there for her, to comfort her and help her. I'll tell Ruby in time, but right now I...we should keep that information from her for now. Wouldn't you agree?"

The voice in his head agreed, and Ozpin, after looking out for a few more minutes, turned around and closed the balcony door.
Ruby walked over to her dorm room and slowly and quietly opened the door, just in case the girls were sleeping. As soon as the door was open, however, her three teammates, all still in their uniforms, zoomed over to her in the blink of an eye, almost knocking her over. They all had worried and curious looks on their faces, and they asked their questions immediately after each other.
"What did you ask?!" Weiss asked first.
"What did he say?!" Blake followed.
"Are you okay sis?!" Yang finished.
Ruby was overwhelmed and completely exhausted, and all she wanted was to go to sleep, but she answered them anyway. She went and sat down on Weiss' bunk, with her team sitting down on the floor, and she told them. She told them about Salem, about how she controls the Grimm, and about how special her eyes are. Her teammates were completely overwhelmed by all of this information, and they all just stared at her with disbelief. After a silence that seemed to stretch forever, Blake broke the silence, almost shouting out.

"Great, so we have this White Fang incident going around, and now we learn that the Grimm are actually commanded by someone?! PERFECT!"

Weiss spoke up against Blake "At least we learned some good news as well! That's amazing that your eyes can do that Ruby!"

Ruby was a little embarrassed at having being complimented for something she couldn't even do yet, but she still said "Heh, thanks Weiss...But I can't vaporize Grimm yet..."
She then looked over to her older sister. "Yang, how do you feel about all of this?"
Yang got up, stretched, yawned, and then said "I think...That its time to go to bed! It's really late, and we have classes tomorrow!"
Everyone agreed, and after changing out of their uniforms and into their pajamas, they all hopped into their bunks and fell asleep.

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