Chapter 10

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Blake walked to the library, where she was to meet Sun Wukong. As she entered the library, she saw him talking with a blue-haired tan-skinned boy with goggles on his head. He was smiling at Sun, like he had just heard a really funny joke from him. Blake walked over to them, and stood behind Sun, waiting.

Sun turned around, immediately grinned, and exclaimed "Blake! There you are! You ready to stop the White Fang?"

Blake nodded and said "I am, you ready to go as well?"
Sun nodded, got up, and grabbed his Scroll with his monkey tail, putting it in his pocket. He turned back to the blue haired boy and said goodbye. With that, Blake and Sun headed towards the White Fang rally at the warehouse.

When they had left the building, Blake asked "Who was that guy? Friend of yours?"

He said "Yep, and my teammate! His name is Neptune. He wanted to help us, but he isn' of us. And I don't think the White Fang would want a human at a rally haha!"
Blake nodded and handed Sun a white mask, a mask that looked like a Grimm face, with four small slits to see out of. Sun took it and looked it over quizzically, giving Blake a confused look.

Blake explained to him "These masks are a symbol to the humans. They treat us like we're monsters, so we don the face of monsters. It's a tradition that was started by....",
She trailed off, "Ah it doesn't matter now. Let's go to the rally."
With that, they both walked down the main walkway of Beacon, and called an airship to take them to town.
Ruby had been chasing Penny for quite a while, and she finally had gotten to her in an alley with a red dumpster in the corner. Penny looked back, and she had an expression of absolute fear.

Ruby held up her arms and said "Penny, I don't want to harm you in any way, I just want to talk to you."

Penny walked over to Ruby, hands on her chest, and said "Please do not be angry at me friend Ruby, but I really don't wish to talk to you about this." Again, she hiccuped out of nowhere when she finished her sentence.

Ruby sighed and said "Penny, I'm asking as a friend, and know that you can trust me, I won't tell anyone."
Penny nodded and showed her hands to Ruby. Ruby saw that they were made completely out of metal, and she gasped.

Penny said "Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the first synthetic person capable of having an Aura. I'm not real..." She lowered her hands sadly.

Ruby took them with her own and said "Of course you're real. You think that because you have nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me? You've got a heart, and a soul, I just know it!"

Penny was amazed at this, pulled Ruby into a really tight hug, pulling her to her chest, and exclaimed "Ohh! Thank you Ruby! You're the best friend anyone could ever have!"

Ruby struggled to get out of the tight embrace, and her voice was muffled as she said "Hurgh, you're welcome Penny!!! Can you please let me go?!"

Penny obliged and Ruby caught her breath.

Penny suddenly looked concerned, and said "Oh Ruby! Come quickly!"

Penny ran over to the red dumpster, and Ruby followed. She grabbed Ruby, and suddenly tossed her into the dumpster.

Ruby was so confused by this and said "Penny!! What're you doing?!"

Penny put a finger to her own lips to silence Ruby, and she quickly said "Soldiers have come to pick me up, I'll see you later Ruby!"

And with that, she shut the lid on Ruby, leaving her alone in the darkness. While in the dumpster, she heard a brief exchange between the soldiers and Penny, and heard footsteps walking away from her. After a while, she stepped out of the dumpster and back into the fading sun's light.
Yang had just gotten on her trusty yellow motorcycle, Bumblebee, and headed towards where her "friend" was located. It was getting dark at this point, with the moon starting to peek out from the cloudy night sky. She drove across the town, and stopped at a large brown building, one that she was very familiar with. As she took off her helmet, two men wearing black suits and red sunglasses froze in fear. When she looked up at them, she smiled and winked at them. They quickly started running toward the open door, with Yang calmly walking behind them. The men entered the door and hurriedly shut the door behind them. Their boss, Hei Xiong, better known as Junior, walked over and gave them a frustrated look.

He yelled out "What're you two idiots doing?!"

The two men scrambled to give him an answer, saying things like "Junior she's here! She's here again!" But shortly the door was blasted open with a giant plume of smoke rising from the ground.

Yang just walked right on through the now broken door, smiling and posing saying "Guess who's back!"

As she said this, everyone in the room pointed their guns at her, but she didn't even flinch at this. In fact, she didn't seem to care in the slightest.

Junior cut through the crowd, straightening his red tie and saying "Blondie, you're here....why?"

Yang walked up to him, grabbed him by the arm, and said " I never got my Strawberry Sunrise! You still owe me that drink!"
She then dragged him across the glass dance floor, which was underneath a giant glass disco ball, with red lights all around. Yang stopped dragging him when they reached the bar, and she waited patiently as Junior made her the drink he owed her.
Blake walked over to the warehouse, looking at three scratch marks indented into the metal wall. She traced it with her fingers, and motioned to Sun that this was the place. They put on their Grimm masks and walked into the warehouse, meeting a White Fang member who had deer antlers.

He looked up to the two of them, saw they weren't wearing White Fang uniforms, and said "Recruits go in that line to the right."

He then pointed to a line full of Faunus that were crowded by the large stage. They both walked over and kept to the right along with the new recruits, and stood along with them, waiting for the rally to begin. Blake looked up and noticed a giant White Fang banner, obscuring the middle of the stage from view.

After a short while, a tall and muscular White Fang member walked onto the stage, and he said "Thank you all for coming. If you are just joining us for the first time, allow me to introduce a very trusted comrade of ours, who has helped us closer to our goal!"
With that, Roman Torchwick stepped onto the stage. Shortly after, Neo walked out from behind the sheet and waited. All of the White Fang members cheered him on, but all the new recruits looked angry and said things like "He's a human! Get him out!"

Roman said "Now I know what you're thinking, and I agree with you. Humans are just the worst! Case in point," he then motioned to himself. "So I understand that you want to get us all killed! But before you do that, I'd like to mention that you and I BOTH have a common enemy. The government, military, the schools, they're all to blame for the crap we've gone through! And they all need to be dealt with! Luckily, I'm the greatest exterminator around...Oh, no offense to any rodents in the room."
With a snap of his fingers, Neo grinned  and pulled the sheet down revealing a giant Atlas robot. It was silver, and it had the White Fang symbol on the side of its left arm. Blake looked shocked, and Sun let out an audible gasp.

Blake turned around towards Sun and said "We need to get out of here!"
Sun agreed, and they turned to leave, but the crowd had been moving up to get a closer look at the robot, and they were swept up with it, leaving no room to escape.

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