Chapter 22

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Ozpin was at his desk, staring intently at his Scroll. The fractured moon was starting to peak out from the clouds, beginning the evening. As he sat there in silence, a familiar voice spoke in his head.

It said "What do we do? This new development is very concerning, we may have to cancel the tournament."

Ozpin sighed and said "Yes, we may...However, that is a last resort, we don't want to anger the people, as more Grimm could be drawn to Beacon..."

As he was speaking, a metallic chime echoed through the office. With Ozpin's permission, the elevator door opened, and Qrow stepped out.

He quickly walked up to the headmaster's desk, and said "Oz, what's so urgent?"

Ozpin stood up and paced quickly back and forth, saying "Qrow, something gravely serious has just been brought to my attention. The area near Mountain Glenn, that giant stone mountain? It's beginning to crack."

Qrow raised an eyebrow and asked "Why's that so serious? Don't mountains do that over time?"

Ozpin stopped and said "Not this one. Long ago, when the kingdom's were only a few years old, the king of Vale imprisoned something terribly dangerous and destructive in it. This particular mountain holds a giant secret: a Wyvern."

Qrow's eyes widened and said "A W-Wyvern? I thought those were a myth! I didn't think Grimm could come in that size!"

Ozpin nodded and said "It's a very grave matter. I don't know what we can do. I've considered canceling the tournament, yet that's a very drastic decision, and I'll only do so when I know that this can endanger the lives of my students and everyone from the other kingdoms. It took the king of Vale lots of troops and resources just to keep the Wyvern secure, and I'm sure time would only make it more resentful and angry."

Qrow said "Well, that's a big development...I'll go scout it out, I'll let you know what I find."

With that, Qrow immediately ran towards the open window and jumped out, turning into a crow and soaring into the evening sky, leaving Ozpin alone in his office.
Neo walked through the hallways of the other kingdom's dorm complex, grinning as she turned towards her dorm. She had black hair tied in twin pigtails, and green eyes. She wore a silky, armless black blouse with white frills around the chest, and a black bow at the collar. Around her waist hung a black knee length skirt with a white belt keeping it in place. She had puffy white leg warmers with black heels as well as black gloves.
She smoothed down her blouse and skirt and opened the door, stepping inside to see her own personal room, separate from the rest of her colleagues. Well, it was someone else's room, however Neo made sure that the previous owner knew who's it was at the moment. Said owner was a girl with black hair and green eyes, which were obscured by a cloth tied over them. The girl was sitting on a wooden chair in a corner of the room, with rope wrapped around her chest, arms, legs, and ankles, tethering her to it. She had a cloth stuffed in her mouth, duct tape wrapped around it many times, and a silk Neapolitan ice cream themed scarf tied snugly over the wrapping to properly silence her.
As Neo closed the door, she changed to her normal appearance, but she was still wearing the blouse and skirt. The girl tried to struggle out of her bindings, but the ropes wouldn't budge.

The poor girl straightened up and muffled out "H-Hmlo? If annmom thrrm? Plff hmmp mmm!"

She continued giving out muffled cries, and Neo smirked as she skipped over to her captive, untying the blindfold. The girl's frightened green eyes met Neo's ever changing brown and pink ones, and Neo asked her if she would be quiet when she untied her gag by texting it on her Scroll. The girl nodded, and Neo untied the scarf and unwrapped the tape, taking out the cloth as well. She walked over to the sink, turned it on, and walked back to the girl, giving her a glass of water to drink.

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