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 Time Skip~ (back in Korea)

Namjoon Pov
We all finally landed back in Korea. Everything was just so different now... We thought that there would be some progress with Jungkook and Y/n but there is nothing. He doesnt even want to go near her or talk to her right now, when we ask him why he just says hes not ready. "Come on boys, our ride back to BigHit is here" Pd-nim spoke as he led the way to the cars. We all turned to Y/n who was standing beside Donghae hyung. 

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now." I said while looking down at her as she bit down on her lower lip. "Hey you okay?" I questioned as I bent down eye level with her. She looked at me and her eyes began to water, slowly a tear escaping the corner of her eye trailing down her cheek. "I-Im sorry.. for troubling you all!" She exclaimed while wiping her cheek with her sleeve. 

"Hey.. Hey... dont apologize. Remember what I told you back in the garden? All of this wasnt your fault" Yoongi stepped up and pulled her into a hug. I glanced and saw Jungkook looking away emotionless. (Whats up with him?) I looked back and saw Y/n glancing at Jungkook.

Y/N Pov
He never looked or talked to me once since we left America... I wanted to talk to him. I wanted him to tell me about our memories. But it seems like right now isnt the best time for that. Namjoon caught me looking at Jungkook and he frowned. 

I broke the hug with Yoongi and stood straight up. "Alright... I guess you better get moving. You guys are idols after all... you all have busy schedules." I spoke up while slowly pushing Yoongi away from me. They all nodded and slowly one by one they came and hugged me goodbye... except Jungkook. After Taehyung hugged me they, along with myself looked over at Jungkook but he didnt spare me one glance. I wanted to say something but I just didnt know what to say to him. 

I was about to call out to him but he turned on the heels of his shoes and walked away. Seeing him walk off, it left me with a sense of loneliness. Suddenly my chest began to feel tight and I started to have a hard time breathing. My eyes began to water and the only thing I was thinking of was Jungkook. 

I clenched my shirt, "Oi Y/n are you alright? Whats wrong?" Hoseok asked while they all ran up to me. I held my hand out indicating them to stop from coming to me. "I-Im fine. Dont worry about me. Just go, I dont want you all to be late" I glanced up and saw then looking at me worriedly until Donghae oppa spoke up. "Dont worry I'll take her back to my apartment. You guys all get going now." Then I heard their footsteps leaving. 

"Y/n I know you not fine. Whats wrong? did you remember something?" he asked while helping me stand up straight. I shook my head and looked at him "Oppa... its alright, My chest was just hurting for a second. im okay now" I reassured him. Soon after we got back to his apartment and we settled down unpacking our things.

Donghae Pov
"Oppa..." I heard Y/ns small voice come from behind me. I turned back and saw her standing there fiddling with her fingers. "Hey whats up?" I walked over to her and she replied "Oppa.. I want to go and hang out with someone but I dont remember if I have any friends or not.." she laughed awkwardly afterwards. (Hmm... now that I think of it she only hung out with BTS or at work... ) I thought to myself but thought of an idea. 

"Oh you have friends but I dont have their numbers. I will call up Heechul hyung and we could introduce you to some of our friends!" Y/n smiled brightly before running off to get ready. I pulled out my phone and called up Heechul.


Oh what's up Donghae?? Are you back in Korea now?

Yeah I am. Uhmm do you know anyone around my sisters age?

Like early 20s? Mm yeah I'm at SM with some of the them right now why?

Want to go hang out in a bit?? I'm bringing y/n and I dont want her to feel left out. Can you bring someone she could hang out with?

Sure I'll bring along Minseok. He has nothing on his schedule today anyways.

Awesome. Let's meet at the cafe near SM in 20 mins.

Okay sounds good. I'll see you both there in a bit.

Thanks hyung.

No problem but in return you have to go clubbing with me. Help me find a girl. Preferrably a Noona.

Call Ended.




Time skip~

Y/N Pov
I quickly ran to my room and went through my closet trying to find something that I could wear later on. I didnt want to wear something too girly since its just a hang out, I pulled out one of my more casual outfits and applied a little bit of makeup.

 I didnt want to wear something too girly since its just a hang out, I pulled out one of my more casual outfits and applied a little bit of makeup

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"Y/n are you ready to go??" I heard Donghae oppa knocking at my bedroom door. I grabbed my bag along with my shoes and opened the door to reveal my brother wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. "Yeah lets go!" I said cheerfully heading over towards the door slipping on my shoes. We both left the apartment and entered his car. "So where are are we meeting up with your friend Heechul?" I questioned while fastening my seat belt. 

"Oh were going to be meeting at a cafe near my work, hes bringing someone around your age so you be nice to him alright?". I nodded in response excited to meet oppas friends also since I would be making a new friend while im at it as well. 

"Oh also whats the guys name?? the one thats around my age?" I was curious to know.

"Oh his name is Kim Minseok"

(Kim Minseok.... why does that name sound so familiar??) I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried hard to remember if I knew who that was. 

(A/N: OOOOOO do you all remember who Minseok was to Y/n??? Do you think something will happen between the two of them or nahhh?? What will Jungkook think once he finds out shes hanging out and getting closer to another guy?)

(Also I know that Xiumin in real life is way older so for the sake of the book were going to make his age 23)

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