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Hoshi Pov
"So there was this girl... her name was Sumi. I met her in my second year of High School (A/N forgive me I dont know how the schooling system goes in Korea ...) We never talked in school once. I was known as the nerdy loser of my year while she was basically the most popular girl in the whole school. All the guys admired her and wanted to try and make her his, obviously I was one of those guys. Everyday after school I would go to the dance studio that was near my house and always book a room for myself so I could just dance. You could already tell how much I love to dance... Anyways one fateful day I ran into her at the dance studio. From that day forward we would always see each other there. After a few months I finally had the courage to try and talk to her... It was like a dream come true. We started off as friends and only hung out at the dance studio since I didnt want her reputation at school to drop because of me... After a few more months of getting closer I asked her out and she said yes. My mind was blown! I finally had the girl of my dreams all to myself. Things started out perfectly fine and we were doing good... but as time went on I realized she was slowly trying to change me. From how I talked to how I dressed to even how I danced. After a year of dating I figured out she was changing me to suit her standards to make her ex boyfriend jealous.. I caught her cheating on me the day of our anniversary. We never seen each other since.. because I left and came here to Seoul. But Im glad I made that decision... And ever since I then became a model." 

After I finished speaking I looked at Y/n who was fiddling with her fingers "I guess we somehow have similar back stories... except that your ex was a psycho and didnt cause you to have amnesia" she awkwardly laughed. "Yeah thats true... We were both hurt in the end.. but hey.. were both doing well now right?" Y/n nodded her head. "Do you miss her??" Y/n asked and I shook my head. "Its been nearly 5 years since then.. I guess you could say I fully moved on and forgot about her, but I will never forget what she did" 

"How about you??? Do you miss Jungkook?" I looked at Y/n and could tell by her facial expression that she missed him. "I do miss him of course... 10 years of only loving him. Then this happens... I miss him but he doesnt miss me. Thats the thing with life... you cant control what happens in your life. I guess what happened was meant to happen... Im still broken because of him but with the support of my friends, family and you.. I think I'll be okay" Y/n sent me a reassuring smile. 

"Wanna go out and eat?? All that dancing and talking got me hungry" I suggested and Y/n nodded. I stood up and held my hand out, Y/n placed her hand in mine as I helped her up. We both left SM and headed down the road. "What about your car?" I asked and she shook her head. "Walking is more relaxing and plus we get to spend more time together like this. Dont you agree?" 

We continued to walk down the road until we reached a Korean BBQ/Karaoke Bar. Y/n and I both looked at each other and smiled "Kaja" I spoke as I grabbed her hand pulling her inside. 

We both went inside and soon after grabbing the various choices of meat to grill we both sat down. Our server came by and started the grill for us along with giving us rice and side dishes. We began cooking our meat and while waiting we began to just talk. "So what made you choose modelling as a career? I mean why not an idol?" I asked as Y/n poked the meat on the grill. 

"Mmm I thought of becoming an idol but I never thought I could make it. I was scouted by ESteem when I was living in Korea. After High School I came back to Korea and continued modelling. How about you? I mean you could dance and im guessing you could either rap or sing... so why didnt you become an idol?" Y/n questioned.

"I was scouted back in High School. I actually entered a dance competition and thats when I was scouted. But I turned it down.... I felt just like you. I didnt think I could ever make it as an idol. Soon after I became a model hopping from different companies but then got an offer from ESteem." Y/n nodded while flipping all the meat on the grill. "Do you wish you were an idol???" she then asked. I nodded my head "Of course... that means I could dance... come up with the choreo for the group. Show the world what I could do. But what happened was my decision. Im happy im a model" 

Time Skip~

After filling our stomachs with food Y/n and I made our way up to the karaoke bar. We entered a room and we looked at each other with wide eyes.

"This is my first time coming here!" Y/n exclaimed while looking around the room

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"This is my first time coming here!" Y/n exclaimed while looking around the room. "Me too!" I spoke up following closely behind her. "Lets order some drinks first" I suggested and Y/n agreed. We ordered several bottles of soju along with some regular pop. "You pick a song first" Y/n said while handing me the song book. I scanned through it and punched in the number for the song. 

The lights slowly dimmed and the disco ball that was hanging lit up. The beat of the song began to play. ('Just do it' by Seventeen BSS) (A/N: this song is my guilty pleasure... DONT JUDGE ME) I picked up the mic and began to sing. I looked at Y/n and she was shocked but then laughed. I smiled and continued to sing but also came up with a small choreo for the song. I continued to sing and dance and soon Y/n joined in and began to dance with me.

The song ended and we were both laughing "Hoshi that was awesome! I didnt know you could sing so well!" Y/n cheered while catching her breath. I handed the mic and song book over to Y/n and she punched in some numbers for her song. ('As if its your last' by Black Pink) 

Y/n stood in front of the screen and began to dance and sing (SHE COULD SING AS WELL!?) I thought to myself as I looked at her shocked. Once the chorus came up I jumped off the couch and joined her. We both sang and danced to the song. Once the song came to and end Y/n and I laughed on the couch "WHY DIDNT WE BECOME IDOLS!" I exclaimed and Y/n hit me jokingly. 

Y/n and I continued to sing, dance and drink the night away until someone interrupted us...

"Y/n who is he??"

Y/N Pov
"Y/n who is he???" I took my shot of soju and looked up at the figure. "Ah TaeTae!" I exclaimed running up to him and hugging him. "TaeTae this is Hoshi! Hes my new modelling partner at ESteem" I introduced them to each other. 

"Nice to meet you Hoshi my name is Taehyung. You might have heard about me from Y/n" Taehyung greeted. Hoshi nodded "Ah yeah Y/n told me about you along with Jungkook.." Hoshi replied with a slightly upset face. "Yeah the rest of us in BTS arent really on great terms with Jungkook at the moment." Taehyung responded. "Anyways mind if I join you?? I was supposed to meet with Jungkook but he bailed on me.. for someone else" 

Before Hoshi could reply I pulled Taehyung into the room and poured him a shot. "You are more than welcomed to join us TaeTae. The more the merrier! Just forget about Jungkook and lets have some fun." Taehyung looked at me a bit worried but I sent him a small smile. He took the shot from my hand and drank it. "I'll sing something!" I said grabbing the song book and punching in numbers for the song. ('Cypher pt.4' by BTS) Once the beat started I looked at Tae and smiled.

"ireum, ireum! sorry bae
"bareum, bareum! sorry bae
"diksyeon, diksyeon, diksyeon! sorry bae
"Oh, face not an idol.. sorry bae  

I handed another mic to Tae and we both began to rap. I looked over at Hoshi and he was just smiling at me while dancing. We got into the song while Tae and I both took turns rapping. 

Time Skip~

The three of us ended the night and went our separate ways. I called Donghae oppa and surprisingly he was still at SM. We said goodbye to Taehyung and Hoshi helped me walk back to SM where Donghae oppa was waiting for us. 

We finally arrived at SM and Donghae oppa ran up to us helping me walk. "Did you guys drink?" he asked and we nodded. "I see you guys had too much fun... and without me!" he pouted and I reached up pinching his cheeks. "Its no fun when your there oppa." I commented making Hoshi snicker. "Well lets get you home... Hoshi do you need a ride home??" Donghae oppa offered. "Are you sure???" Oppa and I nodded "Its fine. Your Y/ns friend. Its the least I could do" 

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