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(2 weeks later)

Y/N Pov
"Good afternoon Y/n! how are you feeling??" a nurse walked into the room as I looked at her with a small smile. "Im.. feeling better than before." She smiled while walking towards me with the wheelchair. "Todays the day!" she said happily. I grinned with excitement as she helped me get up. I swung my feet around the bed and once my bare feet touched the floor I smiled at the nurse. "Can you feel the ground??" she asked and I nodded. "Thats great news! This definitely means you have incomplete spinal cord injury." she explained giving me the good news. 

Once I sat down in the wheelchair she pushed me from behind. We left the room and made our way to the rehabilitation center. The doors opened to reveal a large room that only had a few patients in it. I spotted my doctor as he ran up to us smiling "Todays the big day" he commented as he took over for the nurse. He pushed me towards an open area that only contained massage beds. "First we will assess your legs... Stretch it a little bit to see if you could feel any sort of pain or sensation" he explained while I nodded.

Some nurses came in and helped me off of the chair and onto the bed where I laid on my back. The doctor carefully lifted my leg stretching it up. "Do you feel any sort of pain?? Or stretch?" he questioned and I nodded. "I feel a slight stretch but it also hurts..." I replied. The doctor nodded doing the same assessment on my other leg. The results were all the same for all the tests. 

"Alright.. were going to bring you to the walking rails" the doctor said while walking away. The nurses once again helped me into my wheelchair and pushed me to the walking rails. "Before we begin we would need you to wear a special type of brace. Its to help support and limit movement to your spine." I nodded while I watched the nurses bring out the brace. I lifted my arms above my head as they strapped on the brace to my body. "Doctor this is very.... uncomfortable" I commented as I put my arms down. 

"Yes I know.. but you have to bear with it for a few more weeks. It will all be worth it in the end." he replied. "Are you ready?" he asked and I nodded eager to see what will happen. The nurses helped me up to my feet leading me to the railings. I grabbed onto the railings on each side of me and gripped it tightly. The nurses let go of me.... I wiggled my toes at first... then I slowly attempted to drag my left foot forward.. "good so far" the doctor commented. I smiled thinking I could do it on my own, but once I let go of the railing my body met the ground. 

Jungkook Pov
I walked into the hospital with a smile on my face knowing I was seeing my beautiful girlfriend. "Im here to see Lee Y/n." I asked the front desk lady. She looked at me and smiled "Shes in the rehabilitation center, its down the hallway... youll see a sign" I nodded and made my way towards the center. I pushed the rehabilitation room door open and saw other patients but didnt see Y/n. (Is this the right place?) I thought to myself until I heard a semi loud thud. I looked at the corner of the room and saw Y/n on the floor.

(?!?!?) I ran my way over to her. I saw her face scrunched up in pain. "Bring her to the bed" The dcotor spoke as the nurses helped her up to her feet. I watched as they laid her down on the massage bed near them. I walked my way to them and Y/n cried out "I-I thought I could do it.." 

The doctor sighed before explaining things to her "Y/n... being able to walk isnt going to be easy. Its going to take a lot of time and commitment, you need to be patient." I looked at Y/n and she continued to cry "But... I-I want t-to walk again.." she said while covering her face. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the doctor looking at me with a smile. He signaled me to come over and I followed. "Y/n.. with the support of your family and friends.. you could do it. Even ask this young man... right?" the doctor questioned while looking at me. 

Y/n uncovered her face and once our eyes met she looked at me sadly. "Kookie??" she questioned before looking at me confused. I reached out and grabbed her hand "Just like the doctor said.. with the support from me, my hyungs and your brother.. you'll be able to walk in not time. I dont care how long its going to take... I told you that I'll be by your side no matter what. If you want me to be there helping you walk then I'll be there." I kissed the back of her hand and gave her a reassuring smile.  

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