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Y/N Pov
We finally arrived at the location of the shoot and Mingyu was the first to hop out of the van. I was about to open the van door until it opened for me, I looked up and saw Mingyu standing there holding his hand out for me to take it. I smiled and placed my hand in his and he helped me out of the vehicle. 

"Arasseo, lets start the shoot!" My manager cheered as she led us through the beach to where we met the photographer and his crew and exchanged greetings/introductions. "Okay lets get started! This is the perfect time to take some couple photos!" the photographer commented before instructing us on where to go. 

We took pictures on the beach along with our solo shoots. It was nearing the end of the day and we were on the last shoot. "Okay this is the money shot were trying to get here. Mingyu and Y/n I want you both to stand in front of each other." they instructed and we did as they said.  "mmm closer" they spoke up and we took a step closer to each other. "Closer! Like bodies pressed up against each other close" 

Mingyu and I both shook our head and did as they said. "Thats it! now Mingyu place a soft kiss on her forehead.." Both Mingyu and I looked at the photographer like he was insane but he gave us the 'im serious' look. 

Mingyu and I looked at each other and we both nodded. I stood there and closed my eyes and I could feel Mingyu inching closer towards me. I then soon felt something soft and warm press against my forehead. *Badump* After a few seconds he pulled away once he heard the photographer cheer. "That was perfect! Amazing!!" 

Mingyu and I made our way towards the photographer as he showed us the final photo he had taken of the two of us. "It came out great!" I commented and Mingyu nodded "We look like a real couple! No awkwardness could be found in the photo" Mingyu sighed in relief. We both locked eyes with each other and I held my hand out in a fist. "Your a natural" I complimented Mingyu as he returned the fist bump. "Its only because I had an amazing partner"

"Okay thats it for todays shoot! Good work everyone! Please be on time next week for the next theme!" the photographer yelled out and everyone responded positively

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"Okay thats it for todays shoot! Good work everyone! Please be on time next week for the next theme!" the photographer yelled out and everyone responded positively. "Y/n! its time to go now! your going to be late" I nodded while heading my way towards a separate car. Before entering Mingyu stopped me "Uhmm.. I know that were going to be meeting again but... uuhmm... can we by chance.. exchange numbers?" He asked shyly as I see his cheeks flush red. 

I took out a piece of paper and pen form my bag and wrote down my number handing him the blue rabbit printed paper. "It was great working with you..." I said while then getting into the car as my manager drove off.

"Seemed like you two really clicked with each other" Manager-nim spoke as she glanced over at me. "yeah.. hes a nice guy" I commented while looking out the window. "Hows the situation between you and Jungkook?" she proceeded to ask. My shoulders slumped forward "Not that great. I've been wanting to forget about him but.. you know. 10 years of only loving him and after what happened its hard to forget." 

My manager nodded "I understand. Well your still young. Dont rush... But whatever decision you make we will all be there to support you no matter what" "Thanks..." "Anyways enough of him, I just wanted to let you know that your photos with Mingyu will be everywhere tomorrow! the shoot you had with him today was a big one!"

Time Skip~

"Thanks for dropping me off manager-nim! I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved her goodbye as I made my way into the restaurant. I scanned the room and found the person in my sights. I made my way over to the table he was sitting at and once he saw me he smiled. "Thanks for agreeing to have dinner with me" he spoke as he bowed. I returned the bow "Anything for you Taehyung"

We both sat down at the table and after ordering our food we had small talk. "How have you been?" he asked while taking a sip of his water. "I-I've been fine. How about you and the others? How are they?".

"I've been doing good. The others are doing well. Its been lonely without you..." he looked at me with a sad smile. "H-Hows Jungkook?" I hesitantly asked, I looked at Taehyung and he smiled "To be honest he hasnt been great. Ever since that incident hes been depressed and such lately... along with Eunji, she burned a photo album Jungkook had in his room which was filled with your photos with him. Hes been having a rough time." I fiddled with my fingers feeling somewhat guilty. 

"Y/n... could you please talk to him?" he suddenly asked causing me to look at him confused yet shocked. (W-what?!) "Hes been a mess without you in his life. Im not asking you to get back together with him. I just at least want you to be friends with him... Its hard for the rest of us to see both  of you hurting. Please.." My heart began to race and the thought of talking to him. I havent spoken to him after what happened back at Big Hit. "W-What if he doesnt want to talk to me.." I mumbled while looking down. 

"Trust me... Hes been wanting to apologize and talk to you... We also told him that you remembered who he was..." My eyes widened "W-What? What did he say??!" I questioned while gripping on the hem of my skirt. 

"He believed it at first but now he doesnt..." Taehyung explained while sighing and leaning back into his chair. "I-I see... uhmm... If i do decide to talk to talk to Jungkook, I want him to believe that I dont remember him if thats okay.." Taehyung looked at me with furrowed brows. "Why would you want that?" He asked while leaning closer towards me. "Because.. I want to start from scratch... I want to start off fresh with him. But also because I want to see how much effort he will put it to be friends or more with me.." 

"Or more?? Wait... Y/n do you still love Jungkook?" he asked with wide eyes. I bit down on my lower lip and nodded. I glanced up at Taehyung and saw him smiling down at me. I pointed my finger at him "Dont you dare tell anyone! Or ill rip up that lion plushie I gave to you for you birthday." I threatened him. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped "N-no! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY LION!" he pleaded.

 His eyes widened and his jaw dropped "N-no! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY LION!" he pleaded

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We both laughed and soon after we ate dinner together. 

"When do you want me to talk to Jungkook??" I suddenly asked him. "Tomorrow.. the sooner the better to be honest. And plus it would really make him happy" he replied while chewing on his food. 


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