Chapter 47

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Kara's POV

Oh my god.

"What?!" I question.

Cyn nods solemnly.

"Not just with one woman. But like, a lot."

Tears fill her eyes as she tells me about John's behavior lately.

"He's more testy than usual. He gets upset a lot easier. He is not as loving to Julian. He always smells of ciggies but it's been stronger lately and I think that's to cover up perfume. I've smelt it, Kara. Chanel, Dior, Coach... They're all different. And he hasn't... We haven't.. Done anything since about eight months after Julian was born."

She pauses.

"I don't know what to do. I didn't know who to call. Yours was the first name in my head. And I kind of just figured.." She trails off.

I reach across and grab her arm.

"Of course Cyn. Always. You and Julian are always welcome here. And I'll always be here for you to talk to."

She smiles meekly.


A few tears begin to fall.

"I love him Kara. I really do. I just am afraid he doesn't love me."

"Of course he loves you. You have a child together. People don't do that unless they're in love."

"We didn't plan it. I love my little man but in no way was Julian a thought out idea. John married me because of him."

"Cyn... Come off it. That's not why and we both know it." I roll my eyes.

"The other guys aren't like John. George isn't like John. I know John. I'm afraid I know him too well."

"Cyn stop. I'm sure John's just basking in the all the sudden female attention. I'm sure the other guys are too. You're his wife. He's his child." I say, pointing to Julian.

"Do you really think he'd mess about with that?"

Cyn sighs.

"You're probably right. I just.. It's been happening for a while. And I can never bring it up to him so I just let it muster inside of me."

I pat her arm.

"Try to talk with him. I know how testy he can be but for gods sake you two are married! He has to stop and listen to you at some point."

Cyn smiles.

"Thanks Kara."

I smile back.

"So what's new with you?" She says, changing the subject.

I want to tell her. Oh I want to tell her but I'm scared to. Especially after last time. I look at her expectant face. George doesn't know. Miss Judy doesn't know. Lauren doesn't know. Cyn would be the first. After she opened up to me about her fears, I felt so much close to her than I ever had. With that, I take a deep breath and look into her eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

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