Chapter 58

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George's POV

I pace anxiously in the hospital corridor. Ringo is sitting in a chair nearby and the other two are coming behind with the women. Even though I told them they hadn't needed to come, they insisted upon it. They're such a great group of friends.

A doctor comes out of the surgery room. Ringo stands and comes by my side. We listen (Ringo more so than me) as the doctor explains everything. All I heard was that she's in a medically induced coma. Then I heard that he had safely delivered the baby. He pointed to the nursery down the way and I ran down there while Ringo stayed and got the rest of the information from the doctor.

When I reached the nursery window, I saw at least a dozen or two babies. Which one was mine? I had no way of knowing. Just then, a nurse walked into the nursery room. When she saw me through the glass, she freaked out a little. I wonder why but then I remember. I'm a Beatle standing standing so close her. I start to turn away when she waves her hands at me. I follow her on my side of the window as she walks to the other end. She walks up to a baby in a crib at the front. The baby is wrapped tight in a bright pink blanket. She smiles down at the baby and looks up at me, pointing.

That's my baby.

Tears well in my eyes as I look at her. She's so beautiful. She's bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She looks at me as I look at her. I smile and wave. She looks just like Kara. I want to hold her. I look at the nurse who's still standing there. I point to my baby and make my arms a cradle. She smiles and nods, pointing to the door. I walk around the corner and she lets me in.

"Seven pounds, eight ounces this little one." She says as she lifts the baby and places her in my awaiting arms.

I hold her close to me. The heat of her body warms my heart.

"Hi baby." I say.

She looks up at me with wide eyes. I adjust her in my arms so that I can run a finger lightly across her face. She makes bubbles with the spit in her mouth and I laugh.

"I'm your daddy." I say to her as I gently sway side to side.

I look up and see the gang watching me. Cyn is crying, John crosses his eyes at me, Linda has a hand over her heart, and everyone else is just smiling as they watch me in this moment. I smile briefly before turning back to my baby girl.

I lean my head down and plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm gonna spoil you rotten." I whisper to her.

She makes squealing noises.

"Yes baby." I say as the nurse and I laugh.

I am saddened when I give her back to the nurse. She places her back in the crib and I give her once last glance before I walk out of the room. I join the rest of the group.

"Let's get some food." Paul says.

I follow them even though I'm not hungry.

My happiness from the baby is soon replaced with fear and worry for Kara. She's always seemed to be in the hospital these days. I don't at all worry about the bills that come from all of this, it isn't hard for me to pay for them, I worry about her and how this must affect her, mentally and emotionally.

We lads sit down in the hospital cafeteria. Paul hands Linda money and the girls go to get food for us. The food isn't that great but it's not like we had a whole lot of options. Only hospital staff knew we were here, as of yet, and we didn't want to let on to anyone else.

"We're moving homes." I say after a bit.

"Kara's father found our house, Joe found us, I just can't risk anything more happening to her. And now with the baby? There's absolutely no way I'd leave them alone."

The group collectively nods.

"I think that's a good idea." Ringo said.

"We were going to mention it if you didn't bring it up." John said.

"Where are you thinking, George?" Mo asks.

"Somewhere far. I'd rather have to drive a long ways than risk any of this ever again."

Everyone agrees.

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