Chapter 44

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George's POV

Miscarriage?? Oh my god. I hang up the telephone with my mother. Her calm voice slowly detailed everything out for me. Not that there was much. Kara had had a miscarriage and she was down but getting better.

"It's really hard on her right now." My mum said.

"I could tell she had really wanted that child."

Tears swell up in my eyes as I think of Kara. My sweet, beautiful wife and everything she must be going through right now.

"Should I come home? Know what, no. I'll just tell Brian I've to return home. They'll all be upset but-"

"George Harold." My mother's stern voice stopped me mid sentence.

"You will not come here. You will stick it out and finish the tour. You guys have already cancelled enough at this point. From your wedding, Paul's wedding, Maureen's flu sickness..." Her voice trails out.

"You will stay and come home when the tour has ended. Do you hear me young man? I am here. Miss Judy is here. Kara is in excellent hands. You needn't worry."

My mother and I said our goodbyes and hung up.

I immediately went to Ringo's part of the large hotel room and knocked on the door. He opened it a moment later, eyes foggy from sleep. He stepped back to let me in and sat with me on his bed while I told him everything my mum had just told me.

"Wow." He says at the end.

He leans over and wraps me in a hug. Normally this would be weird. But in the moment, it was just right.

Kara's POV

It's been almost two weeks since I had the miscarriage. I'm still haunted by it at night but I'm otherwise back to normal. Lauren's speech that day helped me realize that I gain nothing by holding onto this. This baby wasn't meant to be the one. I spend my days with Lauren planting flowers in the front lawn. I've come to enjoy her company. Since I don't really have a mother of my own any more, it's nice that I get on with George's so well.

We are just finishing up planting the last batch when the gate opens and a black Rolls makes its way up the drive. When the car stops, Lauren and I stand watching George climb out. He doesn't bother with any luggage, immediately coming over and wrapping me up in a big hug.

"I missed you." He whispers in my ear.

His breath, hot on my skin, makes my eyes tear. For as much time as we spend apart, it's amazing all we've been through. But it breaks my heart just how much time I have to spend away from him. He's the love of my life and I see him one week out of every month - if I'm lucky.

George goes and hugs his mother. I hear him thanking her. George grabs my hand and we all go inside. Miss Judy is just finishing up lunch preparations and we sit at the table. George scarfs down three sandwiches while I nibble on a half of one. Lauren eats a sandwich and, when she's finished with her tea, announces she'll be heading home.

"Mum? Now?" George said through a mouthful of food.

She mussed his hair and kissed his cheek.

"Yes baby. I love you dearly and missed you greatly but I know when it's my time to go."

We walked her to the door and said her goodbyes. I thanked her repeatedly.

"Oh stop. None of that now." She said, waving off my gratitude.

We wave to her as she pulls her car down the drive and out of sight.

"I got you something." George said when we could no longer see her.

"You didn't do that because of...?" I ask.

George shakes his head quickly.

"No no no. I bought this on like the third day of the tour."

He turned on his heel and didn't look back, knowing I would follow. I watch him saunter for a second before jogging to catch up with him.

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