chapter 11: Luggage Take Out

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After a while, I decided to draw a picture of me and Jigglypuff with crayons. I am starting to like her character, she isn't like the rest of the Smashers (well, we just know each other about an hour ago).

And so far, I like her. I hope she doesn't change after a while.

When I was done, I hung the picture on the wall above my desk. Someday I'll give it to her.

Then came a knock at my door, I was expecting Jigglypuff, but when I open the door, it was Captain Falcon.

"Hey kiddo, you're alright what happened." Captain Falcon said.

"Of course, Jigglypuff had to calm me down," I replied, I was half expecting him to make fun of me because men don't like pink.

"Puffy calm you down? Huh? A new side of Puffy." Falcon said

"What do you mean new side?" I said.

"Well, Jigglypuff used to a bitch when she first got here, haven't seen her in 5 years, but when you tell me she calms you down, it makes her a better Smasher."

Wow, that an interesting fact. "So, I'm guessing you're here because you want to check on me if I'm alright?"

"Correct. So, can I come in?"

I let him inside my room, it felt nice to have someone checking on you, at least he's nice. For now.

"Wow, your room is very pink! except for the wall, it a blue colour, like your eyes." Captain Falcon said.

"So, you hate the colour pink?" I said.

"Actually, I love the colour pink,"

"So you're gay then?"

"I'm not gay, I just love the colour, because, fun fact, when I first got here, I was wearing a pink suit instead of my purple suit, I still wear my pink suit, but only on pink day. And sometimes on battle. Pink reminds me of my mother, so that's why I love pink."


"So, want to get your stuff out and put them in your drawers?" Falcon said.

"Sure, I should have done that before breakfast," I said.

I and Falcon took out my things from my luggage and backpack, Falcon put my hats, shoes, sunglasses and bows in the drawer.

While I took out my pillow, the sleeping pills, crayons, markers, food, the knife, and pictures of me and my parents.

I looked at my favourite picture, it's of me and my parents, in the hospital when I was just born, my parents look so young, I wonder how old they were.

A tear started to run down my eye. "So, that's your parents?" Captain Falcon said.

I quickly hide the picture in my backpack. "I already saw that Kirby, your parents look so young in that picture."

"Yeah, they do." Another tear came running down my cheek.

"You miss them?"

"Yeah, I really do, they are the only ones I have."

"You can always call them, Kirby, whenever I felt lonely, I call my mother for her kindness. You could do that, Kirby."

"Maybe your right, I should call them since I just got a phone. But not right now, we still have to get my stuff out of my luggage-"

"Its all done, I basically took your stuff and put all of them in the drawer while you were talking about how you miss your parents."

"Wait? What?"

I looked at my luggage, it's all gone. "Wow, you're very quick, Captain Falcon."

Captain Falcon said, "You don't have to call me Captain, if you really want, you can call me Bart Lemming."

"Bart Lemming?"

"Yeah, that my real name, most Smashers call me Captain Falcon because it's a easy name instead of Bart Lemming."

"Well, I'll just call you Bart, and sometimes Captain Falcon, deal?"

"Yeah, deal!" Captain Falcon said as we shake hands (I have to jump because Falcon is bigger than me).

Captain Falcon said, "Hey Kirby, want to play a prank on someone?"

"A prank? On who?" I said.

"Meta Knight of course!"

"But, wouldn't we get in trouble?"

"Don't worry, well hide and Meta Knight won't know who did it, cmon, Kirby. Don't you want revenge?"

"After he almost punched me? Sure, let's do it!"


"But what will our prank be?"

Falcon looked around the room, he saw the food I got. "This will be perfect!" He said as he took it. "We can use this to prank Meta Knight!"

"But that my food."

"And? Do you really need it?"

"Not really," I sigh. "Fine, we can use it."

"Great, let's go!" Captain Falcon said as he ran out of my room. "You coming!?" He called for the distance.


I ran out of my room and close my door, I then follow Captain Falcon. I am so happy he didn't find the knife, if he did, I have to answer a lot of questions.

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