chapter 20: A bad dinner

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As I was walking down the hall with Isabelle. I notice everyone was getting into groups.

 I didn't want to, Isabelle gave me what looks like a menu. "Uh, why do I need this?" "So you can order, it's like a restaurant" "oh that's interesting, thanks I guess?" "Your welcome sweetie now wash your hands and oh here take this" she gave me medicine (just in case if I get food poisoned) "thanks" "your welcome now go wash your hands before eating" I nodded and she left.

 I went into the boy's bathroom and wash my hands. After I was done I can hear talking I hide in the bathroom stall.

 I Shut the door and stand on the toilet seat. The door opened, I cover my mouth with my hand so I don't make too much noise.

 It was a master hand and sonic. "Goddamnit sonic, why would you put speed beans?" "So everyone can have energy" "oh sonic, now I had to tell Isabelle to make another bowl of bean soup. Will you promise me to not do that again?" "Yeah yeah, whatever" "this is Kirby's first dinner with us, we need to feel he's welcome, got it" "yeah sure why not" as they both left the bathroom.

 I opened the stall and wash my face and took the medicine and drink it. It was disgusting but I can handle it.

 I quickly left the bathroom and went downstairs. When I was at the dining room, there were a few smashers on the table while sitting and talking. I sat on of the chairs on the left side of the table and waited for my food. A few more smashers came, I saw meta knight coming down the stairs. Oh no Jigglypuff told me to stay away from him. Lucky I saw a paper bag on the table, I quickly got it and put it on my head so meta knight won't see me.

 Meta Knight was looking for me, I pretended that I was not me, he went to sit down right next to me.

 He spoke, "so um.... Have you seen a pink puffball anywhere?" I quickly shake my head no. He crosses his arms and said "fuck, I thought you know, well if he shows up I will sit beside him" I ask in a low voice "why?" "Because I want-" he was cut short because he saw my eyes, he grinned at me.

 "hehehe you really think I'm that stupid? I know it's you Kirby" he quickly took off the paper bag.

 "Now let's talk about-" he was interrupted by Donkey Kong. "Hey meta knight, what are you telling the kid?" "I will just tell him later" I spoke "excuse me? I have a name you know if someones call me kid my dad can break their throats" Donkey Kong gave me a surprised look "your dad can break throats? That awesome my dad can't do that-" he was interrupted by meta knight "hehe it's because your dad is dead" Donkey Kong look away.

 I could see he had a sad look. I move my chair away from meta knight, but meta knight notices and move his chair beside me. "Anyways I was saying-" "KIRBY!!!!!!" I knew that voice, I turned around Jigglypuff was there.

 "Kirby what did I told you?" She looked at meta knight and sigh "fine, I think this is ok. For now" as she sits beside me.

 I took out the menu, and search what to eat. Meta knight tap my arm, he spoke "um Kirby, why don't you get a hamburger" I gave him a confessed look. "Just trust me ok" I nodded and look at the menu what to drink. Crazy hand was the waiter, he listed what the smashers want. He went to me, "hey Kirby, first time here what can I get ya" I was about to speak, but meta knight interrupted. "I'll do the talking here, me and Kirby want hamburgers and the drinks will be diet coke zero" I didn't want diet coke zero, but that's what you get.

 meta knight grinned at me (I was still creeped out from that grin). After crazy hand listed our food, he flies off and went to the kitchen.

 I cross my arms and waited, now the table was completely full. Master hand place the food on our plates, "now dinner is really served" said Master hand. I look at my coke, I pushed away but meta knight notice "Kirby? What are you waiting for? Eat up" as he took off his mask a little(only his lips show) and bit it. I grab a fork and a knife and cut the hamburger. Meta Knight again notice "Kirby? What the hell are you doing?" I look at him "look I'm not being rude but, why eat like this?" I still look at him.

 "WHY ARE YOU NOT TALKING TO ME!!!!!!?????" "Hey! Leave Kirby alone meta knight" said Jigglypuff. Meta knight stared at Jigglypuff, I continued eating, Jigglypuff asks "uh Kirby, why do you eat like that?" I spoke "that's my mom's way everytime we buy like pizza, fries, burger and any type of junk food" "that cool" "and my family are Russian" "oh ho, did you say your family is Russian?" "Yeah, I sometimes speak Russian" Jigglypuff was amazed she smile and pat my head.

 Master hand rang the bell "alright I have to say something" everyone looked at master hand. "As you can see, Kirby will give a speech" I was like WHAT!?!?! Everyone looked at me, meta knight gave me a smile. I took a deep breath.

 "well I would like to thank the hands for bringing me here to Smash Bros, I do miss my parents but I will not forget them, I will be happy to know all of you" everyone clapped "aww your so sweet Kirby" said crazy hand. 

After I was done my hamburger, meta knight touch my feet. I look at him he was grinning, Jigglypuff notice "hey, what are you doing?" "Mind your own business" her mouth dropped.

"excuse me? You don't treat a woman like that" "look who fucking cares, I can do whatever I want, now if you excuse I'm playing with Kirby" I was getting annoyed so I move a little far away, he grabs my chair and moved it, so I was really right next to him.

 He continued to tap, touch and look at me. Jigglypuff spoke "you need to stop, it's Kirby's first dinner, we don't want Kirby to be creeped out" "do I fucking care?" I saw her face turned angry "you better get away from Kirby or else you will pay" he gave Jigglypuff the middle finger.

 "Say, Kirby, where is your diet coke?- oh, there it is" he gave it and gave it to me.

 I put it back on the table "Hey what's wrong?" I look at him. Before I was about to say something Jigglypuff spoke: "ALRIGHT META KNIGHT IF YOU DON'T GET AWAY FROM KIRBY OH YOUR DEAD MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone look what was going on "what is the problem?" Said master hand "hm you yell just like your father to your dead mother, oh how interesting,"  said meta knight.

 I spoke "now-now you two, just be quite and eat" "Kirby, don't get into this please," said Jigglypuff.

 "Oh you better get into this Kirby, this will be fun" "this is your final warning now shut up" "how about you shut up your dead mom I could hear her in my brain" Jigglypuff got so mad I tried to push her but she said "out of the way Kirby" she pushes me away "oh haha, what are you going to do? Spank my asshole?" Jigglypuff grabbed a spoon "wow what are you doing with that?" "COME HERE, BITCH!!!!!!!!" She jumps on top of him and starts punching him.

 I watch the fight, I tried to help but Samus grabbed me "Kirby doesn't get into this" "but I have to help" "Kirby no" I saw Jigglypuff put the spoon into meta knight asshole.

 I finally got out of Samus's grip and went to help "Jigglypuff!!" meta knight, kicked her and meta knight pulled out the spoon.

Before she was about to get hit I push her out of the way and meta knight punch me instead. I got a black eye, everyone gasps "OH MY GOD!!!!!" Said Jigglypuff.

 Meta Knight was shocked by what he just did. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry-" I ran away from the dining room tried not to cry. Jigglypuff ran after me.

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