chapter 66: kids part 2

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Nana and the rest of the kids took me into the living room. they picked out markers and paper. I just sat on the carpet. they all sat down on the carpet. mega man said, "Alright, today we are going to draw something special" pit handed out the markers and nana handed out the paper.

I was thinking of what to draw. mega man said, "so Kirby, what are you planning to draw?" I said, "I don't know mega man, this is hard" pit said, "I got an idea, why don't you draw the twin towers from 2001" my mouth dropped, while everyone else looked at pit with shocked eyes.

"what? that what palutena told me" said pit. "pit, are you insane? that is Americas worst day of all time" said mega man. " let's just forget that happened ok" I said, everyone went back to drawing. I got an idea what to draw. I grabbed lots of colours and started to draw.

after a few minutes of drawing time. I was done, mega man said, "Alright everyone, take a look at my drawing" he shows his draw to everyone.

 I was done, mega man said, "Alright everyone, take a look at my drawing" he shows his draw to everyone

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"awwwww it's Kirby, your drawing is so cute mega man," said popo. "now it's our turn to show our drawing," said Nana. they also showed there drawing. once again it's me

"oh my god that is so cute nana and popo," said pit

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"oh my god that is so cute nana and popo," said pit. "now my turn" he shows his drawing. again it's me.

"pit why did you give Kirby eyelashes?" said mega man

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"pit why did you give Kirby eyelashes?" said mega man. "because Kirby's voice sounds like a girl so I drew eyelashes," said pit. he is right I do sound like a girl. "yay Kirby's last, show us your drawing Kirby" said Popo.

I nod. I picked up my drawing and showed it to everyone. they were surprised. "Kirby, you draw that? that looks fucking awesome" said pit.

"thank everyone, sorry I couldn't finished your face pit because the paper is small," I said

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"thank everyone, sorry I couldn't finished your face pit because the paper is small," I said. there one clapped. "is there a reason why you draw that?" said mega man. "there is a reason. the reason why I draw this it's because you four are my best friends in the world" I said. nana, popo and pit were tearing up.

mega man hugged me. I hug back, mega man let go of me and said, "so Kirby what do you want to do now? we still have a few minutes before the ball starts" I think for a moment. them I got an idea. I ask, "how about we do what kids do. you know play, watch cartoons and-" "how about we watch Batman: the animated series," said pit.

"what's that?" I said, "Batman the animated series is one of the best cartoons of all time, we should watch it. it's really good and very dark" said pit. nana popo and mega man sat on the couch. "c'mon Kirby, you'll love it. come sit on the couch" said pit as he sat down.

I sat on the couch. "so what episode should watch?" said mega man. "oh I got one" said pit. he puts the DVD inside the DVD player and the episode starts.

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