chapter 57: meta knight vs Marth: part one

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Oh my god, 902 views!??? Thank you so much. Since today is valentines I want it to be romantic and angst. Enjoy the chapter and yes I'm doing a different type of writing. Happy Valentine's

When me and Jigglypuff arrive back home. Meta knight immediately hugged me.

"Hi sweetie, how was the store?" meta knight said happily. I blushed a little bit.

jigglypuff sighed, "now are you going to tell me why did a random kid hug you?"

meta knight let go of me in shock. "you got to be kidding me? a kid just hugged ya? what the heck was that for?"

"I know you two are mad," I said trying to calm the two of them down.

"Kirby, we are not mad. we are just curious. now tell us why a kid hugged you?" said Jigglypuff.

"ok, this what happened," I said.

one explanation later.......

"that what happened," I said.

"so you're telling me that someone stole a kid's lollipop and you fight the man, then you gave the kid back the lollipop, then later the kid hugged you for giving the lollipop back?" said meta knight.

I nodded. I pulled out the lollipop the kid gave me.

meta knight notice, "give me that" he took the lollipop away from me.

"Hey, give it back meta knight," I said in anger. 

I cross my arms together in anger. meta knight laughed and give back my lollipop.

I am still mad at meta knight for taking my lollipop away.

"it's a joke Kirby, I'm just joking," meta knight said.

I was about to say when I heard Marth behind meta knight. 

me and Jigglypuff sigh in disappointment as Marth said "hey meta knight, how is my dude doing-why hello there Kirby"

meta knight said in a dark, deep, low voice "don't touch Kirby, Marth"

"what the heck is your problem meta knight? you were a great friend to me. but when Kirby came, you changed, what the fuck is your problem?"

meta knight didn't say anything. he just stared at Marth with anger look in his eyes.

Marth looks at me and said "you changed meta knight you pink shit, you made him against me"

jigglypuff said "excuse me? did you call Kirby pink shit?"

Marth said "I sure did, pink shit 2" Jigglypuff got mad, she tried to hit him, but he slaps her in the face.

meta knight said "WHAT THE FUCK MARTH!!!!!!!!!" he yelled so loud everyone heard that. even the hand heard it. 

"before things get real let me do something first" he went up to me, briefly took off his mask (only his lips shows) and kissed me.

I moaned while everyone else was surprised. even Marth was shocked.

meta knight broke the kiss and lowered his mask.

he turned around to Marth, he slowly walks up to him. 

"COME HERE YOU BITCH!!!!" yelled meta knight.

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