chapter 15: Smash Bros

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When I arrived in the main room, I saw a lot of Smashers, they were around a spinning wheel. Oh no, I know what this means!

"Alright everyone, today we are going to try something different, this, my friends, is call: The Super Smash Spinner! If you get picked, well, good job, but if you didn't get picked, next time for sure! We will only pick four fighters for today."

I said to myself 'Man, this is so stupid, I'm out of here!' I was about to leave when Sonic appeared. He said. "Hey! Kirbo!

I am pissed off. "Excuse me? That isn't my name, it's Kirby!"

"Wow, wow, wow, calm down, I am just using a nickname! jeez!" Sonic said.

"The hell is a nickname?" I questioned.

"Well, a nickname is a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name. So that's why I called you Kirbo."

"Ah, sounds stupid to me." I said.

"Cmon us smashers get nicknames, for example um? Meta Knight, he is sometimes called The Lone Swordsman because he fights alone."

"What a ugly and weird nickname for a knight like him." I said as I crossed my arms.

"You should get picked, it's so fucking fun, even I win like a few times, I hope I get pick!"

"I really hope you do, and for me, hell no!"

"What was that, Kirby?"

"Nothing!" I lied.

We waited for a few more second when Master Hand said, "Alright, who will be our first fighter!" he spins the wheel, 'Please don't pick me! Please don't pick me! Please don't pick me!' I thought to myself. It landed on Diddy Kong, good for me. "Well done, Diddy, your our first fighter!"

"HOLY SHIT!! YES!!!" Diddy yelled in happiness.

Master Hand said. "Second fighter!" The wheel landed on Sonic. "Hey, what you look at that! You got picked, nice job!" I said (Fun fact: it's my first time saying 'nice job' to someone for a while). "Hell yay!' Sonic cheered.

"The third fighter." Master Hand said as he spins it again. Shit! It landed on Meta Knight! "Why?" I said to myself. Meta Knight chuckled, "Lucky me." He looks at me ( I can tell he is grinning because of his eyes). How fucking creepy! "Final fighter!" He spins the wheel, I close my eyes hoping I didn't get picked. (But I was very wrong) The wheel landed on me!

"Why look at that! Kirby is our fourth and final fighter!" Master Hand said.

I said, "What?!"

While everyone cheers. Meta Knight's eyes were wide and smirked under his sliver mask. I am getting creeped out.

I said, "Hold on! even beginners have to fight?"

"Of course Kirby, everyone has to fight, this is why it's called Smash Bros." Diddy said. I sigh.

"C'mon Kirby, get on the platform," said Sonic.

I stand on the platform, I close my eye and I was transported to a stage called: Dream Land. And the way it's designed is beautiful! Luckly, I wasent standing beside Meta Knight, I was beside Diddy. "Are you ready to fight?" said Diddy.

"Actually, I don't know how to f-" I was cut off by Master hand. He said, "Are all you four ready to fight?" They cheered, but I didn't because I hate this place so much! "Ready..." Master Hand started. I saw Meta Knight gave me a wink, I just froze there.

"It's ok, Kirby, I was scared too when it was my first fight, but I calm down after my fifth one." Said Diddy

"GO!" yelled Master Hand.

Diddy ran up to Meta Knight, he took out a wooden gun (which looks hilarious!), he was about to shoot it at Meta Knight when he sliced Diddy's stomach with his sword. Blood splated on the floor. Diddy fall to the ground, I screamed, I never saw anyone do that before! Meta Knight approach to Diddy.

Meta Knight chuckled, "Oh Diddy Kong..." he bent down and lift Diddy's chin to face him. "You have much yet to learn..." as he violently kicked Diddy out of the stage. I screamed again, Meta Knight turn to face me. His eyes shows he's smiling at me. Then, Sonic ran past Meta Knight, as he spins like crazy, I back away and ran. I can't do this anymore, I have to get out of here! I turned around to see Sonic.

Meta Knight has collapsed to the floor, then, out of nowhere, Meta Knight turned into dust and fly out. "What the fuck?" Sonic and I said. Then, again out of nowhere, Meta Knight appeared behind Sonic and again violently kicked Sonic out of the stage. Meta Knight tunred again to face me. He chuckled, "It's you and me now, Kirby..."

I gulped, I don't want to fight Meta Knight, but Jigglypuff yelled, "YOU CAN DO THIS KIRBY!!! I KNOW YOU CAN!!" she is right, I can do this but my mind said, 'You can't do it, Kirby, you'll get beat up by Meta Knight! you can't do this, just can't... Run away!' I ran from Meta Knight. "What the hell are you doing, Kirby?" I didn't listen to him as I jump out of the stage. "KIRBY!!!" Meta Knight yelled while everyone else gasped in shocked. Then Master Hand said, "GAME!"

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