chapter 16: The Argument

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Lucky the fight was short because of what happened. I was about to go to my room when Jigglypuff came up to me and said, "KIRBY! why did you do that?! No other Smasher would do that! Are you insane?!"

"Jiggly! I was so fucking scared of Meta Knight! He sliced Diddy's stomach!" I said.

"At least your not hurt from the fall," said Jigglypuff. "But please, don't fall from a fight again."

"I will," I said. Hope I don't get picked to fight.

I was about to go up the stairs when someone called me, "KIRBY!! GET YOUR PINK ASS HERE NOW!!!"

I turned around in shock, there was Meta Knight with an angry look in his eyes. His eyes were a deep bloody red.

"Why did you did that?" Said meta knight. I didn't talk. I just look at him with a scared look. "TALK TO ME GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!"

"You know what, leave Kirby alone, you're scaring him," said Jigglypuff.

"Who the fuck ask you to told me?" Meta Knight said.

She stared at him with an angry face.

"Just get out," said Jigglypuff.

"Hahaha you still have your mother's blood and kindness, oh how adorable," said Meta Knight with an evil smile. Even if he had his mask on, I could see he is smiling. Because of his eyes.

Jigglypuff gasp, tears were running down her face.

Meta Knight said, "Yup, should have known, you really cared about your mother, don't you? Or I should say, dead mother."

I now felt sorry for Jigglypuff. First time in a while.

That's it, I had enough of standing here. I went in front of Jigglypuff and spoke, "Leave her alone, Meta Knight!"

Meta Knight spoke, "Oh, you're on her side then? How sweet, how Sweet. Now step aside a kid and let me deal with this-" He was cut short because I slap him in the face, hard. His mask didn't come off. How is that possible?

"Ah, what the fuck kid?" Said Meta Knight.

"Thank Kirby, your the best," said Jigglypuff.

I turn to face her and smiled at her. "Alright kid, if you're up against a fight? Then let's start," said Meta Knight as he took out his sword, his sword was filled with Diddy's blood.

"No," I said in anger

"Excuse me?" He said.

"I said no."

"What the hell is your problem?"

"I'm telling you to get out of here and leave Jigglypuff alone."

"Fuck you, Kirby!"

"No, fuck you, Meta Knight! You nothing more than a monster!"

His eyes lid up, Jigglypuff gasped, as I walk up the stairs and yelled at Meta Knight, "YOUR A BITCH!"

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