chapter 49: lunch mess up

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I look around the kitchen for a few minutes. I smile in happiness, I found a hiding spot.

Just then the door opened. I hide inside the lower drawer, I hold my breath so I don't make noise. When the person came out of the door.

I quickly close my eyes, I was hoping it was not meta knight. Then the figure said "oh well back to making lunch *sigh*" I knew that voice. I quietly opened the drawer door.

But when I was about to leave, the figure said "Kirby? What are you doing here?" I turned around, it was Isabelle. "Oh uh, I saw playing hide and seek," I said. "Oh, good for you" she sadly replied.

I ask "is there something wrong Isabelle?" "You don't need to know" "C'mon Isabelle, I can help you" she was silent for 3 minutes. then she spoke "ok Kirby, I could use your help" "now that's the Isabelle I know. but before we get into, tell me why are you sad?" "fine, it's because of my mom, she always told me 'you don't need friends to cook friends are big distractions and I mean it' but when I see cooking shows there are people who help the chef. but not me, luckily my mom died from breast cancer but I still hear her voice in my head. even I tried to cook in the morning to save some lunch and dinner. my mom always catches on me doing that. I got sent here 7 years ago after my mom died, now I'm a chef who cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner with no help. even I ask for help everyone says 'ah your fine Isabelle you don't need help, your a chef remember?' and that make me sad, god I wish I never become a chef or a cooker" she was tearing up.

I put my hand on her shoulder and said "hey, you know what I do when I get sad" "what?" "I picture it didn't happen at all" she smiled a little bit.

"thank you, Kirby, now let's cook together" I was shocked, cook together? I can't cook (well sometimes) either way I can't cook.

I didn't want to tell Isabelle I can't cook. if I do, this will make her mad or sad, maybe even cry. I happily said "yeah, let's cook" she puts on a chef hat on my head.

it was big, at first, I couldn't hold it but it managed to get balance. Isabelle set the ingredients, I ask "uh Isabelle what are you going to make?" " for lunch I will make Greek Yogurt, granola, peppers, baby tomatoes, grapes, mini muffin, Ham & cheese mini bagel, banana, cup of Greek yogurt, sugar snap peas, Peanut butter & Banana tortilla roll-ups, unsweetened applesauce pouch, celery sticks, Cracker pizza , broccoli with ranch, apple slices and Hummus & Veggie Wraps" my mouth dropped, that many lunch ideas? I can't even cook that many (well except the celery sticks and ham cheese mini bagel) Isabelle said: "alright let's get cook!"

16 cooks later

we were almost done. I check the time it was 3:45 pm.

I am wondering where the heck is meta knight? he should caught me a long time ago. Isabelle said "oh thank you, Kirby, if it wasn't for you. I would easily-" before she was about to finish her sentence. someone yelled "HEY, WHERE IS OUR FOOD!!!!!!" she picked up all the food and out of the door.

she told me earlier I had to watch the pizza. I thought to myself 'why don't they just use the machines? they are a big help, why let Isabelle cook for them?' my mind was full of questions, then I smell smoke.

I look behind, the pizza is on fire! I opened the oven. the pizza is smoking like crazy, I had to cover my nose (even I don't have one, just pretend) so I don't faint. I took out the pizza, it was burned so bad.

I touch it, it was hard like a fist or a rock. Isabelle told me that there is an extra one in the fridge.

I took that one out. I put the burn one in a bag. for the cold one, I just put it on a huge plate. I saw a blow torch on the table. I grabbed it and warm it up.

I was thinking in my head 'why do they need a torch here in the kitchen? ' I was done warming up the pizza. it is still cold for a little.

but it will be fine, I took the pizza to Isabelle. a whole lot of people were there in a straight line. I sat the pizza on the table where Isabelle is.

she was happy to see the pizza and me. she hugged me and said "thank you, Kirby, your the best. now pick what do you want for lunch" I went to the back on the line.

I was getting bored just standing on a line. so I went to the spot where I sat in breakfast.

I was about to sit on the chair when someone said: "I GOT YOU KIRBY!!!!!" I turn around, meta knight jump behind me.

I was on my back on the floor. he chuckled and said "I found you, Kirby," he said while smiling.

I ask "uh meta knight? can you get off of me?" he nodded, he got off me.

I stand up and said "where were you been?" he said "I was searching in the living room, my bed, your bed, the bathrooms and the stinker. you know what I meant stinker, right?" I nod "good, I even check the girl's bathroom. because your both gender" I rolled my eyes in disappointment.

one, I know I'm a hermaphrodite I can choose both bathrooms. but two, meta knight go's inside the girl's bathroom? that is a pervert right there.

he was about to say something when someone screamed: "OH MY GOD THE PIZZA IS BLOWING UP!!!!!!!!" I look where the screaming came. my eyes lid up in shock, the pizza is blowing like a balloon.

shit, I must have put too much dough inside the pizza. when master and crazy came into the kitchen, the pizza exploded. it covers almost everyone in the room. even me and meta knight got covered in dough.

I sigh in disappointment. I got some dough off me but the rest of the dough is sticky.

I heard dark pit yelled "WHY YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!" a food fight was starting. I ran away from the kitchen.

also, meta knight follows behind me.

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