Band argument. (3)

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  "An album." Freddie said. Roger looked at him with disbelief. "You're joking? We don't have money for that. We barely have enough money to pay rent." Roger said. "We sell the van." He said. "oh no.." John said. "No we are not! How do you expect us to drive to our gigs?" Roger argued. "We won't do gigs anymore." Freddie said. "Freddie, what do you expect us to do? Stop doing gigs? Are you serious?" Brian stepped in. "Of course i am. We-" Freddie was about to say but Roger cut him off. "Fred, we are lucky enough to get any gigs and we bloody hell are lucky enough if they pay good money!" Roger yelled. "The gigs are so pathetic. Pubs? Really?" Freddie said, slightly annoyed. "We understand that you're trying to make this band go bigger, but we only started a few months ago. I'm not sure we quiet are ready for an album." John said.

You awkwardly sat there, sipping your tea. Looking at each member as they spoke. Roger got up, slamming his hands on the table and starting to point at Freddie. "We are not doing the album!" Roger yelled. You stood up. "Roger!" You yelled to get his attention, he looked at you. "What!" He yelled. "All i asked you was what are your plans for the band! I didn't think this would turn into a big argument. You all are acting like children! Now, if you cannot behave like half decent adults, then there is the door!" You yelled, pointing to the front door. "I have no place to yell at you, considering we've known each other for not even two days, but somebody needs to put all of you in your place!" You yelled again, getting a little bit calmer and sitting down. Roger slowly sat down, placing his elbow on the table, looking down at his tea, placing his hand on his forehead.

You finished your tea and put it in the sink. Roger grabbed his cup and put it in the air for you to grab. You took it from him and put it in the sink as well. "Is anybody hungry?" You asked, standing at the stove. "I'm going." Roger said clearly pissed off. He grabbed his sunglasses and walked out of the kitchen, into the hallway and slamming the door behind him. You walked over to the dinning table to get a better view of Roger. He put his sunglasses on and put his hands in his pockets of his jacket. "Does he know this area?" You asked, sitting down in Roger's seat. "Nope.." John said looking out the window at Roger. You sighed. "Just don't be surprised if he comes here." John said. "You know, we should go. I would leave Roger alone." Freddie said, standing up. You nod and lead the boys to the door. "He'll be alright. He always storms off." Brian said, walking out of the house with the boys. You waved and closed the door behind them and watched them get into their car.

You walked back to kitchen, grabbing each tea cup and stacking them together. "He can't possible be mad at me.. right?" You thought to yourself as you walked to the kitchen sink placing the stacked tea cups down. "No, he's mad at Freddie." You thought again. Walking to the cupboard, you grabbed a bowl, cereal and milk. Pouring the milk and cereal into the bowl, you looked at the small clock you had on the microwave. '11 am' it read, you sighed as  you grabbed a spoon and sat down on the couch. You turned on your telly and watched a bit of news. 

You ate your breakfast relatively faster then other days. You left the bowl on the coffee table and went to your room to get changed into some home clothes, since it was the weekend, but you didn't want to be in your pajamas all day.

After you got dressed in some simple black leggings and some random T-shirt that you found at the back of your closet, you went downstairs. You sat back down on your couch, not knowing what to do. 

You put your hand out the window and it was freezing cold, you wanted to go for a run or a walk but that plan has been crushed. You ended up doing the only thing you knew would entertain you, watching the telly. You jumped on the couch, put your feet up on the coffee table and flipped through the channels until you found something interesting.

-Later that day.-

You look at the clock that's above the telly. You got up, turning it off and went to the kitchen. You weren't in the mood to cook so sandwich it was. 

You haven't got a call from the boys since they left if they found Roger or something, so you were a bit worried. 

You grabbed the stuff to make a sandwich and put it on the counter, when the doorbell started to ring over and over again. "I'm coming!" You said, picking up the packaged ham that fell on the floor. The doorbell kept going. "I said i'm coming!" You yelled, running to the door and opening it. "Hello there...miss L/n.." Roger slurred, almost falling over. "Roger.." You said, quietly. "Come in" You said. He stumbled into the house, hitting the wall, he laughed. You quickly closed the door and grabbed his shoulders to guide him into the kitchen. You sat him down, which he almost fell off. He looked at you with drunken eyes and his hair in his face. You walked to the counter where you had the ingredients. You started to speedily make a sandwich for him. You heard a loud noise. You turned around and saw him on the floor with the chair on the next to him. "Ow." He said, laughing. "Oh, Roger!" You said, walking to him and helping him up. You guided him yet again to the couch, after he tripped over the coffee table, falling over. You grabbed him under his arms and dragged him onto his feet, like a baby. "You can barely stand!" You said, sitting him down on the couch. "Mmmmm" He said. You grabbed the sandwich and brought it to him. Sitting down next to him, you held up the sandwich. "Here." You said, giving him the sandwich, but refused. "You need to eat something." You pouted, you pushed him back so he would be leaning on the couch, you sat on his lap to make sure he wouldn't move. He smiled like an idiot. "Don't get any weird thoughts, Taylor." You said, grabbing his face and putting the sandwich right to his lips. "No.." He mumbled. You had no other option then to force feed him. You grabbed his chin to open his mouth and shoved the sandwich in his mouth. "Eat!" You said, holding the sandwich. He moved his head away from the sandwich. "Alright... moooooooooom!" He said, biting the food. "Oh thank god." You thought to yourself.

 He looked up at you again with his drunken puppy eyes as he was chewing. "Stay there and eat." You said, walking the phone that was in the kitchen. He mumbled something, but you didn't quiet understand.

You dialed Brian. Waiting for him to answer, the phone cord was long enough for you to check on Roger.

"Yes?" Brian said. "Finally, i have Roger. He's completely shit faced." You whispered into the phone. "Oh god. We'll be right over." He said. "Quickly!" You whispered into the phone and hung up. You walked back to Roger and saw the sandwich on the coffee table, which was literally one bite. "Not hungry?" You said, sitting down next to him. He shook his head. "Come on, one more bite." You said, grabbing the little piece of what was left of the food which had a little saliva on it. He shook his head. "Come on, eat it. You don't want me to hold you down again, do you?" You said. "Jokes on you, i liked being held down." He stuck his tongue out, but ended up eating it anyway. "There we go." You said, patting his soft hair. "I'm sorry for.. causing a scene. It's just.. Fredrick can be a little annoying." He mumbled. "It's ok." You said.

After a few minutes of sitting next to Roger, who was almost asleep, you heard a car pull up into your drive way. The boys didn't even think to ring the doorbell and came right in. "Roger, Roger.." Brian said, disappointingly. Roger smiled and started to fall off the couch. All of you had the same instinct and grabbed him. The boys picked him up while John stayed behind for a few seconds. "I am so sorry you had to see him like that, knowing each other for such a short time." He sighed. "It's fine, it really is." You smiled. "I fed him, so he can go straight to bed." You said, getting up from the couch. "Right, good night." John said, walking outside. You followed him outside while Freddie and Brian were trying to get him in the car. "Get in the god dam car!" Freddie yelled at him, Roger frowned. "Roger!" You said, getting his attention and walking closer to the boys. "Come on, sit in the car please." You said, grabbing his arms. "But i don't want to!" He pouted again. "But you have to so you can go to sleep." You said, slowly pushing him in the car. "I am tired.." Roger mumbled. Brian ran to the other side of the car and got in the back. You pushed him lightly. "I know, so you have to get in the car." You said. He looked at you yet again with those drunken puppy eyes. "Alright." He said, sitting properly in the car. 

Freddie looked at you with disbelief. "Magic. Fucking magic." He said, getting into the passenger seat. 

They started to pull out of the drive way, you waved them goodbye and saw Roger waving as well. Soon enough they disappeared. You walked back into your house, lock the door and went straight to bed.


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