Phone call. (15)

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It's been a few days since your rain dance session. You became hopeless, you were lost without them.

You turned on the telly and watched some game show, not paying attention.

The doorbell rang. "Coming!" You said, turning off the TV and walking to the door, opening it. "He-" Roger said. You immediately hugged him, holding him tight. You pulled away. "Hello to you too." He said, coming into the house. "I've missed you so much." You said quietly as you blushed slightly. He smiled, hugging you again. "I have too." He said, holding you tightly as well. The hug lasted. He finally pulled away, still holding your shoulders. "What brings you here?" You said, smiling. "The boys sent me over to see if we're fine now. Clearly we are." Roger said and letting go of your shoulders. "Of course we are. You're welcome to come back, i told you so on the day you left." You said, tilting your head slightly. He sighed. "Yeah, we know. We just felt wrong coming back right away. Hope you took good care of our stuff." Roger said, looking at the shed. "Yeah, i visited them everyday." You giggled. "Also, Freddie invited us over to his flat for lunch. It's a birthday lunch for Mary." Roger said. "Now?" You asked and he nodded. "Alright, i'll get dressed. Wait for me." You said, running up the stairs. "Of course." Roger smiled, waiting at the door.

You got dressed and walked down, putting on your shoes. You and Roger walked outside, you locked the door and walked over to his car. He opened the door and you got in, he closed the door and got in as well. He turned on the engine and started to drive. "Mary invited you to a separate party right? Because, we had a little party with the boys and her.. she said she didn't want to invite you in case we still had problems." Roger said, turning on the blinker. "Yeah, the day after her actual birthday we went to a Cafe with Gabby." You said. "Mary also sent me to you so we all could have a lunch even with her parents." Roger said. "Alright." You said, looking to one side. "Freddie's parents will be there too, i think." Roger said, looking to the other side. "You're good on this side." You said, as no cars passed by. He nodded and went to the right.

"So, how have you been over the days?" Roger asked, looking at you for a second then focusing on the road. You sighed. "Alright. Wasn't used to living alone again." You giggled lightly. Roger smiled. "And you?" You asked. "A bit confused, to be honest." He said, stopping at the red light. "Yeah.." You mumbled. "It's been a rough few days." You said. "How's the album going?" You asked. "Almost done. We've been working none stop. Barely getting any sleep now a days." He said. "It's going to be worth it." You said, smiling. "God, Freddie's parents. Last time was.. awkward. Especially when you got rejected." You laughed. "Yeah yeah." He said. "Hopefully it won't be AS awkward." He added. "Too bad we can't see baby pictures of Fred and Kash this time." You said.

Roger parked the car, he got out walking over to your side and he opened the door. You got out and walked over to the flat complex and ringing the doorbell which had Mary's name on it. "Hello?" She said, through the speaker. "Hey, birthday girl!" You said. "You made it!" She laughed, buzzing you in. You and Roger walked up the stairs and to her flat door. You knocked and the door was immediately opened by a smiling Mary. You hugged her. "Come in!" She said, moving away. You and Roger walked in. "Hi, Y/n." Kash said, getting up from the chair. You walked over to her and hugged. "Hey Kash." You said, pulling away. "Mrs and Mr. Bulsara. Good to see you again." You smiled, hugging Freddie's mom and shaking Fred's dad's hand. "Hello, dear." Jer said. You walked over to Mary's dad and hugged him. "Alright. Now that everyone is here, sit down." Jer smiled, sitting down next to Kash. You said Hi to Brian and John and sat down next to Freddie.

Everyone started to eat and talk. 

Kash went into the kitchen. She lit the candles and came out of the kitchen holding a rectangle shaped cake. Kash started to sing and soon everybody joined in.

"Happy birthday!" Everybody cheered, clapping and whistling. Kash placed the cake in front of Mary. Mary closed her eyes, took a deep breath and blew out the candles. Everybody cheered again. "So, since everybody already gave ME presents.. i'm doing a little switch." Mary said, smiling and getting up from her seat and walking to her purse. "A present for Y/n and Queen." Mary said, giving you and the boys a little box. You slowly opened up the box and saw a ring. "It's like a promise ring. Not exactly promising that all of us will get married to each other, but that we will always be best friends and we will never 'back stab' each other." Mary said, putting on her own ring. "Look!" Freddie exclaimed, as he pointed to the 'Queen' engraved on the ring. "As soon as you put it on, you can't take it off. It stays there forever." Mary explained.

You put it on your ring finger on your right hand, so it's not on your married hand. "Thank you, love." Freddie said, giving Mary a peck on the cheek.

The phone started to ring. "I'll get it." You said, getting up from your seat and walking over to the phone. You picked it up. "Hello?" You said. "Hello, is Freddie Mercury there?" A man said. "..Sure?" You said, unsure of who was calling. "Freddie, phone call." You said and handing the phone to Freddie. You walked back to your seat. Roger moved into Fred's spot. "Great idea." Roger said, speaking of the rings. "It really is. Never take it off, no matter what." You said, smiling and putting your pinkie finger out. Roger smiled and you locked pinkies. "Promise." Roger said. You agreed and moved your pinkie away.

Freddie walked over to all of you in astonishment. "John Reid just called, the manager of Elton John, he wants to meet us.. and possibly manage us." Freddie smiled. You and the boys got up in excitement and all hugged.

Means their career is lifting off!


Soooo, not everything I say is true, like same people that worked with Queen might come in earlier or later then they actually did!

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