The talk. (38)

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You laid there next to the heavy sleeping Roger, he went drinking with his friends again and this time actually came shit faced.

You ran down the stairs, hearing the doorbell ring, you opened the door. "Darling, where is Roger? We have a concert in 20 minutes." Freddie said. "He's sleeping. He-" Freddie cut you off. "What do you mean he's sleeping? It's 12 pm!" Freddie said. "As i was saying! He has a massive hangover." You said, Freddie sighed. "Let's see." Freddie said, both of you walked to your room. Freddie shook Roger's shoulder, he only received a loud growl. "Close the curtains." Roger mumbled. "They are closed." You said, walking over to Roger. "Fuck." Roger whispered, grabbing your T-shirt and pulling you down on top of him, you slowly fell next to him. He snuggled his face into your neck. "Roger, will you be able to play the drums?" Freddie asked. Roger made a noise. "That's a no." You said, Freddie sighed. "Pray to God that you remember how to play the drums, Y/n. You're doing this concert with us." Freddie said. You took a deep breath. "Alright." You smiled.

Years ago, Roger taught you how to play almost all of their songs on the drums.

"Let me get ready." You sighed, trying to sit up but being pulled back down by Roger. "Stay with me." Roger said into your neck. "I have to go do YOUR job." You said. "Don't make me feel guilty." Roger growled. "Isn't my fault you went drinking the night before a concert." You said. Roger groaned and turned around to his side. "I'm sorry, darling." You said, placing your chin on his arm. "It's fine.." Roger sighed. "I'm going to sleep, have fun, love." Roger said. "I will." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and got out of the room.

"Ready?" Freddie asked, you smiled and nodded.


You arrived at the place and all of you ran to the backstage. "Got everything?" Brian said, you nodded. You all walked onto the stage. "Today we have Roger replaced by his lovely girlfriend." Freddie smiled into the microphone. The crowd went wild. You sat down behind the drum kit, twirling around the drumming sticks. "So, don't give her a hard time." Freddie said. "Now, i think everybody needs to find somebody to love." Freddie said, the crowd screamed. You moved the mic towards you and got ready, since Roger was the only one doing the backup vocals, means you had to sing alone for the intro. Freddie started to play the piano, after the a few seconds, you started to play the drums. Freddie sang and you sang the backup.

Your hair absolutely soaking wet from the sweat. Sweat dripping down your face and your arms so sore.

All the attention was now on you. You started your drum solo on the last song, you hit each drum perfectly and on time. The audience was quiet, except for the often clap or whistle. As soon as you finished the solo, you stood up, wiping your forehead. They clapped. You put your fist in the air, your hand fell to your side and slouched your back. You walked off of the stage.

You arrived home and ran upstairs. "How did it go?" Roger said, sitting on the bed and reading a book. You laid next to him. "Really well!" You said, Roger put the book away. You laid your head on his lap. "You're fucking sweaty." Roger laughed. "And now imagine how i feel when you lay on me after every concert." You said, Roger ran his fingers through your hair. "I did a drum solo." You said proudly. "I was about to say, if they decide to kick me out of the band then they'll have a replacement." Roger said, you laughed. "I'm sure they won't kick you out." You said. "Maybe." Roger said. Roger laid down and you moved your head on his chest, listening to his heart. 

"What's wrong?" You asked, hearing and feeling his heart beating faster. "Would it be crazy.. if we got married some day?" Roger said, playing with your hair. "I'm not sure, ask me and we'll see." You smiled. "One day i will." Roger said. "Is that a promise?" You said. "Yes." Roger said, you got up and kissed him. "Why wouldn't i want to marry you?" Roger laughed, his smile quickly faded. 

"What's wrong?" You frowned. Roger looked down on his ring. "I've been noticing that you do that a lot lately, almost every time you smile or laugh, it quickly fades away." You said. "I'm self conscious." Roger whispered. "What?" You said, grabbing his chin and adjusting his face so he made eye contact. "I'm self conscious!" Roger exclaimed. You're heart dropped, why would someone as handsome as Roger be self conscious about himself. You realized, he tells you everyday how beautiful you are and you barely say it back. "You are so handsome, you don't even realize. And your smile is only one of the beautiful parts of you." Before you could finish, Roger spoke. "Can you maybe name some more." Roger mumbled, you smiled because of how precious he was being. "Your smile, your dreamy blue eyes, your voice, your singing vocals and your amazing personality." You said, Roger smiled. "I don't say how handsome you are enough, that's my mistake." You said, he pulled you closer to him. "Don't be afraid to smile." You said, Roger kissed your head.

"With the marriage, it's not crazy considering how long we've known each other. Like the boys said, we might as well be married cause of how we act." You smiled, Roger chuckled. "Think it's too early, though." Roger said, taking a deep breath. "I would wait for like 3 years, if we're still together by then." You said. "Of course we will, we better be cause when we're 30 it's going to be hard to find love." Roger said, you smiled.

OoOoOoOoOoOh, i hear wedding bells near by! >:)

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