Marks. (20)

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You squeezed Roger's hand a little harder then you thought, making him quietly grunt. You looked out the window and saw the ground disappearing. You dug your nails into his hand, but heard no complaint from Roger. When you saw you were in the clouds, you let go of his hand. He quickly pulled away, looking at the nail marks you left on the back of his hand. You looked at his hand and gasped. "I'm so sorry!" You said, feeling guilty. "It's fine." Roger smiled, putting his cigarette out in the ash tray. "Is it bleeding?" You asked, grabbing his injured hand and taking a closer look. "It is.." You said quietly, grabbing a tissue from your purse and dabbing the nail marks. You threw the tissue back into your purse. "Didn't have to do that." Roger said. "Of course i did." You said. "Is it obvious?" Roger asked, putting the hand on his thigh. You nodded slowly.

"What are you children talking about?" Freddie asked. "Nothing, Fred." Roger said, taking a sip of his drink. "Whatever you say.." Freddie sang.

You looked out the window and soon enough fell asleep.

Brian got out of his seat and walked passed Roger, but stopped. "What happened to your hand?" Brian asked. Roger leaned out of his seat and looked at you, but saw you were asleep. "Y/n get's nervous on flights." Roger simply said. Brian stood there, waiting for more. "Alright." Brian said, walking to the bathroom.

You were woken up by Roger. "We're here." Roger smiled. You got up from your seat, grabbed your purse and suitcase and followed the boys out of the plane.

There they were, American paparazzi.

You walked out of the airport and got into a limo. Freddie grabbed the champagne bottle. "Get your glasses!" Freddie exclaimed. All of you grabbed a glass and Freddie poured in the champagne all the way to the top. You clinked your glasses together, spilling the drink all of over yourselves. You laughed and took a sip.

You arrived at the hotel, as it was a 10 minute drive from the airport. You got out of the limo and walked into the hotel. Paul singed you all into your rooms. You got into the elevator and went to the 20th floor. "Alright, Freddie, you're with me. Brian and john, you're together. Roger and Y/n together. We're all next to each other." Paul said, giving you the keys. You unlocked the door to your room and the boys going to their rooms as well. Roger closed the door, locking it. You jumped onto one of the beds. "Finally! Our own bed!" You said, looking at the ceiling. Roger crawled onto the other bed, laying on his stomach. You laid on your side and faced him, he turned his head and faced you as well.

Roger stuck his tongue out and crossed his eyes, you did the same as a response. You put your hand out and he grabbed it, slightly tugging it wanting you to come to his bed. You got up, walking over to him, not breaking contact. Roger grabbed you by the waist and pulled you down on top of him. He put his hands around your lower back. "What do you want to do?" You asked, he just gave you a devilish smirk. "Not that!" You smacked his chest lightly. "But that's what i wanted to do." Roger pouted. "You pervert." You said, crawling off of him, but he dragged you back down. 

"Let me go!" You giggled, as he started to tickle you, making you fall off of him. "Taylor!" You said, Roger getting on top of you and continuing to tickle you. "I swear, Taylor!" You shouted. "Say the magic word!" Roger said.  "Stop it, Taylor!" You shouted, in between laughs. "God.." Roger whispered, getting slightly turned on by you calling him by his last name. "P-please, stop!" You managed to say. Roger crawled off of you and you caught your breath.

You laid together in the same bed, when you heard something slide under the door. You got up and saw it was newspaper that was open on the page you and Roger were on. "People here work fast." You said, walking over to Roger's bed. "What is it?" He asked. "Roger Taylor and Y/n L/n, official?" You read the headline. "Today the British rock band, traveled to the United States with their friend. Roger and Y/n were seen holding hands on their way in the airport in the U.K. Roger was also seen with nail marks on his hand after arriving in the U.S.A." You read out loud. "What could this mean?" You read the last line. "People are so gullible." Roger said, you placed the newspaper on the coffee table. "Just wait until you're seen with another girl. That's going to break hell loose." You added. "Oh well." Roger smiled. You playfully rolled your eyes.

You looked through your purse and found your lyric note book, you grabbed your pen and sat down on your bed. You started intensively writing down lyrics. In about 15 minutes, you had a whole song written down. You put 3 question marks on the top, not knowing what to name it. You closed the notebook and put it your purse again.

"We should go check out the buffet!" Roger exclaimed, standing up. You nodded and walked out of your hotel room. You followed Roger into the elevator. He pressed the first floor. You both ran out of the elevator and ran straight to the buffet. You grabbed a plate and started loading it with small portions of different meals, so did Roger. You both sat down.

"So, when is your first concert?" You asked. "2 days, hopefully jet lag will go away by then." Roger smiled. You giggled. "We're sleeping in, no doubt." You said, taking a bite of some garlic chicken.

Soon enough, you finished your meals and went back to your hotel room. "Holy shit!" You shouted as you saw the bathroom, Roger stood in the doorway. "Holy shit is right.." He mumbled. You looked at him. "Excuse me? I need to go." You said, he mocked you and walked away. 

You flushed the toilet and washed your hands, walking out of the bathroom. "What are we going to do?" You asked. Roger grinned. "Except that, Jesus Christ." You said, rolling your eyes. "It's going to keep us entertained and busy." Roger frowned. "What happened to 'I won't rush this' and 'until we BOTH want to'?" You asked, crossing your arms. "I don't know!" Roger raised his voice. "We're following our rule." You said, laying down on your bed. "Fine." Roger crossed his arms, as he laid in his bed.

I'll stop WITH THE 'sex' TALK, it's uncomfortable I know.

Should i keep this story clean or have some 'smut' ? Pls let me know, so i know what ya'll want

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