The End. (71)

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You buttoned up Ben's black shirt. "Good man." You smiled, ruffling up his blond locks as you stood up. "Are we going to see Uncle Freddie?" Ben asked, you sighed and nodded. "Go to the car, Benny." You said, watching as Ben ran to the black firebird. "Ready, love?" Roger asked you, grabbing your hips. You nodded and tried to smile.

You got out of the car as you have arrived at the church. Roger held yours and Ben's hand and you walked in. "Y/n." Mary whispered, coming over to you hugging you. "We're starting right now." She said, walking with you to sit down next to Brian, Deaky, Chrissie and Veronica. You took a deep breath and held onto Roger's hand, holding back tears as the priest started to talk.

Up in front of you, was a black coffin. All around it were white flowers and a stand with Freddie's picture on in.

"As Freddie's wish, Y/n, can you present your speech." The priest said, moving to the side to give you space as you walked up to the podium. You took a shaky breath and began.

"Yesterday, we all have lost a best friend. A family member. A piece of ourselves." You began. "Without Freddie, my life would not be as exciting as it was. How i know? The 20 years of my life that i hadn't known Freddie, were quite honestly the worst of my life. Thanks to Freddie, I met all of my friends. Without Freddie, i never would have ended up with Roger. What i'm trying to say is.. Freddie made a lot of things happen for millions of people. He made millions of people happy just by his music and his personality. Many of people have been inspired by him, to try something new everyday. He was an amazing man, full of enthusiasm even in his last days. He continued to make music even with this illness, you have to appreciate that. I also know, Freddie wouldn't want any of us or his fans to mourn over his death. I hope to see Freddie's music live on in this world, to see his joyful spirit live on in everybody's hearts and to worship him for years to come." You sobbed, a few tears rolling down your cheeks.

You looked in Ben's confused eyes, making you cry more as you walked down to your seat. Poor thing, he was too young to know about anything that was going on. You remember telling stories about your parents and Gabby to Ben and one day he asked when he could meet them, you lied to him and told him that they were gone to a different country and they will be gone for a few more years.

In the morning, you always watch the news and every channel was talking about Freddie's death. You and Roger couldn't handle seeing the headlines anymore, because they both made you too sad.

The priest said a few last words as well, leaving you all in tears. You placed your head on Roger's shoulder and cried. Ben hugged your arm, not sure why you were sad but he knew you needed comfort. "Benny, go follow Auntie Veronica for a minute, will you?" You asked, he nodded and ran to Veronica.

You and Roger walked over to the elegant, black, closed coffin. "The years have gone by so fast. It doesn't even seem so long since we found out he was sick." You mumbled, tracing your fingers along the rim. "God." You whispered, taking your fingers off. "We always lose the most beautiful people to the worst ways." You said.

"Daddy!" Ben shouted, running to you. "What's up?" Roger asked, kneeling down. "I've decided instead of being a professional rugby player i want to be an actor." Ben smiled. "Why'd you change your mind?" You asked, he just shrugged his little shoulders. "So, when there's a movie about daddy and his friends, i can play Roger Taylor." He grinned. "Aww." Roger smiled, ruffling Ben's hair. "That's so sweet." You giggled. "I know." He mumbled.

"When can i see Uncle Freddie?" Ben asked. "Uncle Fred is going away for work for quite a while." Roger said. "Will he be back?" He asked. "Not for a long time, buddy." Roger quietly said. "Promise me i get to see him one day?" Ben asked again, holding out his pinkie. "Just like one day i'll meet Auntie Gabby, grandma and grandpa." He added. Roger knew if he pinkie promised, he would feel awful for promising a lie, so Roger just got to his feet and told Ben to go play, which he did.

You placed your forehead on Roger's chest. "I can only imagine his reaction when we tell him." Roger sighed, turning his head as Deaky tapped his shoulder. "Hey, mate." Roger said, turning around completely, you lifted up your head. "I've been thinking, I think it's time for me to call it a career." Deaky softly said, you gave him a puzzled face. "I'm going to retire. There's no point in continuing this without Freddie. Queen without Freddie isn't Queen anymore. I need to start spending time with my family so we don't end up like Brian and Chrissie, if you know what i mean." John continued, you just nodded your head understandingly. "Maybe we can get together one last time to write a song for Fred and do a tribute concert for him and after that i'm calling it quits." He sighed. "I hope you understand i mean this in a good way." John added. "Of course.." Roger said. "I'll most likely be going private life after that as well." Deaky said, you both nodded. "Have a good life, John." You smiled, hugging him. "You too." He smiled back, pulling away and hugging Roger, then walking away with Veronica and their kids.

"Where's Uncle Deaky going?" Ben asked, standing behind you. He must have heard the whole thing. "He's going to spend time with his family." You said. 

"Everyone is leaving us behind.." Ben mumbled. "Yeah, everyone is."

The End!

Thank you for reading The Love You Give, for voting and  leaving all of the kind and funny comments that make my day. I really appreciate it and hope to see you in the Ben Hardy book i'll be starting in week or less. And hope to see you all in the future! 

I'm so sad to end this book, i really enjoyed writing this book and thank you for bringing a smile on my face everyday.

Love you all so much and thank you again for reading!

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