Watch me. (7)

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You faintly heard the alarm clock, which soon became horridly loud. "Shut that shit up!" Roger growled. You slapped the off button but nothing. You slapped it again and nothing. "God! Shut up!" You yelled, throwing the alarm clock on the floor, which turned it off. You sat up, your feet touching the ground. You rubbed your eyes and lazily walked to the bathroom.

You brushed your teeth and walked back into your room, Roger was still sleeping. You walked over to him and started to lightly shake him. He groaned. "Come on." You said, shaking his shoulder roughly. "I'm up!" He said, kicking the blanket off and getting up from bed. 

You and Roger definitely weren't morning people.

You both were wide awake and less cranky well, sort of.

You put on a white T-shirt and black overalls. You looked into the bathroom and saw Roger brushing his teeth. "Hurry up, we're leaving soon." You said, annoyed. "We didn't even eat!" He said, spitting out the toothpaste. "I'll make us a sandwich for the go." You said, he just growled in response. You walked down stairs and started making a simple sandwich. Roger came down already dressed. You handed him the sandwich. You walked to the hallway, put on your coats and shoes. Roger was outside munching on his food. You grabbed your mini backpack and went outside, locking the door with the sandwich in your mouth. ((Saying too much sandwich))

"We're walking." You said, putting the keys in your pocket and taking a bite. "What? Why can't we drive?" Roger whined. "There's no parking." You said, walking on to the side walk. "How long is the walk?" Roger sighed, walking next to you. "20 minutes maybe half an hour." You said, you looked over to him and he frowned. 

You walked onto the streets. "You do this everyday?" Roger said, breaking the silence. You nodded, taking the last bite of the food. "Jeez." He mumbled.

The morning was cold, you were walking for about 10 minutes and could feel your chest hurting as you inhaled the air.

The silence between you was unbearable, but the both of you decided to do nothing about it. "We almost there?" Roger asked, running with you across the street."Yeah." You said, jumping onto the sidewalk. "So, what does the teacher do about you being late?" Roger asked. "Well, we made a deal. Since there are no busses that stop near the school, but I live close enough to walk.. we decided that my time to come into school is 8 am. But for other students it's 7:30." You said, opening the door to the university. 

You walked around the halls until you found your class. You politely knocked and walked in. "Good morning, Miss L/n." The teacher smiled warmly at you. "Good morning, Sir." You said, smiling back. "You wouldn't mind going last for the introduction? We only have a few people left." The teacher said. You nodded and went to your seat, Roger sitting next to you. You placed your backpack on the floor.

You heard tiny squeals from behind, not even bothering to look cause you knew it were girls fan girling over Roger. 

You got out your books and tried paying attention to the people introducing their friends.

"Last but not least, Y/n and her friend." The teacher smiled.

"Hey cu-" A girl from behind you said but, you and Roger just walked to the front of the class, ignoring her.

"What do we say?" You whispered to the teacher. "Just name, how you know them and something about them." Mr. Sheen said. "Would you like to..?" You said to Roger. He nodded and took a step forward. "My name is Roger Taylor. I play the drums and i live with Y/n." Roger said, looking over to you and smiling at you. "And how did you meet?" Mr. Sheen said. 

You looked over at him and shrugged. "We- we met at a pub where my band was playing ." Roger said, the teacher just nodded. You looked at the crowed of people, most of the girls looking at Roger and drooling. "Alright! Hope you have fun today, Roger." The teacher smiled again and you walked back to our seats.

The Love You Give. | Roger Taylor ✔️Where stories live. Discover now