Truth. (59)

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(3rd person POV)

The next day, Queen got together to practice. Freddie's voice cracked a few times, seeming like it hurt every time. 

The only person with them was Miami.Y/n was out to get take away.

Freddie stuck out through the song. "Sorry. I sound like shit.." Freddie said. "You all sound lovely. My throat feels like a vultures crotch." Freddie added. "It's alright, Fred. Just need a bit of rest." Brian said. "Yeah." Freddie said, deep into thought while the others were messing around.

"Before you leave.. I have something to say." Freddie said. "What?" Brian asked. "Can we.. wait for Y/n?" Freddie asked. "Yeah, sure." Roger said.

(Y/n pov)

"Hey, love." Roger said, giving you a kiss as you came in the door with bags of food. "Hi." You smiled. "I have something to tell you.." Fred said, sounding quite serious. You stood in front of him. "I've got it." Freddie said. "Got.. what?" Deaky asked. "Aids." Freddie whispered. "I wanted you to hear it from me." Freddie added. "Freddie.." You whispered, holding back your tears. "I'm so sorry." You said. "Y/n, stop. Don't. For right now, it's between us, alright? Just us. So please, if any of you fuss about it or frown about it or even worse, if you bore me with your sympathy.. that's just seconds wasted. Seconds that could be used for making music. Which is all i want to do with the time i have left. I don't have time to be their aids poster boy. No, i decide who i am. I'm going to be what i was born to be.. a performer who gives the people what they want." Freddie said. "Touch of the heavens." He whispered. "Freddie fucking Mercury." Fred said. "You're a legend, Fred." Roger said. "We're all legends." Freddie said, looking at you. "I told you not to fuss about it." He said, seeing tears rolling down your cheeks. You walked up to him and hugged him. 

"Let me fuss about it for a second." You whispered. You already lost Gabby to Aids and now you were going to lose Freddie to it as well. "Times up." Freddie smiled, pulling away. You walked over to Roger, wiping your tears and hugging him for comfort.

"Give me some time to get my bitchy little vocal cords in order and we'll go and punch a whole in the sky." Freddie said, walking over to all of you and doing a group hard. "And even though you're crying like 4 little girls, i still love you." Freddie said. "Enough of this. Drink?" Freddie said, pulling away. "Yes." Roger said. "Or ten." Deaky mumbled.


You sat down in a local pub that was the closest to where you are.

Your mind didn't stop turning, but Freddie was right. You couldn't fuss about it, you needed to move on.

"You excited guys?" You asked, taking a sip of your beer. "Nervous." Brian sighed. "You'll be fine." You rolled your eyes. "You have a week to practice." You added. "For the first time, i'm nervous as well." Freddie said. "Well yeah, you haven't been on a stage for a long time." You said. "Gee, thanks." Freddie remarked, rolling his eyes with a smile. "Right darlings, we should go home. We shouldn't be hungover tomorrow." Freddie advised, standing up from the booth. 

-Next day-

You turned on the telly. To your surprise, you found an interview with no other than Paul Prenter. After a few minutes of watching and you were in shock.

"Can you believe this twat?" You asked as Roger sat down next to you. "He's saying all these horrible things about Freddie." You snarled. "Kind of true." Roger admitted. Paul started talking about how Freddie had countless lovers. "Piss off." You mumbled. "It is." Roger insisted. "Want to join Paul?" You snapped. "Oh please." Roger rolled his eyes. "Turn it off. It's not good to start off your day pissed." Roger said. "Too late." You replied, turning off the TV as Roger said. "Great, you'll be amazing to handle." Roger said. "What was that?" You asked. "Nothing." Roger mumbled. "That's what i thought." You growled, walking to the kitchen.

"Can you get over this Paul drama?" Roger asked, following you. You took a deep breath, trying not to burst out in anger. "I'm trying." You sighed. "He seems to be everywhere." You said. "Everywhere? Really? He's just on the telly." Roger said, his usual smart ass tone. "Fuck off." You mumbled, cracking a smile. "There she is." Roger smiled back, very lightly bumping your shoulder. "I hate you sometimes." You said, watching as Roger walked closer to you. "I hate you too." Roger said, pulling you into a hug.

You couldn't help but laugh. "At least i can still make you laugh." Roger gave you a kiss on the top of your head. "You'll always make me laugh." You said, blushing like crazy. "I still get you blushing." He teased. "Shut up." You smiled.

You both got onto the topic of children. Specifically, what Freddie said about a year ago. Ever since then, Roger got very over protective and sensitive on that topic and has been trying like mad trying to get you pregnant. 

"I'm just saying, we shouldn't rush it! We didn't rush for our first time and we were both ready when did it." You said, hoping it wouldn't turn into a fight. "I understand that. Just know, anyone who makes fun of it will have a crooked face." Roger threatened. "Sure, Mr." You said, watching as Roger calmed down a bit, watching the telly. 

You took a deep breath, your heart racing for some reason. The truth was, you did want to rush it. But, for the sake of Roger you lied.

I'm slacking off  ^-^

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