Psycho. (4)

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You woke up, your back aching as you fell asleep on the couch. The ringing of the phone didn't help either. You groaned as you got yourself to get up. You walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Y/n! Finally you picked up, we're being evicted." Someone said on the phone, you couldn't tell who it was since you're brain was still sleeping. "Alright..who is this?" You asked, yawning. "It's Brian! What, were you drinking too? God, We.Are.Being.Evicted." Brian said slowly for the last part. You're mind finally woke up. "What? Why?" You said, sitting down on the kitchen counter. "Well, we started to practice in our extra room. Which! May i add was sound proof! And today we got a letter from the landlord saying we're being evicted due to noise complaints!" Brian said. You tried to wrap your head around that situation. "The room was sound proof though..?" You asked, waiting for an explanation. "Well, our neighbor knocked on our door a while back, we invited them in. They found out about our practice room, asked when we rehearse in the day and that neighbor just happened to be the biggest bitch of them all!" Brian shouted.

You sighed, shaking your head lightly. "But -" Brian said, stopping for a second. "Great, there's more." You said, slightly annoyed. "We called the landlord and she said that there were multiple complaints, like Roger smoking pretty frequently. Fights and noise. Turns out they all our bitches.." He mumbles the last bit. "Are you packing?" You asked. "Yeah." He said. You sighed. "Alright, when you're all packed up, call me and we'll meet at the pub around the corner from my house." You said. "Alright." He sighed. "Is Roger up?" You asked. "Yeah, not doing anything tough. He has a pretty big hang over." He said. "Why?" He added. You were silent for a second. "Does he remember anything from last night?" You asked, cracking your knuckles. "Roger! Do you remember anything?" Brian asked Roger, Roger mumbled something in the background. "No, why?" He asked, quite suspiciously. "Well, i may or may not have sat on his lap to hold him down and force feed him.." You said, your heart beating like crazy. "Really? Roger's gonna love that!" Brian yelled, laughing. "Love what?" Roger said, pretty clearly in the back. "Don't tell him! Please!" You squealed. "Why? It's just a bit of fun." He said. "Did he say anything when you did.. that?" Brian whispered. "Uh, he said he liked it.." You gulped. "Well, of course. It's Roger." He said, speaking a little louder now. "Why are you talking about me?" Roger said in the back, but Brian just ignored him. "Anyway! Go pack. Bye Brian." You said, jumping off the counter. "Right, i'll call you when we're leaving. Bye." He said, hanging up.

You figured they would be fast packers and you didn't exactly know when they started packing. So, you hurried upstairs and got dressed. You put on some jeans and a plain sweater. You brushed your h/c hair until you were satisfied with it.

You walked downstairs and as soon as you entered the kitchen the phone rang. You answered it. "Hello?" You said. "Hi Y/n, we're leaving our flat right now." Roger said, smiling from the other line. "Alright. I'll meet up with you at my house then? I'm not sure you know the way to the pub?" You asked, sitting back on the counter. He laughed. "No, though i'm sure they will know me there.." He said, nervously. "Probably." You said. "Alright, see you in a bit." Roger said, hanging up.

You walked to the hallway and put on some shoes that were the cleanest. You walked back into the kitchen even though you dreaded dragging the dirt from the shoes to your floors but, you didn't think that one through. You grabbed your keys, your wallet and walked back to the hallway.

You opened the door and felt the cold breeze come into the house. You grabbed your coat and you saw their van pull up. You put on your brown fur coat and walked out of the house, locking it behind you. You walked to the car, opening the front door. "Park your car, there's no parking there." You said, closing the door and walking on to the side walk so Roger could park in your drive way. (Oh.. matter how much i change it still sounds weird..) They all got out of the car. "We're gonna have to drive back to get more of the boxes." Freddie said, slamming the door. "Hey, careful!" Roger said, petting his car. "That's gonna be no help if we won't have a place to stay to drop off the first load." Roger said, walking over to you, Brian and John. Freddie sighed.

"Alright.. let's get going." You said. They all followed behind you. "You can walk next to me, you know." You said, turning your head around. They awkwardly looked at each other and slowly one by one walked next to you and behind you. 

You got stares from people on the street, some jealous, some excited and some just weird.

You walked into the pub. "Heyy, blondie. How ya feelin'?" The bar tender said. Roger got embarrassed. "Fine.. i -i guess. Got a hangover.." He said quietly. "I bet, you got wasted here." He said, laughing. "Alright!" Roger said, pushing all of us to sit in a booth. Roger grabbed a chair and sat down, over viewing all of us. 

"So, have you been looking for flats?" You asked. "Yes, but nothing has been available." John said.

The waiter walked passed us. "Hey mate, can i get a beer." Roger asked. "Sorry, no alcohol in the mornings." He said, walking away. "Roger, i'm pretty sure you still have that hang over. Now, if you wanna save your chances of having another one in the morning that i suggest you don't drink." Freddie said. Roger placed his head on the table, making his blond hair spread out like a mop.

"Anyway, nothing is available. I have no idea what we're gonna do." Brian said. "I'm starving." Roger said, lifting his head up, turning around. "Mate, at least food!" He said, the waiter came over. "Y/n as always?" The waiter asked, you nod.

Everybody ordered. "And you sir?" The waiter said, looking at Roger. He put his hand on his forehead. "I'll have whatever she's having." He said, putting his head back down on the table. "So, we might have to go to a hotel? Sleep in the car? Sleep on couches?" Brian said, sighing.

After a few minutes of just none stop talking about the problem, the food came.

Roger ripped into the food like a hungry lion, meanwhile the rest of you kept talking. "Maybe a few days in the car?" John said, grabbing a fry from Roger and eating it. "What do you think?" Freddie said, looking at Roger, who's mouth was stuffed to the point where he was about to burst. "Slow down before you choke." You said, starting to eat your food. Once his mouth was empty. "We don't have enough money for a hotel, the car.. would break our bones if we slept in it and sleeping on someones couch.." Roger sighed. "I mean, sure. But after a while you would need to get the hell out." He continued. "Words of wisdom." Brian said.

We all ate our food and a group of girls came into the pub. Roger noticed them and looked away. You noticed. "What?" You said, looking at the door. "You slept with them didn't you!" Brian said, smacking Roger's arm. You all looked away to avoid eye contact but soon enough you heard the sound of high heels approach you. "Roger!?" A girl came up to him, with a thick Irish accent. She looked you straight in the eyes. "You replaced me already?!" She yelled.

You knew you were in big trouble since you were sitting at the edge of the seat where she could get you easily.

She started to pull your hair, making you stand up. "Get off me you psycho cow!" You yelled, pulling her hands away and tightly holding her wrists and she tried to beat you multiple times. Roger got up and grabbed the girl by the waist, pulling her away. As soon as you let go, you stumble back into your seat rubbing your head. "Calm down!" Roger yelled at her, as he still was holding onto her waist and kicking her legs up. She wiggled her way out and started to beat him as well. Freddie got up and started pulling her away. You called the waiter over, who noticed this fight. As she kept screaming and kicking as she tried to grab Roger's hair. The waiter grabbed her and put her outside. 

"Jesus christ. Lunatic." He said, rubbing his arm. "What should i be saying? She almost ripped all of my hair out." You said. "Yeah.. sorry about that." He said. "That was... crazy." Brian said. You and Roger looked at him. "Yeah, yeah. I wasn't the one being attacked." Brian mocked.

"Anyway!" You said, trying to change the subject. "I have a spare room, a living room and a big bed." You said. They gave you all stares. "I mean, one can have a room, one in the bed.. with me. And two in the living room. I have a bunch of new mattresses in the attic.." You said. "We'll take it." Freddie said, right away. "Though, i think we're  a bit too awkward to be sharing a bed..except for Roger. So he'll share the bed with you." Brian said. Roger and you looked at Brian. "Well what? He would be the most comfortable." Brian shrugged. 

You looked over to Roger who's head was on the table again. 

All you could think was: "Well.. maybe having four boys in the house isn't a  good idea.."

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