Confession time. (34)

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Roger started to walk, while you stood there thinking. You took a deep breath which got his attention, he turned around and you got yourself to speak. 

"Roger, for the shortest time i have been thinking, the way we described each other in the office was scary. We would never have had said that to each other in any other situation and that showed we do love things about each other. Maybe Katie was right, wouldn't friends use 'like' instead of 'love'? I'm not sure.. maybe we just have a weird friendship. I'm sure our friends want this, your fans want this and i'm pretty sure the fucking universe wants this. Ever since the America tour i've prayed and hoped for the day you say you love me and when it happened.. i got so excited but then we cleared it up saying it was a friendly love you and, whatever the point is. When you said you didn't actually love me in that way, it broke my heart and every time i see you with a different women, which is pretty often.. it kills me a little every time and soon i won't be able to take it. I think we both feel this way and we both know we can't be wusses about it. For fucks sake, we're getting old, it's now or never. I choose now, even if you don't. Roger Taylor.. i love you. Romantically." You said, your voice shaky and your heart pounding out of your chest. Roger looked at the ground and smiled. "And like i said at the farm, i didn't mean what i said in the argument, i will never ever stop caring for you and loving you.. until my life ends." You quickly added. "I love you too, i will never stop caring and loving you until our lives end." Roger said, standing a good distance from you. 

Tears of happiness streamed down your face. "Don't cry, love." Roger said, opening up his arms. You smiled and ran into his arms, he grabbed your waist, pulling you up in the air and spinning you around, placing you on the ground then. "You're my precious love." Roger said, kissing the top of your head. "Who knew one couple therapy would make us confess?" You mumbled. "Freddie fucking Mercury." Roger laughed, you repeated what Roger said and smiled. "Don't leave me." You mumbled, getting the sudden anxiety. "I never will, love." Roger said. "That was fucking cliche what i said." You said, Roger laughed. "Maybe it was." Roger said. "Haha." You pulled away. "Let's go meet up with the boys." Roger said, putting his hand out for you to grab. "You know where they are?" You asked, grabbing his hand. "They said they would wait at the cafe." Roger said, walking over to a parked taxi. You sat down and drove back to the cafe.

"There you are, darlings!" Freddie said, exhaling smoke from his cigarette. "How did it go?" He grinned. "Did she take you right away? I told her you have a serious case of secret admirer." Freddie spewed out. "Calm down and she did..also.." Roger said, looking over to you, giving you a wink. "We're not so secret anymore." Roger smirked, looking back at Freddie, who's eyes widened. "Please tell me it means what i think it means." Freddie said, throwing his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. "Did you say it?!" Freddie shouted, grabbing your shoulders. You smiled and nodded, his eyes lit up. "Finally, you two!" Freddie said, hugging you with all of his strength, he then hugged Roger. "Well come on, we gotta tell the rest!" Freddie said, grabbing Roger and your hands, leading you inside. "They love each other!" Freddie shouted, raising the both of your hands in the air. "Took you long enough!" Brian said, you felt your cheeks burn as people stared at you.

You pulled Freddie to the side. "We'll join you boys in a moment." You spoke to Roger, he nodded and walked over to the table. "You promised me to tell Mary. How longer can you go?" You  said, he sighed. "I- i don't.." Freddie spoke. "It's confession day today, you're telling her when you get home." You said. "Will you come with me?" Freddie asked, confusion in his eyes. "I will, but i'll have to wait outside." You said, grabbing his shoulders. "Whatever, just come with me." He said, you nodded, letting go of his shoulders and walking back to the table. "Everything alright?" Roger asked. "Yeah." You smiled. "You know what? I think we should go home." You said, looking over to Freddie who pursed his lips.

You all lived on your own, close enough to each other, Roger would be the one to visit you the most.

You all stepped outside, watching Brian walk away and John drive away. "Want me to drive you?" Roger asked, taking out his car keys. "It's fine, i'll drive with Freddie." You smiled. "See you later, then." Roger said, hugging you. "Come over later." You whispered in his ear, he nodded and got into car. "Ready?" You asked, sitting in the passengers seat of Freddie's car. "Nope." He breathed out.

20 minutes later, Freddie parked the car in front of his and Mary's flat, you walked up the stairs and waited by their apartment door, you could hear them talking.

"I'm bisexual." Freddie whispered. "Freddie, you're gay. I've known for a while.. i just didn't want to admit it." Mary said, her voice shaking. "And this is the hardest because it's not even your fault!" She raised her voice. There was silence in the room. "No! You promised you would never take it off." Freddie said, talking about the engagement ring. "What do you want from me?" Mary was on the verge of tears. "Almost everything.." Freddie whispered. "Does anyone else know?" She said. "Y/n does." Freddie said. "I love you.." Freddie said, sounding like he's about to cry as well. "You're life is going to be fucking hard." She said, swinging open the door and seeing you standing there. She looked at you with disgust and hatred in her eyes, you weren't sure if it was meant towards you or not, she scoffed and ran down the stairs, wiping tears away from her eyes. 

You ran into their flat, seeing Freddie fall on the couch. "Oh, Freddie." You said, sitting next to him and pulling him into a hug. "I lost her." Freddie mumbled. "No, you didn't! She will support you and always be there and love you forever. She's just confused, just like you are." You said. "Can you talk to her?" Freddie said, you felt a tear hit your neck. "Don't cry, Fred." You said, pulling away. "Please go to her, support her and not me. I'll be fine." Freddie sighed. "Freddie.." You murmured. "Go, i promise i'll be fine." Freddie said, pushing you lightly upwards. "Are you sure?" You said, slowly walking to the door. "Just go!" Freddie said.

 You ran outside, looking around. You saw Freddie's car there, so she didn't take that. "If i just found out my boyfriend was gay, where would i go?" You thought to yourself. "Parents house.. remember her saying they're a train ride away.." You thought. "The fucking train station." You said, starting to run with all your power in the direction of the station which was a few minutes away. "She better be there." You thought, slowing down your pace as you saw Mary sitting on a bench by the railway. "Mary!" You shouted, her head turned, she got up and ran to you and hugged you. "What is happening in my life?" She cried, falling to the ground and pulling you down. "All of our lives our confusing, we will make it through this, all of us, all 7 of us. The path to happiness runs through miles of clouded hell, but we will make it." You said, making her cry more. "I think.. it's for the best to calm down at my parents house.. away from the boys and everything." She said, getting up from the ground. "Alright, i'll stay with you until the train comes." You said. "Give me a sec." You said, walking to the pay phone, you put in money into the slit and called Freddie.

"Where is she? Is she alright? What's happening?" Freddie spoke frantically. "She's at the train station, she's fine and she's going to her parents house." You said, he sighed. "Alright, by the way.. Roger's been calling like crazy, you aren't picking up the phone at home so he's worried." Freddie said. "I'm staying with Mary until she gets on the train." You said. "Alright, Rog is with me now.. he's on his way." Freddie said. "Alright, bye Freddie." You said, he hang up. You sat down next to Mary on the bench, she placed her head on your shoulder. "I love him so much. I just, don't know if this feeling is selfish or not. If Freddie is bisexual.. i couldn't bring myself to marry him, cause i would take every man as a threat.." She mumbled, you sighed.

"Y/n! You gave me the biggest fright!" Roger said, running to the bench. "I'm alright, Roger." You said, scooting over more the Mary to give Roger some space to sit down. "What happened?" Roger asked, Mary lifted her head up from your shoulder and looked at you, giving approval to speak about it. "Freddie is bi." You said softly, his eyes widened a bit. "Not to sound disrespectful, but who didn't know that?" Roger said. "Yeah, i just wanted to hear it from him rather then the news paper." She said, getting up from the bench. "Right.." She sighed. "See you guys in a few days, yeah?" Mary said, you got up and hugged her, she hugged Roger as well. "Of course." You smiled, Roger came up behind you and hugged you from the back. Mary got onto the train, you both waved and watched the train leave.

Roger kissed your cheek. "What a day." Roger mumbled into your neck. "Yeah." You sighed. "Let's go home." You said, grabbing his hand and walking away from the station.

Finally, sorry for waiting so long to post this chapter.

The Love You Give. | Roger Taylor ✔️Where stories live. Discover now