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"What?" Umji furrowed her eyebrows.

"I just needed to get your attention. Now sit down and be respectful you assholes" Yerin glared at every single one of them as she sat down, including Eunbi who didn't do anything wrong.

"What I was trying to say was that I'm going to be killed today. I want all of you to get out of here as fast as you can" Zen looked them in the eyes with a sincere expression.

"And to conclude your topic, that's not fucking happening now that you got me involved. I may not like you very much but you're still my brother and I'm not gonna sit here and wait for your death. We're gonna stop this, all of us. It will be our first mission back together as a group again. Get ready and pack your bags because it's gonna be a long night. I hope you all still know how to do your job" Yerin looked at each individual and nodded. She was serious, and there was no going back now. Once she set her mind on something she didn't stop until she got what she wanted, she was determined.


"You know, I'm not really sure that we should leave Sowon and Eunha together" Eunbi had a slightly concerned expression. Things could go south real fast because of them.

"Well it was their previous job and quite frankly, it's the only thing they know how to do" Yerin said as she loaded her two pistols.

"Well Sowon knows how to shoot a gun" Eunbi said while also grabbing bullets to load her guns.

"Yeah I know but giving her a weapon right now isn't the best idea considering the fact that she'll literally shoot Eunha in the face" Yerin glanced over at Eunbi to make sure she was loading her gun right. It had been a long time since they last used any weapons like this.

"You have a good point. Let's do this" Eunbi smiled at her guns before placing them in her fancy belt.

"Don't mess this up" Yerin got in the passenger sit.

Zen waited anxiously in the car while Eunbi got in the back seat. He was nervous to say the least, but Yerin and Eunbi pretended to be oblivious.

"So where are we going? You know the directions right?" Yerin questioned as she gazed out the window.

"I know where I'm going just relax. The others are following behind me right?" Zen looked in his review mirror to see the cars following behind them.

"It's so dark outside, how can you see?" Eunbi tried looking out the window but everything was black.

"My headlights, duh"

"Well yeah I know but I still can't see"

"Doesn't matter. I'm the one driving"

Eunbi frowned and got comfortable in her seat. It was going to be a very long and boring ride. Staring out the window wouldn't do her any good since she couldn't see anything. Yerin also took her phone so she wasn't allowed to play games.

"Are we almost there get?" Eunbi whined.

"Just twenty more minutes, can you wait that long?" Yerin looked back at her, waiting for an answer.

"I need to stretch and pee so I'm not sure if I can"

"There's no bathrooms here, you're gonna have to hold it in" Yerin didn't know if Eunbi was capable of holding her pee in. She wasn't sure if Eunbi was capable of anything except being annoying and ruining everything.

"Can I at least stretch?"

"No" Yerin said bluntly and turned back around to face the road. She didn't have time to deal with Eunbi's complaints, she had to keep replaying the plan in her head to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything.


The tension between the two was killing them. They were both nervous wrecks and didn't even know how to start a conversation with each other.

Eunha sat in the passenger seat and fidgeted with her fingers while Sowon kept her eyes glued to the road and the car in front of them. She was focused on the plan but not focused enough to not notice Eunha who was awkwardly sitting next to her.

"So why were you teaching interns?" Eunha suddenly spoke up. She was nervous as hell but the complete silence was making her even more anxious.

"Doesn't matter" Sowon mumbled.

"Well sorry for asking" Eunha said with a half sarcastic and angry tone of voice. She just wanted to know what Sowon was up to in life lately.

"I'm in college to be a chef, that's why" Sowon unexpectedly answered.

"Interesting. I don't work. My boyfriend makes all the money" Eunha frowned and slouched in her seat.

"Sit up straight, you're going to get scoliosis if you sit like that all the time" Sowon glanced at her for a split second before focusing back on the road.

"Must've forgot" Eunha quickly sat up straight in her previous position.

"Probably because you're too caught up with that boyfriend of yours" Sowon scoffed.

"That's not fair. Why do you-"

"Stop talking" Sowon said as she turned the radio on.

"No. I want to talk about it. We need to discuss it so we can have closure" Eunha turned the radio off.

"Well I don't want to talk about it" Sowon turned the radio back on again.

"Why not?" Again, the radio was turned off.

"Because I'm not ready to!" Sowon yelled and quickly turned the volume on the radio up so she could no longer hear Eunha's voice.

Eunha quickly shut up and sat silently on the rest of the way there. She didn't know Sowon wasn't ready yet, and if she did, she wouldn't have pressured her to talk about it.


"Are you still mad? know" Yuju asked.

"Of course I am. Do you know what has happened to me because of you? I became an alcoholic and had to go on antidepressants which was hell for me" Umji was beyond angry with Yuju but she wasn't going to say it, Yuju could already tell that Umji hated her now.

"I'm sorry..." Yuju mumbled.

"And no, I don't hate you" Umji glanced over at Yuju and smiled. Maybe they'd be okay after all. Maybe it'd just take a while for a few open wounds to heal and close.

My Downfall | Killers List #3Where stories live. Discover now