Keep It Locked In Your Pocket

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"What the fuck? So basically all of you are the reason that Eunbi almost died" Yerin had a bewildered expression.

"What? No! How?" Eunha looked quite offended.

"First Sowon shot her, then you got her sick" Yerin pointed at Eunha. "And you let her eat something she's allergic to. I'm the innocent one here" Yerin shook her head in disappointment.

"We get it Yerin, you're always perfect" Eunha rolled her eyes.

"Um no first all I didn't let Eunbi eat it, she did it on her own because I didn't see her. Second of all, Yerin is not perfect at all, she literally shot and killed a newborn" Umji pointed out. She didn't know if they knew yet since Eunha and Sowon weren't there at the time.

"You killed a new born? How could you?" Eunha leaned forward in her seat.

"It's just another person, who cares" Yerin shrugged.

"What if it was my child?"

"Then I'd shoot it too. I don't care who is it, if you're getting in the way or you're a witness, not matter the age, I will be forced to kill you" Yerin put it straight forward. She had been in this industry for so long that she had no sense of mercy or morality left in her. She was nothing but a heartless murderer.

"I mean Yerin has a point" Sowon couldn't help but to agree. She understood why Yerin did it, and maybe even she would've done it.

"You're such an asshole" Eunha sighed and walked away from them.

"What hell is your problem?" Sowon got up and followed Eunha outside.

"Why are they always fighting?" Umji rolled her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall.

"I don't know. They use to be fine. When they first started dating they were perfect and never fought, that's how it usually was. Once she cheated on her they have been fighting with each other ever since then even though they're sleeping with each other again" Yerin shook her head. When the two first started dating Yerin would get a bit jealous and envious of their relationship. It's not that she didn't like them dating. She was jealous because she wanted what they had. She wanted someone to love her.

"It's just so annoying. Sowon has some major issues. She confessed to me last night..." Umji mumbled.

"Wait really? What did she say?"

"Sowon said that she's not happy and the reason she's still angry about what Eunha did is because she feels like the reason Eunha cheated is because she wasn't good enough for her" Umji couldn't fully understand that since it's never happened to her, but she did understand what it was like to lose someone and that helped her comfort Sowon.

"Now that's just fucking sad. I couldn't imagine feeling like that" Yerin was lying right through her teeth. That's exactly how she felt, but she didn't want anyone to know. It made her look weak.

"They'll be okay. Let's just worry about Eunbi for now" Umji stared at the door that Eunbi was behind. She couldn't help but remember Yuju. The last time she was in a hospital she had lost what meant the most to her.


Sowon angrily marched down the hall behind Eunha to see where she was going. Many people looked at her and could tell she was frustrated. Somehow Eunha was getting further and further away. Sowon had long legs yet she didn't seem to be going as fast.

"Where the fuck are going?" Sowon reached out and grabbed Eunha's arm to stop her.

"Home. I'm so sick you of lately"

"I haven't even done anything to you. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Why are you acting so different? Are you trying to get my attention by changing into some kind of heartless person?" Eunha confronted her.

"I don't need your attention. And I'm not changing myself, not everyone can be nice like you. I've always been mean"

"Oh shut up. I know the way you act, you're an asshole almost 90 percent of the time" Eunha glared at her.

"Exactly. I don't need to change for you"

"You're such a jerk. Why do you always act like I'm the problem? You're the one that won't even answer my calls lately"

"I've been busy!" Sowon suddenly shouted.

"Maybe you should be busy with me! Do you think I want to be with Eunwoo?! I'm stuck in a relationship that I don't want to be in!"

"I don't have time for this. You weren't full filling my needs anyways." Sowon walked away.


"Yerin there's this thing I've kind of been keeping a secret from you" Umji suddenly said.


"Well so you know how that guy asked us to kill his girlfriend and then you killed their baby?"

"Yeah why?" Yerin wondered why Umji brought it back up again. Once they finished a mission they usually finished it for good and didn't talk about it anymore.

"So you know how he promised 60k if we killed the wife?" Umji whispered and covered her mouth.

"Yes I do. By the way where is the money?"

"That's what I'm getting to. So he only gave me 10k..." Umji leaned back, knowing how angry Yerin could get because of this.

"What? Oh hell no let's go get him" Yerin immediately got up from her seat.

"Yerin wait no. We'd have to go back to the house and everything to get weapons." Umji stopped her.

"No we don't. I have a gun in my car. I'm getting my money and I'm getting it now." Yerin pulled her arm away from Umji and stomped towards the exit.

"But what about Eunbi?"

"She unconscious anyways. She'll be fine." Yerin rolled her eyes and finally saw the doors come into view.

Suddenly Sowon came inside with an angry aura. She aggressively walked towards them and was about to walk pass them until Yerin stopped to get her attention.

"Where are you going?" Yerin asked.

"Back to the lobby?" Sowon glared at her.

"No we're going to kill someone. Get back to the van. Somebody is keeping money from me" Yerin explained as Sowon and Umji followed her to the car.

"Where is Eunha?" Umji questioned after not seeing her in sight once they got outside.

"Oh I locked her down in one of the porta potties by the parking garage" Sowon said like it was nothing with a shrug.

"Sowon what the fuck? Why?"

"Because she was annoying and then that bitch came at me. She literally tried to hit me so I locked her in a stinky bathroom." Sowon thought it was only fair for what Eunha tried to do.

"Sowon! We have to go get her." Umji and Yerin ran to the parking garage where the van was and where Eunha was trapped.

My Downfall | Killers List #3Where stories live. Discover now