Taken Advantage of

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Yerin searched through Sowon's fridge while Sowon watched her for some odd reason. They could here Umji and Eunbi upstairs laughing about something that probably wasn't even funny.

"Why do you have apple juice in here?" Yerin suddenly asked. Sowon quickly snapped back to reality after zoning out.

"Hm? Oh I like to drink it" Sowon shrugged. She had completely forgot about the apple juice bottle in her fridge.

"No you don't. You hate apple juice. Everyone in this group hates apple juice except for Eunha" Yerin really did observe almost everything and she knew that Eunha was the only one who liked apple juice, she actually liked all the different juice flavors but apple was her favorite.

"Well I like it now" Sowon never had any good excuses.

"Oh yeah? Drink some then" Yerin grabbed the bottle out from the fridge and handed it to Sowon.

"But it's already half empty, that shows that I like it" Sowon had no clue what she was saying at this point.

"No it doesn't. Eunha drank it" Yerin facepalmed. What Sowon said made no sense.

"I drank it" Sowon fired back.

"Ok then drink some more so you can prove it to me" Yerin kept pushing the bottle in Sowon's direction.

"No I'm full. I just drank some and have no room for more" Sowon rubbed her belly but she knew that Yerin was going to make her give in within a minute or so.

"Then that proves it was Eunha" Yerin had a cheeky grin as she went to put the bottle back.

"Wait! Ok fine I'll drink some" Sowon snatched the bottle out of Yerin's hand and took the cap off. She slowly put her lips against the edge which tasted like a mixture of apple juice and Eunha's lipstick.

"What's taking you so long to drink it?" Yerin impatiently watched as Sowon began to very slowly tilt the bottle.

"I can't do it!" Sowon quickly pulled away. It wasn't worth drinking the juice.

"Look even Eunha's lipstick is on the bottle. You're such a liar" Yerin shook her head in disappointment as she put the juice back in the fridge.

"I sincerely apologize" Sowon sarcastically responded.

"Do you think this is funny? You're having sex with a woman who has a husband and a child. There is nothing funny about this" Yerin turned around with a serious expression yet she looked shocked that Sowon said such a thing at a time like this.

"She won't soon..." Sowon mumbled but loud enough for Yerin to slightly hear her.

"What do you mean by that?" Yerin began to think that maybe Sowon would ruin Eunha's marriage on purpose.

"Nothing. I don't know what I'm talking about" Sowon leaned against the counter and quietly laughed at herself.

"Why are you laughing? Sowon something serious is going on and it's not just that you're seeing a happily married woman behind the husband's back, so what is it? What's wrong?" Yerin could tell that Sowon was struggling with something else and she wanted to know before it got out of hand.

"I messed up. I really fucked up big time..." Sowon unexpectedly covered her face with her hands and broke down in tears.

"I know you did" it was so sudden, Yerin had no idea what to do except for agree with her.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Sowon glared at her.

"Well then what is it?" Yerin furrowed her eyebrows. Now she was actually concerned for her.

"Yerin I feel so bad about doing it. I'm too ashamed to admit it but I want to get it off my chest so I can feel relieved" Sowon wiped her tears and took a deep breath. Sowon didn't cry unless she seriously did something wrong, so Yerin wasn't going to play any games right now. She needed to make sure Sowon was okay.

"Sowon calm down and tell me when you're ready. I will wait" Yerin leaned against the counter across from Sowon.

Yerin waited patiently for Sowon to collect her thoughts and calm down. She stared at the floor the entire time to make things less awkward and so that Sowon wouldn't feel as pressured to speak. She took a couple deep breaths and finally opened her mouth to speak.

"I took advantage of Eunha" Sowon hesitantly admitted.

"Ok hold on what do you mean you took advantage of her? In what way?" Yerin didn't want to make Sowon feel even worse, but she knew that it was Sowon's fault for the actions she chose so she couldn't really sympathize for her.

"Well I know that during pregnancy a woman's hormones can be a little crazy and out of control. I thought that maybe if I can take advantage of those emotions and hormones then I could make her attracted to me again. I know it's wrong but I couldn't help myself" Sowon had the saddest look in her red and teary eyes.

"Oh Sowon" Yerin facepalmed along with a sigh.

"I know, Yerin. I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't take it any longer. I tried to move on, I really did. I had multiple one-night stands to try to find the one that could replace her but I couldn't. I can't move on!" Umji and Eunbi stopped laughing when they heard shouting coming from down stairs.

"How is having one-night stands gonna help you find the person to replace her? Relationships aren't all about sex" Yerin couldn't believe Sowon's comment.

"It was never about the sex, Yerin. Yes it's great to physically connect but I like to emotionally connect through sex. It wasn't always about the pleasure of it. I thought maybe I could find someone to emotionally connect with during the one-night stands. I couldn't find anyone."

"Well I don't know what to tell you. It's obvious that you're not going to stop seeing her. I can't believe you took advantage of her emotions like that" Yerin would never take advantage of someone because she knew exactly what it felt like to be taken advantage of. She knew it all a bit too well.

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