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Eunha decided to open all her gifts, including her wedding gifts, on her birthday. She sat down in the middle of the room and opened them one by one. The only people there was her husband, Yerin, Yuju, Umji, and Eunbi. Eunha was definitely going to have to throw some stuff away since she didn't have enough room for all these gifts.

She only had a few left, including Yuju's. Eunha was actually worried to open Yuju's gift, she always got weird things. But after all, Yuju was weird and she loved her for it.

"What is this?" Eunha stared at her gift in shock and disgust.

"It's a condom! So you don't get pregnant again" Yuju threw her head back in laughter like a child.

"You're so weird" Eunha laughed along with her.

"That's a small one and it's a circle, open it" Yerin pointed to the smallest gift out of all of them. And no, it wasn't the gift Yerin got for her.

"It's a...fruit?" Eunha looked at the apple with a curious expression. Why would someone give her an apple?

"Wait there's a message" Umji pointed to a little piece of paper that was wrapped along with the apple.

"Read it aloud" Eunwoo said before she began looking at the note. She didn't even look at who it was from before she read it.

"There's a wish in every apple" Eunha immediately thought of Sowon since that's what her name meant in Korean. And of course it was from Sowon. Eunha reread it because she didn't quite understand it yet she did at the same time.

"That's weird? Who's it from?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. It doesn't have a name" Eunha lied. Yerin could see that it said it was from Sowon but she decided to let Eunha keep it a secret for some reason. This gave Yerin evidence that Eunwoo didn't know who Sowon was.

"Well I'm gonna go pack our bags for our honeymoon" Eunwoo smiled at them all before going upstairs.

"Sowon texted me" Umji whispered once he was out of sight.

"Well what did she say?" Yuju asked. Umji looked at the message and read it aloud.

SW: I already got all my stuff out of the house, so you don't need to worry about me taking up a full room of space when I'm not there. I wanted to talk before I left the wedding but everyone looked so busy and I didn't want to be a burden. Also, your little sister was waiting outside the house for some reason. I let her inside but I didn't have time for her to tell me what the problem is. And congratulations on the wedding and baby, Eunha. I really didn't mean for things to turn out this way. But I am truly happy for you. I am happy for all of you.

"Well what does that mean?" Eunha asked.

"I'm not sure" Umji shrugged.

"Is she leaving or something?"

"No. It didn't say anything about her leaving. I think she's just taking some time away" Umji explained as she reread the message again.

"She told me she's going back to college" Yerin said.

"Really? She said she's just gonna go stay over at Kim's house for awhile" Eunbi responded. Obviously Sowon was lying to one of them.

"No she told me that she's not seeing Kim anymore" Yuju shared. They all had different stories, so what was it that Sowon was hiding?

"Why don't you guys go back to the house and try to catch her before she leaves? You can ask her where she's going then" Eunha suggested.

"Is that okay with you? I was hoping we could spend a little more time together on your birthday" Yerin frowned. Everything seemed to be going well between all of them and that's all she wanted.

"Yeah it's fine. I'm leaving at 5:00pm so you have plenty of time" Eunha reassuringly smiled while she shooed them away.

"Alright we'll be back later then" they all waved goodbye and hustled out the door in an organized line.


"Is it just me or does it smell like something is burning?" Yuju sniffed the air.

"Maybe one of the neighbors is grilling meat for a party" Umji pointed to a random house in their neighborhood.

"Oh my god the house is on fire!" Yuju gasped and pointed at the house in front of them.

"Obviously Yuju!" Yerin stomped on the breaks and hurried out of the car.

"I'm not going in there" Eunbi refused. The group stood in front of the house in shock.

"My sister is in there! And Sowon!" Umji panicked.

"I'll go" Yuju ran towards the door before they could stop her. Usually it would've been Yerin who went inside but Yuju wanted to help.

"Sowon? Jiwon?" Yuju called out the two names.

She checked downstairs and in the music room but no one was in sight. She hustled up the stairs and searched the rooms for the two missing girls. Yuju tried to get into Sowons room but the door was locked.

She pushed but the door wouldn't budge. She even tried to throw herself at the door but she couldn't do it. She kept shouting their names, hoping they would wake up. Maybe they were already dead?

Yuju couldn't stay in the house much longer. The smoke made it way too difficult for her to breathe. She already felt like she was suffocating. She took a deep breath and used all her force to kick down the door.

She immediately found Sowon and Jiwon laying on the floor unconscious. It looked like Jiwon had hit her head on the corner of Sowons desk since there was blood dripping off the edge of it.

"Sowon wake up!" Yuju tried to shake her body to wake her up. She thought there was no possible way that she was going to be able to carry the both of them out of here.

"Where is she? It shouldn't be taking this long" Umji worried. She couldn't stop moving her body because she was growing impatient and anxious.

"Yuju, the box in Yerin's room. Grab it" Sowon mumbled, still unable to move. She felt weak and exhausted.

"No I'm not leaving you. I have to get you both out of here alive" Yuju grabbed Sowon's arms and helped her to stand up properly.

"You don't understand. She'll be devastated if I don't get it for her" Sowon tried to walk but ended up collapsing into Yuju's arms again.

"Sit down" Yuju sat Sowon down on the bed to give her a second to rest.

"You're gonna have to walk since she's still unconscious" Yuju explained whilst she wrapped Jiwon's arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go" Yuju made her way out of the room and walked slowly towards the stairs, Jiwon's weight was effecting her pace. Sowon followed behind her.

"Where's Sowon?" Yerin asked once Yuju got outside.

"What? She was behind—where is she? I thought she was behind me" Yuju turned around but Sowon wasn't in sight.

"I can't believe she's still trying to get to that box" Yuju could only assume that's what she was doing. "Stay here. I'll be right back" Yuju tried going back inside but Eunbi stopped her.

"Wait a minute. She might come out. And you shouldn't go back in there" Eunbi kept a tight hold on Yuju's arm so she couldn't leave. Umji and her sister were hugging the whole time while Umji interrogated her.

Yerin anxiously stared at the door, hoping Sowon would come out soon.

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